Talk:Comprehensive Guide

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Revision as of 01:45, 2 February 2020 by Squareblob (talk | contribs)
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General :

  • use footnotes to cite the readme's or other sources a section borrows from
  • Coordinate editing effort for civ plugin readme's
  • Do not segregate by plugin for no reason : If two plugins effect the same gameplay aspect it is better to group them together and use asterisk's to denotate which plugin has which effect. (e.g. grouping all pvp changes in single category).
  • Use and fix citation needed markers

Sections are ranked roughly by the proportion of pertinent information filled in.

⠀Almost all pertinent information

Most pertinent information

Some pertinent information

Very little or no pertinent information

Meta:Existing Guides

Here are existing guides to mine for information. Much has already been taken from these, add more guides and compilations of interest as needed.

Mostly used but may contain some information : Plugins


  • Humbug section can be removed and its contents placed in other sections, e.g. it is better flow to put all changes to PvP in a single place. Include a asterisk next to each humbug change like so : "Buff bows by 1.2†" "† denotes change made by humbug plugin"
  • Where is humbug overridden by other plugins?

Citations needed

  • "Increases damage reduction granted by the Protection enchantment" By how much?
  • "Wither skulls have .4 % drop rate"
  • "Lava water cobble stone generation disabled (cobble_from_lava: false)"
  • fixes glitchy Ender Pearl teleportation coords (any visible effect?)
  • is it humbug that prevents books from being manually copied, normalizes horse stats?
  • Why does humbug say : "obsidian_generator: false"

Combat Changes

  • List Finale changes to PvP


  • Introduction explaining what this plugin does ; move to broader 'chat' section (including things such as colored names)


  • Explain what combat tagging is, when combat taggers float e.t.c

Exile Pearl

  • Verify in-game the list of things an exiled player cannot do.



  • Explain what item exchange is for, add images and usage examples






  • Split into other sections e.g. chat section with civchat2
