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Trans State of Duckapore
Activity levelHigh (as of 07/24/2020)
AllianceLaurentian Seas Alliance
Capital cityDuckapore Island
GovernmentMonarchical Apartheid Trans Ethnostate
• Queen
Preceded byJohtunheim (in western claims)
IdeologyTwinkism, Dogmatic Transrightsism

The Trans State of Duckapore is a Nation located offshore to the East and inland in the West of Napistan. It is bordered by Acadia to the north, Carbon the South and the IWW to the North, South, East and West. Duckapore is a Trans Apartheid Ethnostate ruled by Queen Heyduckhi and the Duckapore Thomas Party.



Map of Duckapore's territory

Duckapore was founded by heyduckhi on the 7th of April 2020 on the artificial island of Duckapore. It was formed as a refuge for the persecuted trans ethnic minority in CivRealms. Duckapore was immediately thrown into turmoil as the Peoples Republic of Bremerhaven accused it of mistreating its cage-bound immigrants. Crisis was averted, however, as the Duckapore Ministry of Truth was quick to dispel the accusations and assure the people that the immigrants had been adequately fed.

TRE-Columbia Conflict

During the Columbia Crises, volunteers from Duckapore took part in protests against the occupying forces of TRE.

Jotunheim Acquisition

On the 9th of June, as a result of discussion between the leader of Jotunheim, Ghoulghost, and the Queen of Duckapore, heyduckhi, Jotunheim ceded its claims in Napistan to Duckapore with all former Jotunheim Citizens free to join Duckapore. This would be the first foothold of Duckapore in the Napistan continent. On the same day, The Peoples Republic of Bremerhaven, led by Narwhal 19 gifted its claims above former Jotunheim to Duckapore.

Hell War and the founding of Iowa

On the 21st of June, during the Hell War, Duckapore, as compelled to by the LSA, took part in the conflict. This manifested not in direct combat, but in Queen heyduckhi founding the settlement of Iowa ~200 blocks from Hell Vault with the mysterious figure known simply as John Delaney. The current condition of Iowa is unknown.



Duckapore Femboy Party
Executive Cabinet
FoundedAugust 6, 2020
Shia Islamism
Pan-Napistani Nationalism
Political positionBig Tent
Members in Government
2 / 2 (100%)
Motto"Femboy Hezbollah is based"

Duckapore is an absolute trans-monarchy led by the reigning monarch, Queen heyduckhi. The Queen is the absolute ruler and decision maker, however, subordinates in The Duckapore Thomas Party act as an advisory body and also manage elements of the every-day management of the state.

The Monarchy

The Duckapore Royal Family is currently led by heyduckhi who is also the only member of the family. Turns out trans people can't have natural children so expanding this may prove difficult.

The Queen oversees social, economic military and political matters and is the Supreme Leader of The Duckapore Thomas Party.

The Duckapore Thomas Party

The Duckapore Thomas Party was for a time the sole legal political party in Duckapore and was founded on the 12th of May 2020. It served primarily as an advisory body to the queen and its senior members wereresponsible for many aspects of Duckapore's management. The national affiliation of The Duckapore Thomas Party was the Civrealms International Thomas Party led by TWINKIEminer. It was dissolved on the 11th of August 2020.

Duckapore Femboy Party

After the dissolution of the Duckapore Thomas Party, the Duckapore Femboy Party has filled its position. It functions primarily as an advisory body and holds values of Pan-Napistanism and Shia Islam.


Duckapore Island

Duckapore Island is an artificial island located to the East of Napistan. The island is shaped like a duck and the different parts of its 'body' fulfil different functions. On the islands 'head' is the immigration and customs centre. On the 'cloaca' is the Duckapore National Pub as well as alcohol making facilities. The 'egg' serves as the detention facility for illegal immigrants as they are assigned new parents and fed sufficiently. The 'legs' serve as sugar cane farms.

Napistan Claims

The Duckaporean claims in Napistan consist of former Jotunheim claims including the Mountain city of Jotun. Duckapore covers a large amount of mountain ranges and ice-fields as well as the north of the Wesser River where there are farms and guardian statues.


Jotun is the largest city in Duckapore's Napistan claims and is located within a mountain in the centre of these claims. The mountain was originally hollowed out by the tireless workers of Jotunheim before the claims were given to Duckapore.

Based Cube

In honour of Allah, a large Allah Cube has been built in order to provide a place of worship for Duckaporeans. It is located in a valley ~300m from Jotun.



BivGorb was founded on Duckapore Island with the foundation of the nation as a whole selling commemorative eggs and commemorative alcohol upon its opening. It serves as the vehicle of international trade for Duckapore.

BivGorb currently has locations in:

- Duckapore Island (Duckapore)

- Tolstoy (IWW)

- Wheaton Mall (Wheatistan)

- Rio De Patata (Wheatistan)



The state religion of Duckapore is Allah. This came after the pilgrimage of Queen heyduckhi to the Chungus Allah Cube in early July 2020. Duckapore citizens are expected to maintain a constant state of taqwa with failure to complete a regular prayer routine being severely punishable. The Duckapore Central Government has constructed a Kabaa, which remains the largest allah cube on the server, in order to honour the one true god.

Cumran and Coomerposting

Duckapore's discord is a complete disaster. It has several channels for different purposes but all of them are used regularly as shit-post channels. It is not uncommon to have multiple conversations occurring simultaneously between the same people in different channels. This has become a major element of Duckapore's culture.