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On ''May 4th, 2023'' 6114 announced his candidacy for Member of Parliment, on ''5/7/2023'' he officially WON.
== Member Of Parliament ''(5/7/2023-present6/28/2023)'' ==
on 5/7/2023 6114 was officially elected to MP of Icarus. apart of the NNP party. On May 26, he proposed a bill to remove [[CredixYt|CredixYT]] as Prime Minister and appoint his fellow Parliament member Jamiemie as PM, this was successful. He also propose a bill to create the "Ministries Of Turtles" a official position to maintain the turtle population. This Bill however failed.

Revision as of 19:09, 11 August 2023

6114 being an intrepid explorer
Personal Info
Current Citizenships Icarus (CivMC)
Known For
  • Weekly Activity Check Champion
Main ResidenceSwamp Town
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivMC
Iterations played on

6114 is a CivMC Player, he is known for being fairly active in the early days of the 2nd Icarus Republic. He is known for being A Member Of The Icarian Parliament during the downfall of Icarus, a former Judge for Icarus and the former Vice-Chairman of the New Nationalist Party


Early Days

6114 Joined the server on June 6th, 2022, He became a citizen of Icarus that very same day. He Originally lived in Atlas the first city of Icarus, There he build a tall tower with the Icarus flag displayed on the side. During the Cordoba Crisis, he was one of the people who discovered Grumpywalnut96's Illegal Snitches in Cordoba and helped Icarus Officials dig them up.

On June 27th, 2022 He was one of the first people to leave Atlas and take up resident In Blue Cove (Icarus Capital City). On Arriving he quickly through together a house he called "Maison de la jungle"

the house 6114 built on arriving in Blue Cove for the first time. Affectionately named "Maison de la jungle" (circa July 2022)

The August Stakeout

the memorial in Blue Cove that AbbyShapiro griefed during the raid

on August 1st, 2022 Abbyshapiro logged on and raided the entirety of Blue Cove, Including 6114's house. 6114 took this personally because he broke into his animal pens and massacred all his animals. He was the one who discovered AbbyShapiro had covered the memorial in Blue Cove in jungle logs, and had reinforced them making it harder to break. Him and LIQUID STEREO ended up breaking them that same day, which took 45 minutes.

On The night of August 2nd, 2022 AbbyShapiro was caught on snitches in Icarus Territory once again. trying to avoid a second raid LiquidStereo decided to log on and wait for AbbyShapiro. However he had to log off for the night.

6114 decided to log on and wait for AbbyShapiro by himself. an Allied player named Doommad came to Icarus and gave him Golden Apples and Potions to help him defend Blue Cove. with this 6114 Sat on the top of his Sugar Cane Farm and waited for AbbyShapiro for 3.5 hours. at around Midnight August 3rd, 2022 AbbyShapiro Logged off for the night and 40 minutes after that 6114 and LiquidStereo decided that Blue Cove was secure.

Turtle Sanctuary

After some Icarians started to kill turtles in Blue Cove on a large scale. 6114 decided to build a Turtle Sanctuary on the eastern part of the lake. after he did this he put all the turtles in it. However they wanted to leave, and because of this their AI broke because they couldn't return to their spawn point, so the turtles ended up always huddled up against the entrance trying to escape. 6114 quickly abandoned the project however causing IceBoy to quickly become the pro tempore steward of the sanctuary. it was officially given to IceBoy by 6114 on December 22nd, 2022


Swamp Town

Swamp town is a small town located in the Swamps west of the Mountains that surround Blue Cove. It's only resident is 6114. The town is known for it's great jungle wood pyramid and it's castle, the only one in Icarus.

the Wood Pyramid drenched in fog


6114's fishing boat

6114 has also built a boat it is located in Icarus land at the west border of the world. Here is where he goes to fish for a variety of items. He has also built a storage house slightly east of the boat on the shoreline.

Running For Government

Interim Parliamentary Election of the 2nd Icarian Republic

6114 first time running for Icarus government was July 7th, 2022, when he ran for Member Of Parliament during the "Interim Parliamentary Election of the 2nd Icarian Republic". he ran against IceBoy and lost by one vote.

2nd Presidential Election of the 2nd Icarian Republic

6114 declared his candidacy for President on October 22nd, 2022. He ran on a campaign of building a gigantic wall that would surround the entirety of Icarus. Critics noted that this was unrealistic, and that parliament wouldn't pass a infrastructure bill of this size because I'd be to expensive. He quickly lost the race.

4th Parliamentary Election of the 2nd Icarian Republic

On October 27th, 2022, 6114 ran for Member Of Parliament once again. He Forgot to vote in this election, however that would have not helped him. He lost this election as well.

5th Parliamentary Election of the 2nd Icarian Republic

On December 30th, 2022, he ran again for Member Of Parliament, he was ranked higher than last elections on peoples ranked choice ballots. however that was not enough he lost officially on January 3rd, 2022.

2nd Judicial Election of the 2nd Icarian Republic

On March 3rd, 2023, 6114 formally announced his candidacy to be a Icarian Judge. The election voting started on March 6th, 2023, where 6114 ran unopposed. On March 8th, 2023 He was officially declared the winner and took office the same day.

7th Parliamentary Election Of The 2nd Icarian Republic

On May 4th, 2023 6114 announced his candidacy for Member of Parliment, on 5/7/2023 he officially WON.

Member Of Parliament (5/7/2023-6/28/2023)

on 5/7/2023 6114 was officially elected to MP of Icarus. apart of the NNP party. On May 26, he proposed a bill to remove CredixYT as Prime Minister and appoint his fellow Parliament member Jamiemie as PM, this was successful. He also propose a bill to create the "Ministries Of Turtles" a official position to maintain the turtle population. This Bill however failed.

after icarus was disolved after the events of the Buttsecs war parliament as well as icarus collapse. leaving 6114 out of a job. 6114 decided to not run for reelection during the 8th Parliamentary election.

Military Service

On January 26th, 2023, Prime Minister Zolo17 conducted a survey on military readiness across Icarus. After taking this survey, 6114 was officially enlisted in the National Guard. With an overall PVP ranking of 5/10 on the same day.

4/25/2023, On April 23rd 2023 Icarus officially was at war with gang shi. 6114 participated in this war. he went to gang shi where he spent circa 30 minutes walking around and saw nobody. He logged off, and the next day logged on and saw that Icarus had won the war. That was all his participation

Renouncing Of Icarus Citizenship/Hiatus

On February 13th, 2023, 6114 formally renounced his citizenship for Icarus, went on hiatus, this was to maintain a good life balance, On March 4th, 2023, 6114 returned to the server and reclaimed citizenship

as of 6/29/2023, after the dissolution of Icarus, 6114 until further notice is on hiatus

Tenure as Judge (March 8th, 2023-May 7th 2023)

The President of Icarus (CreditYT) announcing 6114's election win as Judge

6114 was elected as The 2nd Icarian Republic's second ever elected Judge, he took office on March 8th, 2023 serving alongside ManicManiac who was elected Judge earlier the previous month. Later that Month on March 31st, 2023. 6114 Joined the New Nationalist Party and became the first Icarian Judge to do so. as well as the first Icarian judge to declare themselves apart of a party. He did nothing and resigned on May 7th 2023, after becoming A Member Of The Parliament as he deemed it unfair to hold 2 positions.

New Nationalist Party (March 31st, 2023-June 29th, 2023)

On March 31st, 2023 6114 joined Post-Icarus The following text is a place holderthe New Nationalist Party, He was appointed Vice-Chairman the same day by liquidstereo

he resigned the same day Icarus was dissolved in the events of the Buttsecs war