Entranan Transcontinental Express

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Flag of the Entranan Republic
Flag of the Commonwealth

Entranan Transcontinental Route

The Entranan Transcontinental Express (E.T.E.) was a direct high-speed rail line from Entrana, Entranan Republic, to Westminster, The Commonwealth- providing a direct rail link from the +,+ quadrant to the -,+ quadrant. The rail line was completed on the 1st of September, 2018.

The Journey between Entrana and Westminster took around 33 minutes, vastly shortening travel times between both cities. Large parts of the rail were only one rail wide, with both nations having aimed to upgrade these sections. Nations wanting to connect to the E.T.E were advised to contact Burgermeister Shtim of the Entranan Republic, on reddit or in game.

  • Entrana Central Station, terminus for the Entranan Transcontinental Express
  • Westminster Station, terminus for the Entranan Transcontinental Express