Transport Union

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The Transport Union is an infrastructure and developmental organization based entirely within the nether on CivMC. Spearheaded and run by NovaCeasar, the Transport Union is based around the Danzilona Gate Safe Zone.[1] So far, workers have completed a horse safe rail tunnel to CDM Gate, and currently progress is being made on a Danz-Dalgon Gates rail of the same design.

The Transport Union administers safe zones for pearled and nether residing players, where overworld law holds according to each safe zones respective gate owner. The T.U. administering of the infrastructure outside of the safe zones are under a code of conduct, violation of the code of conduct or of the laws within the safe zones may lead to a player losing their access to the T.U. network.

Current Projects

Completed Rails & Horse Tunnels

Danzilona Gate <-> Cortesia Del Mar Gate - Horse Safe (Tunnel walls still being decorated)

Excavation Underway

Danzilona Gate <-> Dalgon Gate

Potential Projects

The Imperial Federation and the Transport Union are currently in talks relating to their nether gate and the creation of a Transport Union rail from Dalgon Gate to the Imperial Federations gate.

See also
