East Jolington

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East Jolington
East Jolington's Flag (combination of the flag of Columbia and either the Union Jack or The Fire and Water Cross)
LocationEast Jolington Island
DemonymEast Jolingtonians
Foundation date9/22/2021

East Jolington was a short-lived de-facto state that existed on the 22nd of September, 2021. Its seriousness or veracity as a legitimate nation is up for debate, but it did control the territory it claimed for a total of twelve hours, and was formally annexed by Jolington proper two days later.

After multiple arguments in the UMP discord and diplomacy, East Jolington was able to gain its independence.

The people who settled East Jolington were either citizens of or given supplies by Columbia and Kallos.


The Home Depot War

See The Home Depot War


Downtown East Jolington

Contains many buildings, including a Home Depot, a grain storage house, and many artifacts of history presumably given to the East Jolingtonians by Icenia or Columbia.

Uptown East Jolington

Contains many houses, most of which are unfinished.

Far East Jolington

Contains abandoned farms and an abandoned large castle.