Subreddits (Civcraft)
A list of subreddits related to Civcraft. Some subredits are closed to members only and require permission from the moderators of the subreddit.
Most of these subs, bar the main sub and some of the more active group ones, are inactive. Mostly because their groups died, or interest in them dried up. A list of subreddits, most of them still active, can be found here.
Public Subreddits
General Subreddits
Main subreddit for CivCraft. Moderators: Spyignwind, ttk2
Subreddit concerning in-game trading.
Subreddit concerning the map for cities, landmarks, and transport systems.
Subreddit aspiring to serve as a guide to the various (public) libraries out there by inviting librarians to post lists of the written book collections they manage.
Moderators: BlueMoonP, Stakhanovi, Marcus_Flaminius
Subreddit serving to collect and archive visual art and design made by Civcraftians for and about Civcraft, including propaganda, advertisements, art, PSAs, and more.
Moderator: Toastedspikes
Subreddit concerning the LSIF. Moderators: woundedgod, bobpndrgn, Laws-cant-control, CharioteerOut
Subreddit for the city of Aytos. Moderators: 10footbargepoll, Made0fMeat, Rykleos, stratmatt57, Dr_Oracle
Public subreddit for the city of Carbon. Moderators: FLMedic, pbjork, TacticalSandwich, Zippityblckmm, lced0ut, Ellemennohpee, functionalityman
Subreddit for the city of Danzilona. Moderators: gantAR1, umdshaman, RodgersGates, wingnut4096
Subreddit for the city of Fellowship. Moderators: l3oat, ryumast3r, Soulcomplex, Ieatpotato, Akiyama64, MobsteinKillgore, AsianGod01, frogfood4
Subreddit for the city of Haven. Moderators: EnigmaticHobo, thecriminalmind
Subreddit for the city of loveshack. Moderators: Toastedspikes
Subreddit for the city of Mount Augusta.
Private Subreddits
Subreddit concerning the LSIF. Moderators: bodhidharma6, CricketPinata, bobpndrgn, woundedgod, Laws-cant-control, SovietCanadian, Strongman332, CharioteerOut, Honcho21.
Subreddit concerning the Kingdom of Gondolin. Moderators: WildWeazel, valadian
Subreddit concerning the Kingdom of Prussia. Moderators: _dbb_, avraham1, Koentinius, Chuckizzle, GezGez
Subreddit concerning the city of Agora.
Subreddit concerning the 1399638248.