List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

500 Bills
(Add January bills)
(500 Bills)
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|Approve of the Great Western Bay Charter. <nowiki></nowiki>
|95 iron blocks from the treasury will be used to reinforce chests, doors, and some portions of blocks
|The senate supports the Second Department Reorganization Act as outlined in the document below <nowiki></nowiki>
|The senate supports Amending Section 5 Article 1 of the Constitution of the Imperial Federation: Federal Elections for the position of Chancellor of the Imperial Federation shall be held no sooner than 40 days after the announcement of the previous election results and no later than the first full weekend after the 40 days after the announcement of the previous election results.
|The senate supports Amending Section 8 Article 5 of the Constitution of the Imperial Federation: Within this role, the King may choose to consult the Head of the Defense Department, the Military Chief of Staff, Senate and Chancellor of the Imperial Federation on the appointment of military officials. The King, Senate, Military Chief of Staff and senior Military can perform military actions outside of war, including pearl-on-sight orders, which can be overturned by the Senate of the Imperial Federation.
|Candidacy period for next chancellor election begins on thursday the 8th at noon EST and lasts 48 hours. Voting period for next chancellor election begins when candidacy period ends and lasts 48 hours.
|Transfer this island from Empordania to The Duchy of Atlantis(Nalora) <nowiki></nowiki>
|Elyras will become part of the state of Groveheart. It will be displayed on the map as Elyras (Groveheart). Elyras will become an internal department of Groveheart. Lord Gidein of House Groveheart will be given the title of <nowiki>''Yw Gythaeni''</nowiki> meaning The Protector
|The Senate appoints Bestfiretop for the Second Judge.
|Vote for Gidein to become the Vice Chancellor as chosen by Potato_Duke
|Vote to approve Potato_Dukes chosen cabinet members/ heads of departments Department of Defence: Bluu; Department of Infrastructure: asgeir; Department of Building: @CapianColton; Department of Economy: Gidein; Department of Culture (New and Non-permanent): Frost_Warrior - The purpose of this department is to have a department, which is responsible for promoting Imperial Federation on reddit and on civmc, while also organizing cultural events in game.
|Amendment to the Second Department Reorganization Act: "Each department has its own channel in the IF discord in discord category titled “Imperial Departments”. The channels are managed by the heads of the departments with heads managing their respective department channel" -> "Each department has its own category in the IF discord in discord. The categories and their respective channels are managed by the heads of the department"
|The Senate approves Mayguow's appeal <nowiki></nowiki>
|The southern independent part of Sneg is merged into the northern part of the IF state of Sneg
|The borders of the territories of Pride Rock and Meriecta are formerly drawn according to the following map, with the land in red and yellow becoming Meriecta, and the land in green becoming Pride Rock. Xenos is appointed territorial governor of Pride Rock and DerKaiser is appointed territorial governor of Meriecta. <nowiki></nowiki>
|The treaty of New Thoria is ratified and Thoria will rejoin the Imperial Federation as a state. <nowiki></nowiki>
|The flag of the capital district will be the flag in ⁠citizens-announcements which gets the most votes after 48 hours
|The senate approves the Citizenship Application of former Asgardian, Aetherix
|The Senate approves the following treaty with Exyria <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate repeals Asgardian Citizenship Act (ACA)
|The Senate bans King_Cupar from receiving any citizenship, housing, own a shop, and visit in the Imperial Federation, the states, territories, and federal lands permanently for his treason acts against the Imperial Federation and the King of the IF.
|The Senate support the proposed change to the Government-related channels: Roles shall be given access to talk and see in ⁠government-text-chat: The King, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Senator, Territorial Senator, State Leader, Settlement Leader, Department Heads; ⁠#senate-discussion and #bills-polling ⁠shall be visible to senator, VC, chancellor, and king. Department head can see senate discussion but not bills polling.; ⁠ #bills-results shall be public to the IF citizens ⁠#treasury-updates shall be visible to department heads, senator, VC, chancellor, and king; ⁠⁠senate-hearing shall be visible to department heads, settlement leader, state leader, territorial senator, VC, chancellor, and king
|The senate approves appointing Sloth as the Head of the Department of Defense of the Imperial Federation
|Sell Kalengrad and all of its existing resources and structures for 20 diamond blocks to Plrog
|The Senate approves spending 10 stacks of iron blocks on the vault until a DoD budget is passed
|500th Bill Commemoration Act: In commemoration of the 500th Bill introduced to the IF legislature, a celebration of the history of the Imperial Federation will be held. After the State of the Federation address sometime this weekend, there will be a meeting which all Imperial Federation citizens may attend to discuss the past, present, and future of the Federation, to be run by the Department of Culture, Chancellor, and King. In addition, the Department of Culture may determine events and competitions to be held promptly to celebrate this event, such as a Wiki editting competition, content creation competition, or quiz show, which prized may be given for victory in.
