Lusitania (CivClassic 2.0)

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Kingdom of Lusitania
File:Flag of Lusitania.gif
Flag of Lusitania
MottoIn media res
Capital CityPortucale
GovernmentConstitutional Kingdom
MonarchKing Metriximor I
Founded2 September 2017

Lusitania is a nation located in the Northwest corner, bordered in the north by the Douro and Tagus River, and the south by the Medi Sea, there's also the colony of Ebora to the South. Politically it is bordered by Impasse in the North, SPQR on the West and Holy Jaded Empire on the south. It's a small rural economy.

Currently there is a immigration campaign, if you are looking for a place to join, speak with any Lusitan Authority to request citizenship.



The bay of Mersea and Palácio D'Ouro on the background

During the decline of CivEx 3.0, Metriximor was looking for a place to call home, after reaching Impasse and heading south in hopes of reaching the Commonwealth he stopped by in the bay of Mersea to eat some food, however, the beauty of the land and it's rich and vast natural resources made Metriximor call this place home and begin construction of the Palácio D'Ouro.

Counties Founded:

  • Portucale
  • Olissipona
  • Mersea

Construction Age

After construction on the Palácio D'Ouro began, some nomads passing by joined, and one by one Lusitania grew in population. Many infrastructure and public construction projects began in the meanwhile: A fully operational metro system, public mines, a tunnel for an international rail to Impasse, many factories, public farms, docks, roads and border defense systems. This was the most active period of Lusitania, and during this time it accumulated a lot of resources.

Counties Founded:

  • Lutetia
  • Petra

Dark Age

With the beggining of the Somber War and end of summer, the population on the whole server dropped and Lusitania was heavily affected, dropping to only a few citizens active, where culture and resources were once beeing extracted from the land, now stood empty land. During this time, the mines and chests of Lusitania were raided, the factories damaged and broken, and the buildings vandalized, leaving only a few ruins in place.

Counties Abolished:

  • Lutetia
  • Petra

Rebirth of a nation

The king Metriximor relogged a few months later to find Lusitania in ruins, and so went touring around other nations, stopping in Southshire, Yoahtl, Commonwealth, Pacem, Tierra de Conciencia, Mount Augusta and the many other cities located along the Great Western Rail. Upon renting a house in Southshire, Metriximor headed back north to Lusitania with the intent to rebuild Lusitania. Repairing the factories was the greatest priority, but what brought him back was the wish to open the Royal Lusitania Winnery to make the finnest Lusitan wines, an international product for exportation. Lusitania is still under reconstruction to this moment.


File:Lusitania Map.png
The political map of Lusitania

Lusitania's Geographic Society works on making the best maps to depict the Northwest continent accurately, it's responsible for the making of all maps related to Lusitania and collaborates with other organizations from other countries.

Borders and Colonies

The mainland of Lusitania is surrounded entirely by water, to the west and north by the Douro River, the east by the Tagus River, and to the south by the Medi sea. However there are some exceptions to this rule.

Ebora, Lusitania's colony, sits across the Medi sea, it's possible to get there by boat or by rail. There is also a small outpost on the other side of the Douro river, this is mainly to secure a biome to plant spruce trees.

Biome and Climate

The mainland of Lusitania is mostly plains, which allows for extensive farming and animal husbandry, aswell as providing a lot of easily terraformable land, however the north east tip of the landmass is a swampy area that allows access to planting mushrooms and all other kinds of swamp goods, such as slime and vines.

Mersea is a beach, which allows for the planting of Sugar Cane and other goods associated with tropical biomes.

Ebora is a mesa biome, and is the source of most clay used in the construction of every building in Lusitania, it also serves as cactus farm, but it's not very developed since chunks aren't loaded for the cactus to grow.

There's also a small outpost that is a Tundra, which allows for Spruce trees to be planted and therefore allow for more diversity in building materials.


Lusitania is subdivided into counties, which is a piece of land within defined borders approved by the Senate that is ruled by a Lord and answers directly to the monarch, within each county there are elections for the Lordship.

According to the Lusitan Constitution[1] land that does not belong to a county but is within the borders of Lusitania is to be managed by the monarch or the prime minister. With the exception of Portucale and Olissipona, which are managed by the king himself due to special status. Many counties were passed into law, however due to the abandonment and vandalization of Lusitania, many counties were abolished.

To pass a county into law a proposal must be submitted to the Senate and pass with a simple majority.


Palácio D'Ouro Aerial View

The capital county of Lusitania, here lies most of the public infraestructure of the country, from the mines to the farms, and also many of Lusitania's factories. The architectural style of Portucale is late medieval and it's famous for its bright orange acacia roofs.


A beautiful sunset on the Veneto

Mersea, the third county to be passed into law is home to some of the country factories, and most importantly, home to the Veneto Palace. The architectural style of Mersea is venetian/italian. There is no current lord, and Veneto is vacant.


Olissipona was the second county to be passed into law, however no citizen can inhabit it unless it is a testificate, and in that case, it's under protection by the constitution[1]. After the abandonment of Lusitania, Olissipona also became a bunch of ruins, and all of its inhabitants died during a purge of the server mob population.

Politics and Government

As explained in section C of the constitution[1], the Lusitan government is lead by a monarch, with a prime minister elected every fortnight. The government is split into two chambers:

  • Senate
  • House of Commons

Forming political parties is legal and encouraged.


The Senate is not directly elected, instead it is made up of the lords of each county, to ensure every corner of the nation gets represented in national politics. However, the lords of each county are also elected on a bi-weekly basis(on alternating weeks from the prime minister so that there isn't a complete overhaul of the government every two weeks) As always, Portucale and Olissipona are exceptions to the rule, since they are managed by the king they do not get representants in the senate.

House of Commons

There are eight members of the house of commons, they are appointed by the Prime Minister. It is not obligatory to appoint every single minister. Anyone but the monarch can be appointed, as long as they have Lusitan Citizenship. Their funtions are defined in an addendum to the constitution.[2]

  • Minister of Agriculture
  • Minister of Transport
  • Minister of Finances
  • Minister of War Logistics
  • Minister of Exploration
  • Minister of Construction
  • Minister of Industry
  • Minister of Excavation


National Rail Lines of Lusitania
  • Lusitania National Park - The Lusitania National Park was planted by the king in order to mass produce apples and wood. It's free to use but it's protected under Lusitan law so when a tree is chopped down a new one must be replanted in the spot of the old one and any new saplings must be planted in order to expand the park.
  • National Rail Lines - These are severely underdeveloped, there is a line going across the Medi sea to the cactus/nether warts/clay farms, another one heading to Petra which is currently abandoned, and the very important Trigo(which goes to communal farms) and Quarry, which goes to the old quarry, which nowadays fills the purpose of underground mine.
  • Royal Library of Lusitania - Not built yet, it will serve as a way to store the culture of both Lusitania and other nations that offer/sell the books to Lusitania.
  • Royal Lusitania Winnery - Under construction, here, the finest Lusitan wines will be produced
  • Public Mines - Most digging is done at y level 11, many halways are not light up so monsters are plenty, be carefull.
  • Mersea Bay-Douro River Underground Canal - This hooks Mersea Bay to the Douro river in order to cut the time it takes to travel between Lusitania and Impasse.
  • Multiple Communal Farms - Scattered all over the countryside, their purpose is to feed the populace, however many are not beeing used at the moment.
  • Téspian Auditorium - This theather hall, set for a grand opening, is where Lusitania holds public festivities, theather plays and many other public events. It's due for a grandopening celebration.


The economy of Lusitania is simple and rudimentar, confined to the basic and intermediate products available. The biggest strain on Lusitania's economy is lack of manpower, otherwise, there is ample space for farming, diamond veins are fairly common.

However, the lack of high end factories and industry makes many items unavailable, forcing them to be imported from neighboring nations, such as enchanted gear, bastions, higher level potions and exotic materials not native to Lusitania's fauna and flora(However, those can be imported and grown within the legal borders).

Lusitania is also pioneer in the use of paper money[3], the Escudo with a fixed exchange rate of 100 Escudos to 1 diamond. It is important to note this is not widely used ingame, and it's main purpose is to add flavor to the nation.(However, any legal emitted tender with a legal serial number can be exchanged at the Royal Bank of Lusitania for it's diamond equivalent)


Lusitania is famous for it's wine, the apples and nether warts grow under the intense Medi sun to produce the most authentic and flavorfull wines that are then brewed by the most skilled artisans and aged in the highest quality wooden barrels. It's exported to all corners of the map. Every single person that has drunk some wine was left yearning for more. Contact any worker of the Royal Lusitania Winnery to ask for prices.

Diplomatic Relations

Lusitania is rather irrelevant on the global stage, however there have been multiple diplomatic missions to the entire Western corner of the map and it's safe to say Lusitania enjoys good relations with all neighboors it has met so far. However, there are two nations that Lusitania has regular diplomatic contact.


The biggest, and most important political neighboor of Lusitania, Impasse is the reason why Lusitania exists, as the land it stands on was ceded by Impasse. Although Impasse has been relatively inactive, Lusitania still regularly gets in contact with some prominent figures of Impasse, there are plans for a rail line between the two nations.


Southshire is over eight thousands blocks away, however, thanks to the HITS rail line it's a short trip between the two, and Metriximor's historical ties with the people of Southshire allow for an ambient of friendliness and mutual cooperation between the two nations.


Lusitania was visited by a citizen from Columbia, and after a exchange of gifts and culture on Lusitania there was a state visit on 12 March 2018 where the king of Lusitania was given a tour of Columbia. The two nations are ammicable towards each other and in the future there is a possibility for a trade deal.

Holy Jaded Empire

ComradeNick visited Lusitania and admired it's buildings, aswell as making a very important donation to improve the economic situation of Lusitania. There was an exchange of gifts and a demonstration of the Lusitan culture , which was proceeded by a state visit to the Holy Jaded Empire by the king of Lusitania on 13 March 2018. The relations between the two nations are in very good terms and there are plans for an embassy between the two nations.


Lusitania has been visited by DarkyDu and the king has visited plantation, they are in very good terms, having shared flags, drinked together to commemorate a state visit and there are plans for embassy and for Lusitania to hire the local theater company.


There are multiple incentives and efforts by the government to develop the local culture. Some organizations were created for that purpose:

Any religion is welcome in Lusitania due to the government beeing tolerant and very liberalistic.
