Doom City Conflict

Revision as of 20:43, 19 December 2023 by Shadno (talk | contribs)

The Doom City Conflict was a war initiated on CivMC between December 15th & December 19th (starting date contested) and continuing until [ONGOING]. The most notable opening salvo of the conflict was an escalation at the border between MTA & Doom City, where a bridge between the 2 nations was covered in obsidian[1] by Doom City fighters. This fight was following days of increasing tensions[2] between the two countries and citizens of the BUILD alliance. Following this, Nightmarr, SymSquid, and Defender4488 were all pearled in the fighting, leading Defender4488 to declare that a State of War[3] existed between Doom City and BUILD.



Course of the Conflict




See also
