Otonabee (CivRealms 2.0)

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The Republic of Otonabee
Location2000 -4000
Activity levelHigh (as of 7/7/2020)
Capital cityLynn
CurrencyOtonabian Rial
GovernmentGoverning Council
• President
• Minister
MrJeremyFisher, Prawny331
• Judge
Foundation date17/3/2020 by a group of wanted raiders in Yamato
Preceded byKhalisan, Tribalfolk of the Great Mountain, Oklahoma

The Republic of Otonabee is a nation located in the Eastern regions of the Khailsan Plateau. Otonabee was founded March 17th, 2020, initially only comprised of a small parcel of desert adjacent to the Tribalfolk of the Great Mountain. The capital of Otonabee, Lynn, is located in the northwestern corner of the nation, at the end of the Vesa River, the second longest river on CivRealms. Otonabee is bordered by Anvard, Cantina, Icios, Grand Imperium and Varathia. Otonabee is extremely mountainous, and as a result, struggled to integrate into the wider economy. After completion of many rail and horse projects, Otonabee has gained a greater prominence on the global stage. Lynn and Dartmouth are the two largest cities in Otonabee, there also exists the defunct towns of Perion and Alania, both near the border with Cantina.<infobox>

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</image> <label>Founded</label> <label>Demonym</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Leader</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Location</label> <group collapse="open"> <header>Demographics</header> <label>Language</label> <label>Cities</label> <label>Population</label> </group> </infobox>