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The Kingdom of Verda
Flag of Verda
Capital CityCrowsroost
MonarchQueen Magmus I
Founded23 June 2017


The Greenmarsh

Main article: Greenmarsh

Greenmarsh-era map of the lands that would soon be consolidated into the Kingdom of Verda.

A day after Civclassic 2.0 was launched, Magmus sailed down a river until she eventually found a small islet in a lake. She began constructing a tower house upon this island, naming it the Crowsroost, and by the end of the day had finished it. She also began cultivating the lands on the shores of the lake for food, and began constructing a boardwalk on the eastern shores of the lake, and began constructing the temple known as the Oaken Hall of Light. She dubbed the swampy landmass on the eastern side of the lake the Greenmarsh, and the lightly forested area to the west the Greenlands, and declared herself Lady of the Greenmarsh, laying claim to the region along with a small part of the Greenlands. A group of players settled in the southern Greenlands, known as Versailles, or the "Turtle Fuckers". The mountains south of the Greenmarsh were claimed by Gingechris, founding the city of Pinnacle. Eventually, Knight_Jacob and his sister settled in the Greenmarsh, joining the nation as it's first subjects. Unfortunately, this growth attracted raiders, and the Crowsroost Tower was looted many times.

The Foundation of Verda

Magmus was not satisfied with just being lady of the Greenmarsh, and so when she heard that the lands of the "Turtle Fuckers" had gone inactive, she decided to annex them, along with Pinnacle, forming the Kingdom of Verda. Crowsroost and Pinnacle both grew at a steady pace, with many people joining them. However, raids began to get more organised and severe.