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Little events of importance happened during the first week as [[Player Groups|player groups]] were only beginning to establish themselves.
Little events of importance happened during the first week as [[Player Groups|player groups]] were only beginning to establish themselves.

====== Channers-Bastion conflicts ======
==== Channers-Bastion conflicts ====
A large amount of controversy and internal feuding occurred in the first couple weeks of March 2022. The main subjects of these feuds was the town of [[Bastion (Town)|Bastion]], and the town of [[Chan Town|Green Spice]] (or Chan Town)
A large amount of controversy and internal feuding occurred in the first couple weeks of March 2022. The main subjects of these feuds was the town of [[Bastion (Town)|Bastion]], and the town of [[Chan Town|Green Spice]] (or Chan Town)

It started when Bastion resident Xorberax was lured into a room by another player from Chan Town and was trapped there. Xorberax broke down the door which made the Channer decide to shackle Xorberax for it, sparking a much larger series of events. After the shacklegear was updated, Xorberax was not shackled anymore due to the Channers not being familiar with the mechanics of refueling a shacklegear, and he escaped. Xorberax decided to threaten the town of Green Spice saying he will level the entire town, or threats of similar nature. <ref>M U L T I P O L A R(March 13, 2022) "[ We had Xorborax pearled originally (assumed he got out as shacklegear was just updated) but Southern clarified that we didn't refuel his shackle right, because the mechanic is different from civcraft so he got out. He was our bargaining chip and we lost it, we were working on a treaty with Bastion as Xorberax threatened to level our town. Having lost it, Bastion stopped talking to us. Faust initiated the talks, Greenkitten our ambassador reached out to Jaysus but they never got back to us, because why should they they got their guy free.]"</ref> A little while after escaping Green Spice, Xorberax decided to go and bomb Chan Town in retaliation against what they did to him. After the bombing, some of Chan Towns' members logged on and went to Bastion to shackled Xorberax. Some of the members from Bastion took notice and aided Xorberax against the attackers and got them shackled. <ref>M U L T I P O L A R(March 13 2022) [ "After bantering in the discord we logged on and saw that our entire town was destroyed and vault broken, and shit stolen. So we saw the guy who did it was still online and were quite pissed. Four of our guys geared up and went to Bastion to shackle him, but 3 other Bastion guys ran out and helped him and he shackled all of us.]"</ref> A discord user by the name of MULTIPOLAR said he later secured the release to those shackled members of Green Spice and returned some of the stolen goods from Green Spice. In March 12, Chan Town, according to Xorberax, doxxed him into bombing the town of Bastion so they'd stop doing it to him <ref>KingOfTheMochas (March 13 2022) [ "Uhhhh I think Xorb said he got trapped in a room by Faust after he asked him to come to chantown for some reason and then Xorb tried to break down the door to escape and Faust shackled him and then he went (Apeshit) and threatened to blow Chantown to smithereens and then he got freed for some reason (channers said there was some kinda deal with jay but it sounds like jay denies that) and then he ended up ''actually'' blowing it to smithereens and then channers got reasonably mad but to an unreasonable amount and doxxed (?) him and then he agreed (?) to nuke Bastion if they stopped doxxing him and so he did and now we’re all pissed at him and also each other]"</ref> After those events, Xorberax was banished from Bastion. There are still a number of disagreements and arguments in the official Vciv Discord after all of this happened.
It started when Bastion resident Xorberax was lured into a room by another player from Chan Town and was trapped there. Xorberax broke down the door which made the Channer decide to shackle Xorberax for it, sparking a much larger series of events. After the shacklegear was updated, Xorberax was not shackled anymore due to the Channers not being familiar with the mechanics of refueling a shacklegear, and he escaped. Xorberax decided to threaten the town of Green Spice saying he will level the entire town, or threats of similar nature. <ref>M U L T I P O L A R(March 13, 2022) "[ We had Xorborax pearled originally (assumed he got out as shacklegear was just updated) but Southern clarified that we didn't refuel his shackle right, because the mechanic is different from civcraft so he got out. He was our bargaining chip and we lost it, we were working on a treaty with Bastion as Xorberax threatened to level our town. Having lost it, Bastion stopped talking to us. Faust initiated the talks, Greenkitten our ambassador reached out to Jaysus but they never got back to us, because why should they they got their guy free.]"</ref> A little while after escaping Green Spice, Xorberax decided to go and bomb Chan Town in retaliation against what they did to him. After the bombing, some of Chan Towns' members logged on and went to Bastion to shackled Xorberax. Some of the members from Bastion took notice and aided Xorberax against the attackers and got them shackled. <ref>M U L T I P O L A R(March 13 2022) [ "After bantering in the discord we logged on and saw that our entire town was destroyed and vault broken, and shit stolen. So we saw the guy who did it was still online and were quite pissed. Four of our guys geared up and went to Bastion to shackle him, but 3 other Bastion guys ran out and helped him and he shackled all of us.]"</ref> A discord user by the name of MULTIPOLAR said he later secured the release to those shackled members of Green Spice and returned some of the stolen goods from Green Spice. In March 12, Chan Town, according to Xorberax, doxxed him into bombing the town of Bastion so they'd stop doing it to him <ref>KingOfTheMochas (March 13 2022) [ "Uhhhh I think Xorb said he got trapped in a room by Faust after he asked him to come to chantown for some reason and then Xorb tried to break down the door to escape and Faust shackled him and then he went (Apeshit) and threatened to blow Chantown to smithereens and then he got freed for some reason (channers said there was some kinda deal with jay but it sounds like jay denies that) and then he ended up ''actually'' blowing it to smithereens and then channers got reasonably mad but to an unreasonable amount and doxxed (?) him and then he agreed (?) to nuke Bastion if they stopped doxxing him and so he did and now we’re all pissed at him and also each other]"</ref> After those events, Xorberax was banished from Bastion. There are still a number of disagreements and arguments in the official Vciv Discord after all of this happened.

==== Decline ====
Throughout late March and early April 2022, the active population of Vintage Civ began to decline and reached the point where the peak player count reached only the single digits. Players have contributed this decline to a number of factors, including:

* General hype for [[CivMC]] after its Q&A on March 25, 2022 leading players to focus their attention towards it.
* A rumour that admins had been working on Vintage Civ 2.0, leaving players not wanting to give attention to the 1.0 server that might be going away soon.
* The plugins xSkills and QPtech- which allowed players to upgrade certain abilities (eg. increased health, faster block breaking, etc.) after reaching certain goals- breaking after being updated, causing those who were working towards those goals getting burned out.
* The most populous towns, Bastion and Green Spice, being abandoned after their aforementioned conflicts.
* Stragglers from Green Spice raiding and griefing other towns like [[Kindread Clan]] and [[Ember Valley]], causing their residents to quit.
* A shallow tech tree.
* Discrepencies in moderation; Some mods/admins, like SouthernBloc and Pkoed, are sympathetic to neo-nazi and generally right-wing views and users in the discord, but rules against harassment and hate speech have been implemented and enforced by other mods/admins, like SimpleBastard and [[KingOfTheMochas]]. This leads to the server being highly populated by right-wing users who subsequently get banned from it.

Nevertheless, the admin team continues to work on a new website and a new in-house version of xSkills.

== References ==
== References ==