Comprehensive Guide:Production

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Factorymod single image summary

More efficient item production

Most factories offer an increase in yield in exchange for a high setup and upkeep cost, such as the diamond sword smith which creates 15 diamond swords for only 10 diamonds (three times more efficient than vanilla crafting). Some factories create a rare output through an alternate method, such as the aesthetics factory which produces mossy stone brick from stone brick and vines. Finally, there are factories that create entirely new outputs, among these: compactors, allowing a stack of materials to be turned into a single item; printing presses printing notes with unique serial numbers (can be used for currency).


Create a factory by placing a furnace, a crafting table and a chest or double chest side by side. Hit each component while holding a stick to interact with the factory.

  • The furnace is used to run the factory. Place charcoal (coal will not work) in either or both furnace slots. Hit the furnace with a stick to toggle the factories activation (turning it on or off).
  • The crafting table is used to select which factory recipe to run. Hit the crafting table with a stick to open the 'Select a recipe' GUI. Here you can mouse over an item to see which recipe it corresponds to and the number of times it has been run. Left click an item to switch recipe.
  • The chest is where recipe inputs and outputs are deposited. Hit the chest with a stick to see factory type and health.

Complete the factory setup by placing a dirt block in the chest and running the factory. This creates the dirt factory, from which all other factories are derived. Use the commands /fm and /fm [factory name] to see all factories and their recipes.


Factories have health which degrades over several monthscitation needed. When the health reaches zero only the repair factory recipe can be ran. This recipe is found in every factories 'Select a recipe' GUI and is symbolized by the furnace item. The cost to repair a factory ranges from 5 to 15% of setup costcitation needed. After around 2 years of not being repaired the factory will break permanently. If a component (furnace, crafting table and chest) or all components of the factory are broken not by time but physically they can be replaced in the same location and the factory can be recreated for only half of the initial factory recipe creation cost.


  • If the chest becomes full during a factory run, output has no free slots to be deposited to and will be wasted.
  • The crafting tables 'Select a recipe' GUI has two settings consistent across all factories. The 'Toggle auto select' setting, symbolized by a redstone block is found in all factories and when turned on factory automatically selects any recipe it has the ingredients to run when activated. Be careful as some factories create an output in one recipe and take it as input in another recipe meaning the two products cycle until charcoal runs out. The 'Open menu' setting symbolized by a painting opens a GUI equivalent to the /fm [factory name] command.
  • Redstone that activated the factory furnace will cause the factory to run
  • Factories can be placed vertically with a furnace at the bottom, a crafting table in the middle and a chest or double chest at the top.
  • It is possible to create a factory without making a dirt factory first by placing materials needed in the chest instead of the single dirt blockcitation needed.

Special factories

Printing press

  • A signed book can be turned into a printing plate. The printing plate can then be used in the following recipes : 'Print Book' which makes multiple book copies (without appending 'copy of'); 'Print Note' which makes a readable pamphlet from the first page of a book; 'Print Secure Note' which prints a note and appends the printing plates unique serial number.


Compacted items look no different, yet their lore text can be found on mouse over
  • The compactor turns a stack of items and a crate (which is made in a carpentry factory) into one lored compacted item, making it useful for carrying resources. The compacted item stacks meaning a compacted stack can hold the square of said item stack size. For example, a compacted stack of stone (which stacks to 64) fits into one inventory slot yet contains 4096 stone. A compacted stack of ender pearls (which stacks to 16) fits into one inventory slot yet contains 256 ender pearls. The exception is items which do not stack, such as swords, as 8 of any unstackable item will compact into one. All compacted items must have the same NBT data, for example, you can only compact eight swords if each has same enchantment and enchantment ordercitation needed.) Unlike compacted blocks, which cannot be placed, compacted tools armor, ender pearls and so on can be used as normal. Be warned this provides no advantage and waste resources (For example when you use a compacted sword and uncompact it the durability of each uncompacted sword equals the durability on the compacted input object effectively using durability 8 times faster). Selecting the 'Uncompact' recipe will return a full stack of items taking ingredient of 1 compacted item. Crates are not returned.

Cauldron factories

  • XP cannot be gained through vanilla means and must be made in cauldron factories. These create emeralds from large amounts of common crops. The advanced cauldron factory takes compacted materials as ingredients.


Additional factories with special outputs include the Bastion factory which creates lored bastion blocks (see : Bastion )

Some factory configs are set to be less efficient than vanilla. Smelt lapis into lapis blocks in ore smelter gives less output than using fortune III. Recipes for concrete/diorite/andesite/granite are less efficient than vanilla crafting Citation Needed

Realistic Biomes

Realistic Biomes (RB) alters the growth rate for most crops and trees in different biomes.

Growth rate

It is possible to check the growth rate by left clicking on the ground with the seed/crop in hand. Additionally, right-clicking an active crop with a stick will tell you how long it will take until it is fully grown (for a time-based crop). Check the spreadsheet for more information.

Some biomes are better than others and it's important to know what plant is best to grow in each biome. Usually in optimal setting it can take around 3 hours for small crops like wheat and potatoes, and trees can take anywhere between 3 to 8 hours.

For crops like Cactus, Melons, Pumpkins, and Mushrooms, it will list a percent instead of how many hours it will be finished in. This is because these are chance-based growth according to vanilla, so for example it will sometimes be a 10% chance for a melon to spawn, compared to vanilla.

Speeding up growth

Placing clay directly below the block the crop will grow on will improve the growth rate of the crop. Placing more than 4 clay block below will not improve the rate further.

4 blocks of clay directly below a crop will significantly speed up the growth
Growth improvement
Blocks of clay Crop with fixed growth time Crop with fixed growth time (cumulative) Crop with percentage based growth Crop with percentage based growth (cumulative)
1 -33% -33% +50% +50%
2 -25% -50% +50% +100%
3 -20% -60% +50% +150%
4 -16.5% -66% +50% +200%

Growing outside of usual biomes

Placing glowstone above the crop will allow the crop to grow in area where it wouldn't normally grow.

Animal breeding

The success rate when breeding animals is biome dependent.

Editor's note: Find link to spreadsheet on animal breeding rate.


Disable vanilla ore generation.

Ores other than diamond will randomly spawn when mining stone. Diamond will only spawn in large clusters and aren't scattered everywhere.

The chance to get an ore is based on the (number of faces revealed by breaking a block) + (block itself)

Mining diamonds

Diamonds will spawn at the vanilla height, below layer Y=17.

Diamonds veins are randomly generated using a Perlin noise. The diamond density in a vein seems higher near the center.

A message will be displayed every time a diamond ore spawns.


See Mining

wjkroeker's method, one of the most space efficient

How to mine diamonds

  • Mining a long tunnel is a good way to find veins.
  • Marking diamonds will help discern the shape of the vein.


(Brewery Guide)

Arthropod eggs

Killing a mob with a weapon that has the "Bane of the Arthropods" enchantment will sometime make the mob drop a egg of its respective type.

Each level of "Bane of the Arthropods" will increase the drop rate by 3%. The drop rate will also be increased by 2% for every "Looting" enchantment level.

A monster that drops a spawn egg will not drop loot.

Spawn eggs drop rate
Enchantment Drop rate
Without Looting Looting I Looting II Looting III
Bane of the Arthropods I 3% 5% 7% 9%
Bane of the Arthropods II 6% 8% 10% 12%
Bane of the Arthropods III 9% 11% 13% 15%
Bane of the Arthropods IV 12% 14% 16% 18%
Bane of the Arthropods V 15% 17% 19% 21%

It is possible to get the spawn eggs of all passive mobs except for Snow and Iron Golems


Fossils will often drop when mining. They can be cracked using the "Ore Smelter" factory for a chance to get extra loot.

Fossils drop
Drop Probability (%) Amount
Dirt! 89.4945318 1
Player Skull (any) 9.11764684 1
Spawn egg (1) 0.470588224 1
City bastion 0.037037 1
Jukebox 0.029411764 1
Prismarine crystals 0.029411788 3
Prismarine shards 0.029411764 5
Bucket 0.029411764 1
Iron horse armor 0.029411764 1
Minecart 0.062352939 1
Disk (any) 0.035294119 1
Lapis/Iron/Redstone Block (any) 0.088235292 1
Emerald/Diamond (any) 0.058823528 1
Noteblock 0.029411764 5
Iron pickaxe 0.29411764 1
Iron spade/sword/axe (any) 0.088235292 1
Beacon 0.0037037 1
Charcoal 0.0037037 2048
Spawn eggs (2) 0.0518518 1
Diamond block 0.0037037 1
Iron ingots 0.0037037 64
Piece of diamond armor (any) 0.0148148 1
Diamond axe/pickaxe/shovel 0.0111111 1
Bastion 0.0037037 1
Diamond horse armor 0.0037038 1
Silk Touch book 0.00110909 1
Enchanted Books (3) 0.00725454 1
Imcando Pick (4) 0.00040909 1
Apollo's Bow (5) 0.00040909 1
Clockback (6) 0.00040909 1
Gezo (7) 0.00040909 1
Egg of Creation (8) 0.00000001 1

(1) any of the following: Vindicator, Vex, Silverfish, Endermite, Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse, Donkey, Polar Bear, Parrot, Llamma, Wolf, Squid, Ocelot, Rabbit, Horse, Mooshroom.

(2) any of the following: Zombie Pigman, Enderman, Cave Spider, Villager, Witch, Slime, Magma Cube, Guardian, Ghast, Blaze, Spider, Skeleton, Zombie, Creeper

(3) any of the following: Power V, Infinity, Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Sharpness V, Protection IV

(4) Lored diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III

(5) Lored bow with Power V, Unbreaking III, Flame I and Infinity

(6) Lored watch with Knockback III

(7) Lored paper

(8) Lored dragon egg


(See Enchanting)

  • Enchanting does not consume any Lapis Lazuli and works in a similar manner than the pre 1.8 enchanting system.
  • The only way to get XP is by crafting bottle o' enchanting by placing an emerald in a crafting grid.
  • One bottle o' enchanting will always give 10 XP points. This means that a level 30 enchant will require 140 bottles.
  • Items can be infinitely repaired and the repair cost is capped at level 35.


See Botting