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Realistic Biomes is a plugin that is popularly used on the Civ Genre. It both, allows the customization of growth time and the location of where certain crops can grow.

CivClassic 2.0 Growth Rates


Biomes: deep_ocean, ocean, stone_shore

Plant Growth Time
Wheat 30h


Biomes: river, beach

Plant Growth Time
Wheat 12h
Sugar cane 12h
Oak Tree 12h
Birch Tree 12h
Dark Oak Tree 12h

Cold Water

Biomes: snowy_beach, frozen_ocean, frozen_river

Plant Growth Time
Spruce Tree 12h
Wheat 30h


Biomes: plains, sunflower_plains, savanna, savanna_plateau, shattered_savanna, shattered_savanna_plateau

Plant Growth Time
Wheat 3h
Beetroots 3h
Potatoes 6h
Acacia Tree 6h
Carrots 12h
Oak Tree 24h
Birch Tree 24h
Melon 25.0%
Melon stem 25.0%
Pumpkin 25.0%
Pumpkin stem 25.0%


Biomes: birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, dark_forest, dark_forest_hills, flower_forest, forest, tall_birch_forest, tall_birch_hills, wooded_hills

Plant Growth Time
Oak Tree 3h
Birch Tree 3h
Wheat 4h
Beetroots 4h
Dark Oak Tree 6h


Biomes: ice_spikes, giant_spruce_taiga, giant_spruce_taiga_hills, giant_tree_taiga, giant_tree_taiga_hills, taiga, taiga_hills, taiga_mountains, snowy_tundra, snowy_mountains, snowy_taiga, snowy_taiga_hills, snowy_taiga_mountains

Plant Growth Time
Spruce Tree 8h
Wheat 12h
Potatoes 12h
Beetroots 12h
Pumpkin 100.0%
Pumpkin stem 100.0%

Cold Forest

Biomes: giant_spruce_taiga, giant_spruce_taiga_hills, giant_tree_taiga, giant_tree_taiga_hills, taiga, taiga_hills, taiga_mountains

Plant Growth Time
Spruce Tree 3h
Dark Oak Tree 12h

Hot Dry

Biomes: desert, desert_hills, desert_lakes, badlands, badlands_plateau, eroded_badlands, wooded_badlands_plateau

Plant Growth Time
Acacia Tree 3h
Wheat 12h
Beetroots 12h
Carrots 30h
Nether wart 64h
Cactus 100.0%

Hot Rainy

Biomes: jungle, jungle_edge, jungle_hills, modified_jungle, modified_jungle_edge

Plant Growth Time
Carrots 3h
Sugar cane 6h
Jungle Tree 6h
Oak Tree 12h
Cocoa 24h
Wheat 30h
Melon 50.0%
Melon stem 50.0%


Biomes: mountains, mountain_edge, gravelly_mountains, modified_gravelly_mountains, wooded_mountains

Plant Growth Time
Potatoes 3h
Spruce Tree 8h
Wheat 12h
Beetroots 12h
Pumpkin 100.0%
Pumpkin stem 100.0%


Biomes: badlands, badlands_plateau, eroded_badlands, wooded_badlands_plateau, modified_badlands_plateau, modified_wooded_badlands_plateau

Plant Growth Time
Acacia Tree 3h
Wheat 12h
Beetroots 12h
Carrots 30h
Potatoes 30h
Nether wart 64h
Cactus 50.0%


Biomes: mushroom_fields, mushroom_field_shore

Plant Growth Time
Wheat 12h
Beetroots 12h
Oak Tree 12h
Birch Tree 12h
Spruce Tree 12h
Nether wart 32h


Biomes: swamp, swamp_hills

Plant Growth Time
Dark Oak Tree 3h
Carrots 6h
Sugar cane 12h
Oak Tree 12h
Cocoa 24h
Wheat 30h
Melon 100.0%
Melon stem 100.0%


Biomes: nether_wastes, soul_sand_valley, crimson_forest, warped_forest, basalt_deltas

Plant Growth Time
Wheat 6h
Beetroots 6h
Nether wart 16h
Oak Tree 24h
Potatoes 30h
Cactus 50.0%


Biomes: end_barrens, end_highlands, end_midlands, the_void, the_end

Plant Growth Time
Wheat 6h
Beetroots 6h
Oak Tree 24h
Carrots 30h
Potatoes 30h