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Sesoria 𐤎𐤎𐤅𐤓𐤉𐤄 (Sesorian)
"Land of Scorpions"
Flag Of Sesoria
Activity levelHigh
AllianceLSA (Laurentian Seas Alliance)
Capital cityBeit Abius
TerritoriesKodem, Rubra, Laco, Terrias Meridas, Extramadura and Campis.
GovernmentRepublic, triumvirate
Foundation dateAround 07/16/2020
LanguageEnglish, Sesorian
ReligionSesorian religion

Sesoria (Sesorian: 𐤎𐤎𐤅𐤓𐤉𐤄), formally known as the Republic of Sesoria (Sesorian‎: 𐤎𐤎𐤅𐤓𐤉𐤄 𐤓𐤐𐤅𐤁𐤋𐤉𐤒𐤕) ‎ is a country in Eastern New_World. Sesoria is focused on the ideals of trade, peace and prosperity. They are ranned by the three Ayils a.k.a the Council of Sesoria. Their ranking system goes from Aluf, Arye, Aqo and the Ayil. Theyre asthetic of builds mainly consists of sandstone and terracotta. Sesoria is also nicknamed "The Land of Scorpions" due to scorpions thriving in the region. Sesoria is a part of the LSA (Laurentian Seas Alliance). They border the Nations of Paradise, Imperial Federation, Odresh and Vibeville. The nation focusses on its own devlopment while keeping good relations with its bordering nations. Lots of the land consists of Terracotta mountains, with some flat area surrounding it.

History Of Sesoria

The Great Travel

Before the islands were out, many citizens got ready to move and begin their nation. Many hours were waited until the coords for the new islands were out. The Sesorians went out and manage to find the lands which were they would settled. However it was not easy. Several citizens boats were destoryed in the travel. Including Paints resources. Which would hammer devlopment. However dispite these set backs, the Sesorians managed to make it. Its pretty certain around 6 Sesorians plus a fellow traveler would come to the new islands to settle or explore.

The Long build up

This period consists of limited resources, devlopment and a slow progress into Sesorias beginning.

Resource Limits

During the first few days, alot of the resources were gone or lost during the Great Travel. Due to this not alot of work could be done. Very little terraforming was done. However some were not as badly affected. Thanks to efforts of Axus, jake and coldboy. Sesoria would see devlopment while the resources were being recovered. Either way work was being done. Paints materials would be recovered roughly a week after the Great travel. Whch led to Factories and Strutures being built.

Discussion of Capitals Location

During this setback, there was also discussion of where the capital would be, After some discussion it was decided it would be made in the Kodem county.

Constrution of Biet Abius

Once the materials were recovered, Paint and DeChat got to work right away. Roads were built, Farms and Mines followed. With a small bunker being contrusted for a place to secure goods. However that wasnt it, houses and temples were being planned and contrusted at the same time. Several citizens would meet at the capital to help with the growth. While others went to found their own settlments such as Jake.

Economics & Trade

Economiclaly speaking, Sesoria has potential in XP, Crop and Horse prouduction. Sesorians promote trade as not only a way to recieve goods, but to improve relations with other nations/peoples. However Sesorians have heavily focussed on their devlopment, making farms and making sure they can produce and meet their needs. Agriculture and farming is a big chunk of the Sesorian life and trades.

Culture & Religion

Geography and Territories