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* [[Gensokyo (Civcraft 2.0)]]|government_type=Elective Monarchy|image2=Hke_map.png}}
* [[Gensokyo (Civcraft 2.0)]]|government_type=Elective Monarchy|image2=Hke_map.png}}

The '''Holy Krautchan Empire''' (''German:'' '''''Heiliges Krautchannisches Reich''''') is a sovereign Empire with territories in the +,+ and the +,- quadrants, with its capital in the +,+.
The '''Holy Krautchan Empire''' (''German:'' '''''Heiliges Krautchannisches Reich''''') was a sovereign Empire on [[Civcraft 2.0]] with territories in the +,+ and the +,- quadrants, with its capital in the +,+.

= History =
= History =
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| '''[[groups/nations/prussia|Prussia]]'''
| '''[[groups/nations/prussia|Prussia]]'''
| [[File:w:Flag_of_Prussia_(1892-1918).svg]]
| [[File:w:Flag_of_Prussia_(1892-1918).svg|link=Special:FilePath/W:Flag_of_Prussia_(1892-1918).svg]]
| August 22, 2014
| August 22, 2014
| _dbb_, Gezoerksel, Kaelthas, Koentinius
| _dbb_, Gezoerksel, Kaelthas, Koentinius

Revision as of 16:40, 9 June 2021

Holy Krautchan Empire
Heiliges Krautchannisches Reich
DemonymKrauts, Bernd
Activity levelHigh at one time
Capital cityKatzenberg
GovernmentElective Monarchy
• Empress
Greenkitten I
Foundation date22nd August 2014
Preceded by
LanguageEnglish, German and Afrikaans
MottoStarke durch Einigkeit (Strength through unity)
National anthemKaiser Hymn

The Holy Krautchan Empire (German: Heiliges Krautchannisches Reich) was a sovereign Empire on Civcraft 2.0 with territories in the +,+ and the +,- quadrants, with its capital in the +,+.



The Prussians and the Grundeswegians both came to Civcraft from an imageboard called Krautchan. These Krautchan people came to civcraft with the original purpose to raid redditors. They created the group called "Fourth Reich" for this purpose.

The members of the Fourth Reich were seen as offensive in the eyes of the Pumpkin Jacks, who quickly pearled the group.

Rehabilitated by their time in the end, this group emerged as Prussians. Upstanding citizens of the world, known for their architecture and unique culture, they have partaken and influenced events on the server for over 2 years now.

After the Fourth Reich pearlings, a second group of Krautchan people made their way to CivCraft, calling themselves the Katten Khanate. Their goal was again to raid the Redditors on their funny server.

Eventually, the Katten Khanate evolved into Grundeswald, and settled east of the Prussians.


In August of 2014, the Government of Grundeswald effectively collapsed, leaving its territories unprotected and defenseless against numerous international entities who would make attempts to steal the Grundeswegian land for their own.

Due to their shared ancestry and histories, both nations decided on the 22nd of August 2014 that it was in their best interests to unite under a common banner. Since then they are known as the Holy Krautchan Empire.

Initially the HKE was organized into five territories known as electorates. The electorates were Prussia, Prussian Fiefdoms, Grundeswald, New Katten, and Xia.

Yurtstead Conflict

The Yurtstead Conflict

The Yurtstead Conflict (also known as the Second Battle of Riverford) took place on the days of September 6th and 7th, 2014. Driven by the colonialist attitudes of two states involved, as well as prevalent jingoistic nationalism on both sides, it is internationally viewed largely as a reminder that territorial disputes between states should be solved in a civil, diplomatic manner. In the end, quick diplomacy and a shared interest in peace helped prevent what could have been a long and pointless war.

Coronation of Emperor Gotterdammer I

After a series of voting rounds by the electors of the Empire, Gotterdammer was elected to be the first Emperor of the HKE. On October 25th, 2014, people from around the world gathered in the halls of the Breslau Cathedral to witness the coronation of the Emperor. Present were all electors of the Empire and many distinguished guests, as well as the soon to be Emperor himself. After extravagant ceremony, Gotterdammer I was coronated as the Emperor of the Holy Krautchan Empire.

Gensokyo Accession to Elector Status

Initially a small state of Grundeswald, The Heavenly Kingdom of Gensokyo grew more and more over populous and independent over time. Dissent began to ignite in Gensokyo due to feelings of resentment towards the HKE. Gensokyojin citizens believed they were being mistreated by having no official elector or recognition in the HKE. As time passed, the populace of Gensokyo threatened to riot and loot and generally raise hell. With no other recourse, on November 10th, The Queen, Screenname von Gensokyo, issued an ultimatum to the HKE, demanding elector status and threatening secession if that demand was not met. The HKE complied and granted Gensokyo elector status and officially elevated it to the sixth elector of the empire.

First Imperial Session at Wismar

The first official meeting of all the electors in the Empire took place at the convention in the Prussian city of Wismar on November 20th, 2014. The focus of the session was getting the empire's bureaucracy functional and establishing the imperial departments. This integral part of the session was bottlenecked as a certain crucial individual did not arrive to the session. This unfortunate single point of failure prevented serious progress from being made.

The initial idea of a central Imperial Capital City was proposed at this session.

Things achieved by this session were

  • Gensokyo's accession to the Sixth Elector to the Empire,
* [[people:greenkitten|Greenkitten's]] appointment as temporary Viceroy to take over for Gotterdammer when he was out.

Second Imperial Session at Yakumo

The second Imperial Session took place in convention assembled in the rural Gensokyojin village of Yakumo on February 6th, 2015. The main focus of this sessions was continuing where the last session left off.

The main achievements of this session were

  • The approval and creation of the Departments of the HKE
  • The restructuring of the electorates, incorporating Xia into Gensokyo, and New Katten into Grundeswald, bringing the total number of electors to four.
  • Increasing the frequency of Imperial sessions from every two months to every month.

Coronation of Empress Screenname I

After the reign of Gotterdammer for five months, the Emperor chose to step down and not seek re-election, so it was time for a new Emperor, or Empress, to continue leading the HKE. After an intense election between only two candidates, Screenname von Gensokyo and Greenkitten, which boiled down to one last vote to decide the new leader, Screenname emerged victorious. On March 21st, 2015, numerous people from around the world gathered in the halls of the Breslau Cathedral to witness the coronation of the new Empress. Present were all electors of the Empire and many distinguished guests. After extravagant ceremony, the crown was passed on, and Screenname I was coronated as the second Empress of the Holy Krautchan Empire.


The Holy Kotetsu Empire led by former Empress Screename claims to be successor of the Holy Krautchan Empire, but lacks support of the two main factions Prussia and Grundeswald.



The Holy Krautchan Empire is divided into the following four territories, called electorates:

Electorate Current Flag/s Incorporation Date Electors
Gensokyo and Xia [1] November 10th, 2014 Screenname
Grundeswald grundesflag.png August 22, 2014 Greenkitten, Killer_Chris
Prussia File:W:Flag of Prussia (1892-1918).svg August 22, 2014 _dbb_, Gezoerksel, Kaelthas, Koentinius
Prussian Fiefdoms flag_of_prussia_1892-1918.svg.png August 22, 2014 Gotterdammer, Kvote, Zarorg


Within the Holy Krautchan Empire, there are many settlements:

The capital city of the electorate Prussia. Located at 10250,2900, it is the most populous of Imperial cities.

The capital city of the electorate Gensokyo.

The capital city of the electorate Grundeswald.

  • Potsdam

Located in a netherbiome, Potsdam has a militaristic theme.

Danish themed town situated on a small island.

A small rural town with a strong traditional culture. It's the capital of the Fief of Mecklenburg.


The Holy Krautchan Empire currently has no embassies in foreign cities


The HKE is an Elective Monarchy where the Emperor is chosen by the electors.


The Emperor of the Holy Krautchan Empire presides over the general peace and well-being of all members of the Empire and is to propose resolutions and acts to the Imperial Sessions to fulfill this duty. The Emperor is to visit each Elector territory at least once during his reign, and to attend most grand events held within the Empire and in the name of the Empire abroad. The Emperor is the first spokesperson for political and diplomatic matters for the Empire as a whole, though the Kingdoms override for themselves what the Emperor says. Only the Emperor may suggest the entire Empire going to war together, and his suggestion must be approved or denied by the Electors. In such a war, he acts as the Grand General, responsible for assembling and organizing the Empire’s forces and assets. The Emperor acts as the first mediator in friction between members.

Electing the Emperor

An election must take place at least every 6 months, though the Electors may call for an election no sooner than 2 months after the ascent of the Emperor to the throne. Citizens of the Empire may either make a claim to the throne for themselves or nominate others.

In the first round of voting, each Elector has 3 votes, worth 3, 2, and 1 point once. Each of the three votes is to be cast to a different claimant. The more favorable, the more points. The three candidates with the most points move to the second round. Each Elector then has 2 votes, worth 2 and 1 point once. Each of the two votes is to be cast to a different claimant. The two candidates with the most points move to the third round. Each Elector then has 1 vote, worth 1 point. The one of the two claimants with the most points becomes the Emperor.


The Electors of the Holy Krautchan Empire preside over the general politics and order of all members of the Empire and are to propose and vote on resolutions and acts to the Imperial Sessions. Each Elector is to be open to all complaints, praise, and suggestions of those within their territory and dutifully carry these comments to the Imperial Sessions for discussion.

In the event the Emperor feels an Elector is not able to fulfill his duties fully, he may call for vote by the other Electors and himself, excluding the target Elector, on their removal. If successful, a new Elector is to be chosen from their representative territory.

An Elector may resign from the position. They may nominate a new person for the position, which is to be approved or denied by the Emperor, or a new person may be voted upon by the Emperor and remaining Electors.

To add an additional Elector, a territory is to be named or created which the position will represent. This is to be done by the Electors and Emperor. The territory must contain a significant enough population and importance to the Empire. An Elector territory may be removed if it no longer contains a reasonable population or importance, and is then to be incorporated into the other Elector territories for representation. For either case, the order the Electors’ votes are cast is to be arranged by the current Emperor.


The Departments of the Holy Krautchan Empire (or simply “Departments”) are under the direct control and responsibility of the Holy Krautchan Empire and thus separate from its Member States. The Departments exercise specific granted powers over the Holy Krautchan Empire, but only within the frame granted by the Emperor and Electors. By default, all member states and citizens agree to the actions of the Departments but reserve the right to opt out, not interact or follow the Departments and their duties, so long as this does not put the rest of the empire and members in danger.

A Department is lead and controlled by a Head of Department who is primarily responsible for the actions and functions of the Department. They must be approved by the current emperor and the electors to head the Department. A Head of Department may appoint additional staff, after approval of the emperor and the electors, to assist them in their duties. Staff must be well-known and trustworthy citizens of the Holy Krautchan Empire. In addition to the duties of the Department, a Head of Department must submit a quarterly report of activities and developments to the emperor and electors to be reviewed at the next Imperial Session.

Should a Department grow to become unsightly, it may divide its duties to bureaus for simplification and streamlining of duties and activities, with one staff member being in charge of a bureau. A bureau exercises no power greater than that of the Department and is subject to the same rules as the departments themselves.

By default, the Emperor directly oversees the functioning and integrity of the Departments, the Heads of Departments, and the staff of the Departments, but may elect a Supervisor of Departments to perform these duties if the Emperor feels unable to perform these duties.

The Department of Trade and Industrial Affairs

The Department of Trade and Industrial Affairs (“DoTaIA”, colloquially “Trade”) is responsible for the production, usage, and movement of materials within the Empire, including organizing National Projects and maintaining public infrastructure. The DoTaIA is not meant to replace the economic capabilities of any Member, but rather to streamline the trade between Members, make economic information and data easily available, and discourage material waste and overlapping of unnecessary factories.

The DoTaIA is responsible for organizing and maintaining the National Storage; the maintenance and tidiness of all public/common infrastructure and spaces within the Empire which includes railways, roads, waterways, and undeveloped land; organizing National Projects, which are large-scale projects meant to help most or all Members of the Empire through the efforts of most or all Members; and to help foster trade and communication between Members for the production and consumption of materials, goods, and labor which includes, but is not limited to, registries of production facilities, lists of locations of natural resources, and calculations to judge economic activity levels and well being of the Empire and its Members.

The Department of Military Affairs

The Department of Military Affairs (“DoMA”, colloquially “Doma”) is responsible for the security of the Empire, pre-conflict preparation, and mediation of conflict within the Empire (i.e. roleplay wars). The DoMA is not meant to replace the individual security of each Member, but to coordinate joint materials and persons to more effectively defend the Members and the Empire as a whole from foreign threats.

The DoMA is responsible for organizing lists and the abilities of individuals to prepare for potential future conflicts, on both Imperial soil and abroad. Individuals are who are capable and willing to fight under the Imperial banner are to be regularly updated on military matters, drilled and trained, and prepared for conflict. In the event of a war, the DoMA will announce the formation of an Imperial Army and arm individuals should they not have the necessary equipment. The General of the Army is by default the Emperor, but may pass on the position to a chosen person if the Emperor feels incapable of leading the Army. The General is the primary coordinator of Imperial arms and those of its allies during conflict. Ceremonial and honorary positions within the Imperial Army may be given by the DoMA and approved by the Emperor and/or Electors.

The DoMA is also responsible for the collection and security of military equipment, construction and maintenance of defensive and offensive structures and paths throughout the empire, managing geopolitical information that is related to the security of the Empire and its Members.

The DoMA works closely with the Emperor, Electors, the DoERaD, and the necessary individuals from each Member State. The DoMA is, however, not the first point of contact for foreigners regarding politics and military of the Empire and its Members; this remains the Emperor, Electors, and the individuals of each Member State responsible for their own politics and military.

The Department of Education, Research and Development

The Department of Education, Research and Development (“DoERaD”, colloquially “Autism”) is responsible for general information collection and processing for ease of access and use, both domestically and abroad. The DoERaD is to help foster understanding and knowledge between Members of the Empire and educate the new generations on the histories, cultures, and present state of the Empire.

The DoERaD is responsible for educating and integrating the new generations, analysing the Imperial and foreign populations and looking for potential new Members, collecting information regarding [superficial] geopolitics, populations, entities, and all else that is needed for the Empire and its Members to make informed decisions.

The DoERaD keeps publicly accessible libraries of such information for the enrichment of not just the Empire, but all of Civcraft. From all this information, the DoERaD is responsible for the creation and management of maps, registries, libraries, posters, visuals, etc, to be used by all Members as well as for foreign advertisement and propaganda.

The DoERaD fosters the outreach of the Empire and Member States to educate and assist Civcraft as a whole on the history and culture of and related to the Empire and its Members. This includes updating and maintaining the Civcraft Wiki and other similar collections of information.

Emperors of the Holy Krautchan Empire

Photo Coat of Arms Name Title Motto Reign
[2] http://i.imgur.com/Iv0bgDn.png Gotter I von Mecklenburg Kaiser des Heiligen Krautchannischen Reiches, Elector of the Prussian Fiefs, Duke of Mecklenburg, Minister in Prussia, and Founder of Baukunst Per Ordo ad Astra (“Durch Ordnung zu den Sternen”, “Through Order to the Stars”) 25 October, 2014 - 21 March, 2015
http://i.imgur.com/1aWBvqj.png http://i.imgur.com/nWYWqD2.png Screenname I von Gensokyo Kaiserin des Heiligen Krautchannischen Reiches, Elector of Gensokyo, Queen of Gensokyo, and Autocrat of New Detroit 人々を導くために、その背後に歩く "To Lead the People, Walk Behind Them" **21 March, 2015 - 24 October, 2015 **
File:/groups/nations/kaisergreen.png TBD Greenkitten I Kaiser des Heiligen Krautchannischen Reiches, Elector of Grundeswald, Governor of Gundagai, HoG PJV OLS GH Cool! **25 October, 2015 - Present **

National Flags

Name of Flag Flag Description
HKE Royal Flag File:Http://i.imgur.com/7jv5o9e.jpg
HKE Common Flag http://puu.sh/kTiwZ/c468483637.png
Quaternion Eagle File:Http://i.imgur.com/HNn2HMj.jpg
HKE Battle Flag

"The Defiant Cross"

http://i.imgur.com/Dh37fj8.png Represents the armed forces of the HKE, The Department of Military Affairs, and serves as the HKE battle flag.

