List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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Add January bills
(All bill votes of 2023. Finally done)
(Add January bills)
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|The Senate approves the new borders of Withervale as outlined on the map below! <nowiki></nowiki>
|Spaceman_Spleef's vote is counted
|The Treaty of Elyris is terminated and the Elyriani Realm is accepted as a state of the Imperial Federation in accordance with the following new treaty <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the appointment of SlothInASuit for Vice Chancellor for the duration of CapianColton's term.
|The senate approves annexation of Empordania as a territory of the Imperial Federation with the borders as outlined on the map attached below
|The Senate approves the reappointment of FE_Flags for Vice Chancellor for the duration of CapianColton’s term.
|Original: Elections will be overseen by the King, and a random panel of citizens from the Imperial Federation known as the ‘Electoral Commission’. Change: Elections will be overseen by the King, and a random panel of eligible voters from the Imperial Federation known as the ‘Electoral Commission’.
|Amend the Department Reognization Act to read "senate" instead of "parliament": departments are created to manage a specific task through a majority vote in parliament A citizen is appointed the chair/secretary of the department and is given the power to run the department the way they see fit. they can also delegate their own power even further if they believe this is necessary Each department has its own channel in the IF discord that the department chair can manage and add people to if they believe necessary. department chairs can be paid from the IF treasury and funds can be allocated to the departments that can be spent at the discretion of the chair for use in their goal every 2 weeks, a department chair files a short report to the IF parliament and public detailing what they have been doing over the time frame and what progress has been made, and how the money given to them has been spent if the parliament believes a department chair is inadequate, they can be replaced by a majority vote in parliament. A department can also be disbanded by a majority vote
|The Senate votes to promote Groveheart to a state. Gidein will serve as its senator. Groveheart will be ruled as a monarchy. The borders are defined below with flag attached: <nowiki></nowiki>
|Creation of an EXP exchange in Otanobee Bay Area, this will be overseen by Mat_Potato_king with help from other states in the Bay
|TrueToneMatters is granted citizenship (vote is required due to the Asgardian Citizenship Act)
|The Senate derelicts Landshut and it shall cease to be a state. The territory will be annexed into the state of Withervale. If Landshut returns to activity in the next 3 months they may reclaim their city from Withervale
|Territorial Senators will be able to post in ⁠#senate-discussion
|The "speech bubble" voting option is removed and senators are encouraged to simply vote no and state their reason in the bill discussion instead
|ScreamTeam2005 is granted citizenship (vote is required due to the Asgardian Citizenship Act)
|Two stacks of diamonds are allocated for the ⁠Recruitment cometition with the specifications described in the bill. The competition will begin on the passage of the bill and end at the end of January.
|The Senate supports the creation of a Department of Infrastructure. The Department of Infrastructure would be in charge of micro-managing projects so the senate/chancellor doesn't have to. For example, paying people, determining the costs of projects, actually overseeing the project and making sure it's completed. They would also mantain railways, making sure they remained fixed, and making sure junctions remain working and up to date
|The Senate appoints matatnic1107 for the Second Judge
|The Senate approves the appointment of Potato_Duke for Vice Chancellor for the duration of CapianColton's term.
|State Treasury Transparency Act: All states may share their state treasury or state leader's personal finance that is used for their state in the federal treasury channel. It is optional for the states to opt-in monthly state treasury information sharing commitment. States may also share their treasury information post outside of the one post-per-month commitment at any time.
|Creation of a Department of Defense The Department of Defense would be in charge of making sure the country is secure and safe from outside threats. They would be in charge of overseeing the building and maintaining of federal military infrastructure, Supplying, recruiting, and training military personal, and most importantly helping coordinate state militaries. This will help organize our nation's defense so we can better prepare in the event of an emergency A senate hearing will be held to help the senate choose who to appoint as head of the department. Funding for the department of defense will be determined by the chancellor and given to the department by senate approval.
|The territory of Atlantis is added to the Imperial Federation under the state of Nalora
|Amend Constitution section 2a to: 2a. Change their borders without authorisation from the Chancellor and/or senate Add clause 2a i) <nowiki>''</nowiki>All expansions of state borders will also expand the borders of the Imperial Federation"
|Ban On Personal Deluvian Nations Act: No citizen of the Imperial Federation will be permitted to create a nation (neither outside nor inside the Imperial Federation) on the continent of Deluvia without approval from the Senate. This Act will only apply to new cases
|Form mutual alliance with Surmadri and creation of a new organization called South-West Treaty Organization under New Callisto Treaty; <nowiki></nowiki>
|New article to Section 2; Article 11. Chancellor reserves the right to veto a bill that is passed with less than 2/3 majority within 24 hours after passage. New article to Section 1; Article 11. The King of the Imperial Federation reserves the right to overturn the Chancellor's veto on a bill within 24 hours after the Chancellor's veto decision. --- Current Section 2, Article 3: The Imperial Senate can overturn any decision made by the Chancellor of the Imperial Federation by a majority vote of all Senators, and it has supremacy over the Chancellor to enact decisions if a majority vote of all Senators support it. Modified Section 2, Article 3: The Imperial Senate can overturn any decision made by the Chancellor and/or Vice Chancellor of the Imperial Federation by a two-thirds majority of votes, and it has supremacy over the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor to enact decisions if a two-thirds majority of votes support it.
|212d from the treasury will be moved to the New Callisto Ore Exchange in order to increase the number of available exchanges, bringing the total diamonds held in the exchange to 483.
|Accept Cyania as a Duchy of Nalora with the borders below
|The senate supports the Treaty with Thule <nowiki></nowiki>
|Approve of the Great Western Bay Charter. <nowiki></nowiki>


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