CivWiki:Featured/June 6, 2022

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Revision as of 20:14, 4 June 2022 by Specificlanguage (talk | contribs) (current events update)
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From the Featured Article

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Current Events

A picture of the CivMC server listing on the first day.
  • CivMC was released last Thursday, June 2. On the day of launch, Wingzero released notes on the new features that would be arriving. A new trailer was created by Dilluexe in anticipation of launch.
  • The launch saw nearly 450 players attempting to joining the server at launch, making it one of the biggest Civ server launches on record. However, players faced queues of over 150 and TPS counts of less than 5. Continuous technical support was made throughout the launch.
  • Many countries surprisingly posted their claims on the first day, with crayon claims getting posted by nations like Estalia and Rhode Island.
  • However, most people were still stuck in the queue by Day 3 of the server, with SoundTech restarting the server by the weekend to increase the player count to relieve the queue.