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GovernmentFederal Autocracy
First ScholarDarkyDu
Subject ofEz2Empire

Bobanga, officially the State of Bobanga, is a country consisting of the southern jungle and some desert frontier territory in the southern part of the map. Bobanga borders Alexandria, Miletos, Varathia and Anvard by sea. Bobanga is a Autocratic Federal State, with numerous federal entities such as Tenochtitlan, the capital territory, Dar al-Vexler and Puerto Vexler. The state religion of Bobanga is the Vexlic Creed, which informs the constitution of Bobanga.

Bobanga was founded in mid-December of 2019 by the former founders of National Tenochtitlan, which had decayed after months of one-man rulership by Irok Iradicus. With the arrival of the Bobangan people, Tenochtitlan was dissolved and Bobanga rose from the ashes, forming a new state and establishing multiple cities as well as annexing some territory and ceding other territory.

At the current period Bobanga is now an industrialised state, with a domestic mithril production, and heavy cocoa exports which allow for limited Lvl30 enchants. It is connected to the major world rail network and has some of the southernmost settlements connected to this transit line.



The history of Bobanga is the history of not only Tenochtitlan but also National Tenochtitlan, as Tenochtitlan is the nation-state which once preceded Bobanga. Over the long history of Tenochtitlan it grew to be one of the server's earliest major nation-states, being the fourth/fifth nation to acquire bronze, the third nation to acquire steel and engaging in some of the earliest wars including a battle with the Inca. Tenochtitlan expanded area around the Lake of Tenochtitlan, urbanising and industrialising and reaching a peak population of approximately 8 active players at one point. Not all good things could last, however, and a series of raids by the empowered Inca destroyed the resolute will of Tenochtitlan, forcing many players into exile or migration. The Golden Age of May 2019 quietly came to a close, and Tenochtitlan was reduced to a one-man nation ruled by Irok Iradicus.

However the return of the ancestral Bobangoi people, including DarkyDu, Shrigga/thesexgremlin and tgdude allowed for a national rejuvenation of the country. They rendezvoused in Tenochtitlan and hosted the Great December Summit, where eventually a unanimous consensus was reached: the migration from Tenochtitlan to new lands.

Great Bobangan Migration

The initial migration party decided on meeting with the nation of Varathia to acquire resources to help facilitate their migration. They headed north to Olendor, where they met with Aresot, who gifted Bronze and Bread, an action which would allow the migrating party to continue on their journey. Then they headed East, following constructed roads and arriving at the city of Alexandria, which at the time was newly independent. Alexandria gave them directions, and the Bobangoi people headed south, looking for an Eastern-facing bay, which they soon came across. To their dismay, however, the bay was already settled - this was Port Paradis, an old settlement founded by the pre-Yamato people who once dwelled there. Their hopes dashed, the Bobangoi people headed even further south, until they spotted a particularly advantageous spot - a bay, encircled by mountainous highlands, with a great strait allowing access to the wider sea at large. There they settled, and founded the great city of Dar al-Vexler.

It was a modest affair at first, with a small underground hovel being founded, and goods stored. Two horses had been brought, which formed the vanguard of the early Bobangan cavalry, but sadly died in tunnel cave-ins, leaving Bobanga without good horses. Early farming attempts were also failures due to lack of knowledge of the land. The harsh and unfriendly environment of Dar al-Vexler made those early days of settlement tough and brutal, but bit by bit the Bobangan people struggled, establishing a charcoal factory, a kiln and so on.

Bobanga Rising

As Dar al-Vexler grew, a question was becoming increasingly clear - the political one. Should Dar al-Vexler remain part of Tenochtitlan, a decaying and ancient civilisation behind the times? Should it declare independence, and risk losing all Tenochtitlan had achieved? Or should the citizens of Dar al-Vexler wait for Irok to return from weeks of exile? Eventually, after consultation of the Vexlic Texts, a decision was reached, one of political action and unanimous decision. National Tenochtitlan was dissolved, and from its place now stood Bobanga. DarkyDu assumed full power as First Scholar of Bobanga, and the citizens were assembled into new powers and groups.

Over the next month or two, significant efforts were taken to improve Bobanga and transform it into a modernised and fully-fledged industrialised nation state. This is the era of economic growth in Bobanga, where every citizen did his part to ensure Bobangan industry was brought to full strength.