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Leo Simensen
Personal Info
Current Citizenships
Known ForBuilding the Deluvia rail network, Brewery drink discovery
Main ResidenceSimensen Freeport,
Pride Isles
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerTheRealmsMC
Iterations played on

S0uthw3st (also known as Leo Simensen or Leo of Freeport) is a mediumfriend who has been active on TheRealmsMC and CivMC.


S0uthw3st was active during the Spera iteration of TheRealmsMC as a member of the furry-led city of Salinas, located in the southern desert of the map. He served as the High Priest of Lux, and contributed to the construction of Salinas's docks and the large network of canals allowing the passage of boats across the continent.


On CivMC, s0uthw3st is the leader of the Pride Isles, and a dual citizen in Pavia, Reggio Argeddina, and (following a dispute involving accusations of the theft of an advanced ore smelter from the Imperial capital) the Imperial Federation. He served as the third Chancellor of the Imperial Federation, a senator representing the Pridelands and later the state of Freeport, and the Chief of Construction. He also constructed the island city of Simensen Freeport in the Southern Sea, which serves as the current capital of the Pride Isles.

Current and Previous Ranks

 Imperial Federation

  • Chancellor (November 2022 term)
  • Chief of Construction
  • Senator, Pridelands
  • Senator, Freeport


  • Steward of the Pride
  • Ruler of Freeport / Lionsgate Archipelago

Pride Isles

  • Jarl of the Pride Isles
  • Ruler of Simensen Freeport