
Revision as of 04:21, 17 May 2022 by Gregy166 (talk | contribs) (Added a section)

Estalia is an upcoming nation for the server CivMC which was announced 15th May, 2022. Estalia will consist of former mirians and Hjaltlanders and intend to set up their nation near 0,0.[1]

Location0,0 (planned)
Capital cityEstalia
Foundation date5/14/2022
Preceded by

The Emperor of Mankind

"The Emperor Protects..."

The Emperor of Mankind, often referred to by His faithful as the "God-King Eternal undying Emperor," the "Master of Loot," or simply "the Emperor," and who sometimes referred to Himself as "Loot Master," is the immortal Perpetual and tier 0 who serves as the reigning monarch of the Imperium of Estalia, and is described by the Imperial Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Cult as the Father, Guardian and God of Humanity.

Gregy165 - Emperor Godking of Estalia

The Zoomer Chaos Gods and the Vpners of CIVMC refer to Him as "Gregy" for He is the greatest embodiment of universal order in the galaxy today and the most potent foe of the Zoomers in existence. He was, and remains, the most powerful World police officer to have ever been born.

He has sat immobile, His body slowly crumbling, within the Golden Throne of Wakanda for over 10,000 standard years. Although once a living man, His shattered, decaying body can no longer support life, and it is kept intact only by the cybernetic mechanisms of the Golden Throne and a potent mind itself sustained by the daily sacrifice of thousands of Diamonds.

The Emperor chose to sacrifice His immortal life at the end of the Lexington War in the service and protection of Mankind. To Humanity's countless trillions across the galaxy-spanning Imperium, He is nothing less than God. Through His Imperium, Humanity is united and remains one of the most powerful intelligent species in the +,+ as well as its most dominant in terms of both population and territory held.

United under one government, Mankind is able to survive the myriad deadly threats it faces from Pvpers, New friends and the Non-believers, Heretics and zoomers that lie within the Imperium's boundaries.

His mind must remain vigilant at all times throughout the entire Imperium to safeguard the Human race and to offer His protection to the faithful. Above all else, it is Mankind's collective belief in the Emperor's divinity that serves as its greatest protection from raiders and the other hideous dangers that plague the world. As the Imperial Creed has taught for over 10,000 standard years, the Emperor protects...
