Order of St Marcus

Revision as of 05:36, 13 July 2018 by Gobblin (talk | contribs) (Updated OOSM page)

The Order of Saint Marcus is a guild of builders and urban planners which focuses on constructing impressive or interesting structures across the server, and encourages players to work on improving the look of their town or city. Anyone may apply to join the Order, and progression through the ranks is based on an individual's skill and level of contribution to the Order's goals.

The Great Order of Saint Marcus Flaminius
Banner and Flag of the Order
Classification:Building & History
HeadquartersShardore Tower, Mt Augusta
FoundersLogic_Man, Gobblin
FoundedEarly 2018
CitiesIria, Mount Augusta, Pinnacle, Crowsroost, Etherium, Gabon

The group is based in Mount Augusta, and was founded in February 2018 by Logic_Man and Gobblin. Today, the Order of Saint Marcus has expanded to construct many buildings across the map. The Order also operates and manages multiple historical monuments such as the Pillars of Iria in Iria and will soon be opening the St Marcus Archives located on Level 1 of Shardore Tower in Mount Augusta. Saint Marcus refers to Marcus Flaminius, an important historical figure of previous Civcraft iterations and a major player in the Maester Alliance - an order focused on preservation of stories and texts written in-game.


The Order of Saint Marcus has the following goals;

  • Construct appealing buildings server-wide.
  • Improve the cities in which the Order operates.
    Shardore Tower, built by Logic_Man and Gobblin in Mount Augusta
    The Campus - built by Logic_Man and Gobblin with help from the Maester Alliance in Mount Augusta
    Wulf Manor - built by Modestx in Etherium
    Support other members of the Order with achieving the prior goals regardless of borders or diplomacy.

Working your way to the top - The Journey of the Placed Block

The Order is always looking for new builder and the requirements to join are simply a desire to build, and you will never be required to leave your town of residence. If you are the first member of the Order within a town, you will be the guild master of the Order within that city. Guild Masters receive an initial bonus of 5 points. Members of the Order of St Marcus participate in what is called the journey of the placed block. The 'value' of a building is up to the discretion of the Fellows of St Marcus.

  • a immersive building is a building which adds to the culture of a city or adds interesting exploring opportunities to visitors, an example could be churches, bars, inns, museums or embassies. Each member has a home city, but may build anywhere on the server.
  • a government building is a building which aids the government or provides some roleplay ability to a cities government - such as courthouses, factory buildings, townhalls or prisons.
  • an additional +5 will be added to the value of any building which is part of a St Marcus building competition
  • an additional +2 will be added to the value of any building which actively displays the banner of St Marcus on it's exterior in clear view.
  • an additional +1 may be provided for exceptional quality.
Journey of the Placed Block
type of build value
Small monument, garden or house 1
moderately sized bridges and houses or shops 2
Large houses and Immersive buildings, shops, or monuments 3
Government buildings 4
Libraries, Order of St Marcus guildhalls, competition buildings 5
Megabuilds up to 25
Rating required to achieve Ranks within the Order.
rank within the Order rating
Apprentice 0
Journeyman 5
Mason 20
Master Mason 50
Fellow 70
Shardore Library archives - Level 1 - built by Logic_Man and Gobblin

Structures designed by the Order of St Marcus

The Campus

Verdan Guildhall - built in Pinnacle by mclovin1254

The campus is the HQ of the Order of St Marcus. It is located in Mt Augusta near Romec's mall. It is a combination of multiple buildings and shares a block with the Maester Alliance. The campus property holds the following buildings:

  • Logic_Mans' residence - the original building on the block, home of Founder of the Order of St Marcus and member of the Maester Alliance Logic_Man, it is also the official residence of many maesters and Gobblin.
  • Mt Augusta guild hall - the Mt Augusta guild hall is located beside Logic_Man's house and contains beds for members of St Marcus and a chestroom for transfer of items between members that may contain blocks for builds.
  • The status of St Marcus.
  • Mulfucius School of Records - This building originally held a chicken farm but is now vacant, it sits beside Logic_Man's residence.
  • Diamond Crisis monument - This monument recognises the diamond crisis that rocked the server in early 2018.
  • The Mt Augustan monument - This monument recognises the tomb that the first president of Mount Augusta, mitchellspakes built to entomb a raider.
  • St Marcus opportunity shop - This building is used as a shop when the order has an excess of a particular item or is in need of a particular block for projects. It is current inactive. The building above the shop holds St Marcus secrets and is closed to the public.

The campus is the primary focus and centre of the anti-grid movement. It is linked to other players blocks via the Tunnel of Love, Terrace of Acacia, Tenpo lane tunnel and the Garden of Eden.

Shardore Tower

Shardore Tower is the tallest building in Mt Augusta and currently holds the Shardore Tower archives on Level 1, Observation deck on Level 2 and Club 66 on Level 3, Level 4 and 5 will hold Maester facilities and is currently closed. It holds a value within the Order of 25.


Existing guildhalls include:

  • Guildhall of Mount Augusta (The Campus)
    • Built February 2018 by Logic_Man and Gobblin
      Fellows visit Verdan Guildhall in Pinnacle, built by Mclovin1254
      Value: 7
  • Guildhall of Iria (Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
      Townhouses in Iria built by ProfessorRet
      Value: 7
  • Guildhall of Verda (Pinnacle)
    • Built by mclovin1254
    • Value: 8

Government Structures

  • Pinnacle Railstation (Pinnacle)
    • Built by mclovin1252
    • Value: 6
  • New Iria Townhall (New Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
      Gentleman's Club of Pinnacle - built by mclovin1254
      Value: 4


  • St Marcus Opportunity Shop (The Campus)
    • Built by Logic_Man, Gobblin
      Civ Mercentile Exchange in Mount Augusta for xLoneTopWolf - built by Gobblin
      Value: 4
  • Civ Mercantile Exchange (CME) (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by Gobblin
      Roof of the Hanging Gardens built by Jonassn1 - Winner of the June 2018 Build Competition
      Value: 5
  • Bounded Pleasure Bookstore (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by jonassn1
    • Value: 4


    Jumpy Residence in Iria - Built by ProfessorRet
    Verdan embassy of Iria (Iria)
    • Built by mclovin1254
    • Value: 5
  • the Northeastern (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by Gobblin
    • Value: 4

Libraries and museums

  • Shardore Tower archives (Mount Augusta)
      Mulfucius School of Records built by Gobblin in Mount Augusta
      Built by Gobblin, Logic_Man
    • part of the greater Shardore Building, holds no value.
  • Wise Crow Royal Library (Crowsroost)
    • Built by Magmus
    • Value: 7
  • Museum of Irian History (Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
    • Value: 7

Houses and other buildings

  • Logic_Man's Residence (The Campus)
    • Built by Logic_Man
    • Value: 3
  • Gijharian Estate III (Iria)
    • Built by Gobblin
    • Value: 4
  • Jumpy Residence (Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
    • Value: 2
  • The Mulficius School of Records (The Campus)
    • Built by Gobblin
    • Value: 4
  • Church of Canalism (Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
    • Value: 3
  • House of Mclovin1254 (Pinnacle)
    • Built by mclovin1254
    • Value: 4
  • House of jessie1254 (Pinnacle)
    • Built by mclovin1254
    • Value: 4
  • Gentleman's Club of Pinnacle (Pinnacle)
    • Built by mclovin1254
    • Value: 5
  • Wulf Manor (Etherium)
    • Built by Modestx
    • Value: 4
  • New Irian Townhouses x5 (New Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
    • total value of all houses: 7
  • Home of jamal_deshawn (Gabon)
    • Built by jamal_deshawn
    • Value: 1

Monuments, gardens and cemeteries

  • Irian Pillars (Iria)
    • Built by ProfessorRet
    • Value: 3
  • Diamond Crisis (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by Gobblin
    • Value: 1
  • Tomb Monument (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by Logic_Man
    • Value: 1
  • Cemetery of Remembrance (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by Logic_Man
    • Value: 4
  • International Flag Wall (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by Logic_Man
    • Value: 4
  • Monument Park (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by jonassn1
    • Value: 4
  • Hanging Gardens (Mount Augusta)
    • Built by jonassn1
    • Value: 12


The Anti-Grid movement of Mt Augusta

The Order has a focus on making Mt Augusta look more like a city, and less like a creative server by implementing buildings that mount or modify the road in a way that allow for a more fluid transition between different player's blocks. The current progress undertaken by the Order includes: Unity Terrace (collaboration with Romec), Tunnel of Love (collaboration with Romec), May 2018 Order of St Marcus and Maester Alliance assembly redevelopment, Terrace of Acacia (collaboration with scramble0), Tunnel on Tenpo Lane, Tunnel to scramble0's plot (collaboration with scramble0), The Garden of Eden (collaboration with the Maester Alliance).

Historical Roots and Connection with the Maester Alliance

The Maester Alliance is an ancient guild of writers and archivists which focuses on recording the histories of the Ages, preserving literature, and encouraging players to write and produce cultural works. The Alliance dates back to the First Age of Civcraft, and is a well-respected institution in its own right.

The Order was established during the 'long night', a period of time between Civcraft 3.0 and the Second Era of Civclassics where the majority of maesters fell into eternal slumber and the torch of the Alliance was passed through the Ages by one or two individuals. During the latter part of this timespan, one of the last maesters joined forces with a skilled architect to plant the seed of a new, culturally focused group for the Civ-genre. GrandMaester Marcus_Flaminius was named patron saint of the group, in recognition of the significant time commitment and effort given by this player to the Alliance across the Ages, and in memory of his apparent eternal slumber.

The Order therefore shares a common root system with the Maester Alliance, although it is a much younger group in comparison, and functions as a ‘sister’ guild; both groups co-exist and collaborate on some projects, but ultimately have separate goals. Players are welcome to join either (or both).

Existing Players / Ranks and Ratings

Name Builds Rank Rating Notes
Gobblin 7 Fellow 51 Founder, Guildmaster of Mount Augusta
Logic_Man 7 Fellow 48 Founder, Guildmaster of Mount Augusta
ProfessorRet 7 Mason 40 Guildmaster of Iria
McLovin 6 Journeyman 32 Guildmaster of Verda
Magmus 1 Journeyman 7 member of Verdan guild
Pirater 0 Apprentice 0 member of Verdan guild
C4MMO 0 Apprentice 0 member of Augustan guild
jonassn 3 Journeyman 20 member of Augustan guild
Marcus_Flaminius --------- Fellow --------- Maester, member of Augustan guild
SortByNode ---------- Fellow --------- Maester, member of Augustan guild
Bellamorte 0 Apprentice 0 member of the Irian guild
Modestx 1 Apprentice 4 Guildmaster of Etherium
jamal_deshawn 1 Apprentice 1 Guildmaster of Gabon