CivCraft Ethnic Group

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CivCraft Ethnic Groups are social groups within various CivCraft off chute servers. They are usually tied together by a common set of mannerisms, outlook, and memes as opposed to actual ethnic groups which are tied together by race, language, nationality, or culture.[1] In this way CivCraft ethnic groups are more like fandoms or subcultures rather than an ethnic group.


Channers are users that come from the image board 4chan. Commonly from /pol/ and /v/ (or /vg/) but users come from other boards such as /a/, /jp/, /k/, /tg/, and /v/. Channers are a wide spread ethnic group, rarely do they organize under a single state such as with Confederation of Chanada or the Chanseatic State. Several existing states have leaders or leadership that are ethnically channers such as Icenia,Yoahtl,Blockchainistan,and Butternut.


[NOTE: page is a WIP]


  1. Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "ethnic group." Encyclopedia Britannica, July 25, 2017.