The Gods of Light

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The Oaken Hall of Light, in Crowsroost, the oldest and primary temple to the Gods of Light.

The Gods of Light are the gods primarily worshipped in Verda and Provincia. A heavily syncretic faith, it takes influence from many religions such as the Irian cult of the Holy Golden Chestplates and the Augustan Church of Starry Wisdom. It's holy text is The Holy Light.

List of Gods of Light

Primary gods

  • Ogon, the Fountain/The Flame of Starry Wisdom

The creator of the universe who was slain by Nax but lives on as the Flame of Starry Wisdom.

  • The Great Sun

A solar goddess and the most powerful of Ogon's spawn. She killed Nax the Extinguisher.

  • Protus, the Protector

A divine blacksmith who forged the Holy Chestplates and taught mortals how to craft armour and fortifications.

Lesser gods

  • Eretos, the Mystic of Starry Wisdom
  • Gaston, he who is roughly the size of a barge

Gaston is a Demigod who gifted Man with lavish sport, and a renewed spirit for adventure and courage. He was birthed from the North Woods, and eventually ascended from mere acts of protecting the woods and it's neighboring lands to legendary acts of heroism and bravery. Although seen by few, he has been characterized as being able to swallow four dozen eggs(five dozen now that he's grown), having an affinity for interior decorating with antlers, and being immensely large, some might say as large as a barge.

  • The Tree-God Ashdun
  • K'odren, God of the Forgotten
  • Wystus, Patron god of Law and Ceremony

Gods of Darkness

  • Nax the Extinguisher, spawn of the void and killer of Ogon
A shrine to Protus north of Threepton