Flags of Balkania

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The Flag of Balkania is the flag of the National Republic of Balkania, as designated by the Balkanian Constitution. The flag is a carbon copy of the Serbian Civil Flag because we aren't original. It is generally the flag used to represent Balkania in-game.

Flag of Balkania

Military flags

Flag Name Description
File:Http://i.imgur.com/g6883t3.png Balkanian Security Forces

War flag of the Balkanian state military, the Balkanian Security Forces.

The Balkanian flag defaced with a red shield emblazoned with the Serbian Cross, representing the army shielding the nation of Balkania from foreign threats.
File:Http://i.imgur.com/lQEx468.png Balkanian SAS

War flag of the Balkanian SAS, formed during the Banovo Uprising.

A light blue field, with a Balkanian flag in the canton and an SAS emblem displayed in the fly.

Local Flags

Flag Use Description
South Balkania

Flag of the Territory of South Balkania.

A dark green field, with a Balkanian flag in the canton.
Flag of the colony of Uluru. A light beige field, with a Balkanian flag in the canton and a sun symbol in the fly.
Flag of the Colony of Devica. A turquoise blue field, with a Balkanian flag in the canton and a palm tree circled by stars in the fly.
Flag of the Territory of Greater Balkania. The Balkanian national flag with a green band running vertically at the hoist.
Flag of the City of Istria. A tricolour of green, white and green descending vertically in that order.

Other Flags

Name Flag Description
International Anti-Comintern Pact

Flag of the IACP, an international anti-communist organisation founded by Balkania.

File:Http://puu.sh/ij3sH/ab0488941f.png A light blue field, defaced with a golden torch, representing liberty, crossed by a sword and treaty.


Emblem Use Description
File:Http://i.imgur.com/Zog3ydJ.png State Emblem of Balkania

National Emblem for Balkania, for usage on all official documents.

A red shield with simplified Serbian Cross on it, ringed with gold rope.
File:Http://i.imgur.com/fXqnK6E.png South Balkanian Coat of Arms

Coat of arms for the Territory of South Balkania, for usage on all official documents pertaining to the Territory..

A red shield emblazoned with the Serbian Cross, flanked either side by Balkanian flags. Surrounding it is two wreathes of spruce and wheat, South Balkania's main produce. The writing at the bottom reads "Territory of South Balkania" in both English and Serbian, and the date "8-1-15", the 8th of January 2015, is the date that South Balkania was established.
i.imgur.com/pUnQRje.png Uluran Coat of Arms

Colonial coat of arms for Uluru, for usage on all official documents pertaining to the Colony.

A sand-coloured shield bearing a stylized sun, the symbol of Uluru, and flanked either side by a pair of Balkanian flags. The writing at the bottom reads "Colony of Uluru" in both English and Serbian.
Colonial coat of arms for the Colony of Devica, for usage on all official documents pertaining to the Colony. A golden locket surrounded by a wreath of tropical leaves. Inside is the cocoa plant, Devica's main produce, resting on a pedestal with the colours of the Balkanian flag. The writing at the bottom reads "Colony of Devica" in both Spanish and Serbian.

Emblems no longer in use

Former National Coat of Arms

Former national coat of arms for the Independent State of Balkania.

File:Http://i.imgur.com/T2J95QN.png A red shield emblazoned with the Serbian Cross, surrounded by a wreath of leaves.
Royal Seal

Seal of Spongesuds I, King of the Independent State of Balkania

File:Http://i.imgur.com/CUhvsCf.png A dark blue disc emblazoned with a golden Serbian Cross, and ringed by golden wreaths.