List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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All bill votes of 2023. Finally done
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(All bill votes of 2023. Finally done)
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|That the Imperial Federation reverts to the first constitution of the Imperial Federation. <nowiki></nowiki>
|That the Imperial Federation adopts the revised constitution of the Imperial Federation. (Changes are very minor from the original constitution)
|That the Senate permits all states of the Imperial Federation to advertise themselves anywhere outside of the IF server
|The Senate approves pushing for a deal with Asgard which retains the IF's ownership, administration, and access to the farms in Joseon and Kalengrad while allowing Asgard to keep the territorial claims and retain ownership and administration of the rest of the land.
|The Senate approves the following constitutional amendment: Move 1.5 to 1.6 and make 1.5 "The King serves as the primary representative of the IF and its interests on the international stage. a. The King may make discretionary decisions regarding foreign policy which do not conflict with published policy of the Chancellor or Senate. These decisions must be communicated to the government and may be overturned by a majority vote of the Senate." Replace 2.2.c with "The Chancellor will serve as the secondary point of contact for the IF on the world stage alongside the King."
|Esberg will become a state of the IF with the borders seen on the online map
|Slothistan joins the Imperial Federation
|Slothistan is no longer a state of the Imperial Federation
|The Senate approves the usage of some emeralds from the treasury to help fund the mining boost this weekend. (Note we nearly have enough crops to have just over 6 stacks of emerald blocks
|Reclaim ALX
|The Senate approves the King executing a one-time run of adv exp (may total 3 recipes worth) for Surmadri provided with all materials for a price of 4 e blocks.
|That the Senate supports a new name of the new capital city of the Imperial Federation shall be named as Kronabor.
|The Senate supports the recreation of the Capital District: Capital District and everything within the Capital District belongs to the Federal Government and King. Except for the personal belongings within the individual's shop and house.All Capital District-related namelayers shall be owned by the King.Capital District is a federal city and district, therefore they are prohibited from being made as a state nor leave the Imperial Federation.All residents in the Capital District are required to have at least one state residency outside of the Capital District to be permitted to live in the Capital.Capital District can only grant immigrants an residency status in the Imperial Federation until they gain citizenship and a house in one of the IF State in order to be eligible for the IF citizenship.Federal Government and King reverses rights to evict individual from the Capital District for federal crimes, loss of the IF citizenship, association with an enemy nation, or on the POS list.
|Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Any government document/record which is more than 4 months old can be published publically unless it is specifically designated as classified by the senate. Any citizen make a request to see an old government document or chat.
|The Senate approves the application to become a full member of Union of the South Sea alliance.
|The Senate approves ⁠Federal land subdivision: <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the creation of the district of Waterside <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves to suspend Section 3, Article 11 until December 1, 2023.
|The Senate approves the reclaimation of the city Pride Rock and turn the city into a historical site.
|The Senate approves "New Callisto" as a new name of new capital of the Imperial Federation.
|The Senate approves the above resolution to the Joseon question <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves a budget of 20 iron blocks and 4 stacks of e blocks to go towards setting up the federal exp exchange in New Callisto based around 1 run of exp 2 and 1 run of exp 4.
|A federal ore exchange will be created in New Callisto using the following Treasury funds: At most 32 diamonds for reinforcement/security. 220 diamonds to be used as stock for the diamond ore exchange 158 iron blocks to be used as stock for the iron exchange 120 copper blocks to be used as stock for the copper exchange
|The Senate approves using 55 diamonds from treasury to finance a purchase of 10cs of vines from What777 in Volterra. Total cost of 110 diamonds with half paid by the government and half by Potato_Duke. Vines to be used for exp production and stored by King Jalhf.
|The lands of vermont are incorporated into the imperial federation as a territory which Thejmqn as caretaker until further arrangements are made. Arrangements will be made within the next two weeks for how the territory will be governed in the future.
|Imperial Citizenship Act Residents are defined as anyone who has a house or dwelling within the Imperial Federation and has had a citizenship application accepted. Citizens are defined as any Resident who has registered with the federal government. Only registered citizens may be counted for Senate apportionment, participate in federal elections, access federal resources, access federal farms, and use federal exchanges. In order to register, a citizen must ping a federal citizen registration snitch. A citizen is registered for 30 days (precisely 720 hours) following their latest citizen registration snitch ping. Citizens who are unable to register due to extenuating circumstances may apply for an exception with the King. The approval or denial of an exception application must be confirmed by at least one of the following: the Chancellor, the Senate, or a Senate-appointed representative. If none of these parties confirm the King's decision, it is reversed. Citizen registration buildings (CRBs) will be established in each state and territory, including the national capital, under the following requirements: Each state/territory should inform the federal government of it's chosen CRB location(s) and all CRB locations should be documented in a place accessible to citizens; Each CRB will have exactly one snitch in it on the federal voter registration namelayer; all CRBs must be clearly marked and easily accessible to citizens of its particular state; the capital of a state must have a VRB; every distinctly named settlement/city may have at most 1 CRB
|The Senate approvese stablishing official diplomatic relations with the following nations: Icenia, Pavia, Estalia, Yoahtl, and Nara. The King of the Imperial Federation would be the main diplomat, while the chancellor helping him. The senate is to be informed and decide on further diplomatic ties with the nations.
|The Senate approves the signing of the CUB declaration and Founding Agreement with the nation of Pavia.
|Federal District West Act: Yellow line. Merging of FD1 and New Callisto into New Callisto, Capital District; Orange line: State of Regensburg annexes waterside and western portion of Indepenedent nation of Tsardom of Sneg; Red line: Conjoin all those territories into one Federal District West, plus adding peninsula to the north and the wasteland to the south; Orangish line: Esberg is restored to its old borders <nowiki></nowiki>
|State Definition Act: A State Leader is the designated voice of a state. They are not the same as a senator, who represents their state and votes in the Imperial Senate, though they may be the same person. A state leader is generally the one who owns state groups and oversees the admittance of new players to their state. More concretely, they are considered by the federal government to be the sole source of truth on state affairs and state decisions. States must have clearly defined borders clearly defined leadership selection process clearly defined senator selection process Settlements must have clearly defined borders clearly defined leadership selection process A District is a region under the jurisdiction of the federal government which has well-defined borders.
|The Senate approves the exchange of 3 stacks of iron blocks from the treasury with Dark at a rate of 18.29i:1d
|The Senate approves the IF officially annexing and reintegrating Anor Londo X
|The Imperial Citizenship Act is amended to replace the term "Citizens" with the term "Registered Citizens" and to replace the term "Resident" with "Citizen"
|The Senate will allow druczy's citizenship request
|Vouxia's request to rejoin the Imperial Federation as a state is accepted
|A referendum process will occur to decide a flag for the New Callisto capital district. Over the next two days, any citizen or resident may submit a design for the flag. Afterwards, a vote will be held which all citizens can participate in where they will choose which design will be the new flag. The senate agrees to honor the results of this poll.
|The Senate approves the creation of prot using up to 2/4 stacks of e blocks from the treasury. What is done with this will be decided after determining the total cost to make, but options include free prot for competent military personnel and discounted rates for citizens.
|The Senate approves an additional 32 e blocks to go to finishing the creation of the prot sets
|The senate agrees with amending the constitution of the IF to: Change section 6, article 1 to state: The Federal Judiciary of the Imperial Federation shall consist of 3 judges: 1 of which shall be elected by citizens of the Imperial Federation, the second judge to be appointed by the Senate of the Imperial Federation, and the Head judge to be the King of the Imperial Federation. Add article 6 stating: The second judge, appointed by the senate cannot preside over the cases involving members of the senate. Add article 7 stating: The Head judge, the King of the Imperial Federation, cannot preside over the cases involving the King of the Imperial Federation as a party in the case. Add article 8 stating: Judiciary is the sole interpreter of the constitution, when a constitutional matter arises or when the constitution isn't clear
|The senate agrees with amending the constitution to: Changing section 8, article 1 to state: The capital city of the Imperial Federation is New Callisto. Changing section 8, article 1, paragraph a to state: The capital chief as selected by the senate will serve as mayor of New Callisto. Changing section 8, article 1, paragraph b to state: The capital chief is charged with planning and developing New Callisto in coordination with other federal officials.
|The senate agrees with amending the constitution of the IF to: Add article 10 stating: The Chancellor of the Imperial Federation can appoint Vice-Chancellor of the Imperial Federation with at least 50% of support from the Senate. Vice-Chancellor serves for the duration of the Chancellor’s term. Add article 10, paragraph a to state: The Vice-Chancellor of the Imperial Federation has a right to propose laws to the senate, but has no voting rights on any legislation proposed in the senate. Add article 10, paragraph b to state: The Vice-Chancellor of the Imperial Federation has the right to access the Treasury of the Imperial Federation with the approval of the King of the Imperial Federation or the Senate. Add article 10, paragraph c to state: The Vice-Chancellor of the Imperial Federation has the right to assume the constitutional duties and rights granted to the Chancellor of the Imperial Federation, when the King of the Imperial Federation. and at least 50% of the Senate deems it necessary. This right cannot be granted for more than the remaining duration of the Chancellor and can be revoked with 50% vote of the Senate and support from the King of the Imperial Federation. Add article 10, paragraph d to state: The Vice-Chancellor of the Imperial Federation can be removed with at least 50% vote of the Senate.
|The senate agrees with appointing CapianColton as The capital chief for his hard work and contribution to our new capital.
|The candidacy period for the next chancellor election as well as the election for the popularly elected judge will begin at noon EST on Thursday the 9th. The candidacy period will last 2 days where any citizen may declare for one of these positions. The voting period will be at noon EST on Saturday the 9th and last for 2 days.
|The Senate approves the above sale rates for diamond prot armor, with proceeds to go into the treasury.
|The Senate approves establishing official diplomatic relations with the nation of Gang Shi. The King of the Imperial Federation would be the main diplomat, while the chancellor helps him. The senate is to be informed and decide on further diplomatic ties with the nation.
|Regulation on sales of military equipments and arms act: 1.No military equipment or arms can be sold in times of war to any warring faction, unless the Imperial Federation has a defensive or military alliance. 2. No military equipment or arms can be sold to third parties, which have intentions of reselling the equipment to warring factions. 3. No military equipment or arms can be produced by warring factions inside the territory of the Imperial Federation 4. No military equipment or arms can be produced by third parties, which have intentions of reselling the equipment to warring factions, inside the territory of the Imperial Federation.5. Military equipment is to be defined as: a. Armor of any grade b. Swords and bows of any grade c. Vault bastions d. Components used to produce Vault bastions e. Obsidian 6.Violation of this law is to be decided on an individual basis by the Judiciary of the Imperial Federation
|The senate of the Imperial Federation support appointing CapianColton as the Vice Chancellor of the Imperial Federation for the duration of Potato_duke's Chancellorship.
|The senate of the Imperial Federation supports appointing @Frosty as the second judge, which according to the Constitution of the Imperial Federation is selected by the senate.
|Western States Act: Withervale and Landshut are admitted as states with borders specified. They will have senators provided their population is high enough. <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate supports the creation of the ICC, and the plan set up in the ICCA proposal
|the senate approves striking the deal with CoolChacha
|The Asgardian citizenship act: Asgardian government members (Members of the Asgardian Council): The senate and the king should decide with a vote on their new citizenship according to all available information about their actions during and before the crisis.; Citizens of the Imperial Federation, who have joined Asgard when it was formed during the secession crisis: The senate should decide with a vote on their new citizenship according to all available information about their actions during and before the crisis; Citizens of Asgard who have joined after the crisis: They should go through the normal application protocol
|The Party Organization Act: 1. A thread will be created under #⁠state-ads called #party-ads where citizens may post descriptions, ideologies, and links to their political party discords if applicable. 2. All parties must comply with the Party Limitation Act of October 2022 and follow all server rules. 3. All political parties must have their stances clearly defined if they have a stance on an issue and must update their ad if their stances change. 4. The King of the Imperial Federation must have access to all discord channels in political party discords.
|The Trickle Down Act; Aimed to "trickle down" wealth from the government to states and then to citizens, this act cover 3 clauses. 1. The establishment of farm/crop exchanges nationwide to increase the flow of money from the federal government to the states hands. By establishing exchanges at a near fixed rate, states know what needs to be produced in order to increase economic throughput, and give new citizens a chance to fulfill the overall needs while making money. These exchanges will be for "Uncompacted Item -> Set Iron/Diamond Price. 2. The introduction of a diamond/iron backed financial system intended to remove EXP as the defacto national currency. The federal reserve/treasury will retain no less than 40% of EXP per run to insure price stabilities even if production begins to scale. The federal government retains the right to sell emerald blocks, and will make it available for citizen purchase. 3. The establishment of a steady iron/diamond conversion rate, with exchanges built and facilities maintained by the state.
|The senate agrees to invoking section 2 article 10 paragraph c of the constitution.
|The senate supports to strip Fat_L's citizenship.
|Treasury Disclouse Act: With turnover of the following positions: Chancellor, King (or Queen), Vice Chancellor, or basically anyone with control of the treasury (Think Curia Controller), a posted turnover in treasury update shall be required prior to relinquishing duties. This is to ensure accountability that treasury funds are stable, and being utilized appropriately. Any major changes should be disclosed in the same post, or as a reply to image.
|HassDaMahn is granted citizenship.
|State Citizenship Requires National Citizenship
|The land below is annexed into the Imperial Federation as part of the state of Nalora <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate supports the creation of New Esberg and the claiming of the following area: <nowiki></nowiki>
|The senate supports appointing Asgeir as judge
|The Senate affirms the admission of Transylvania into the BUILD alliance
|The Senate approves 50d payment to Potato_Duke for his work on building capital schematics
|The Senate support appointing FE_flags as the Vice Chancellor of the Imperial Federation for the duration of CapianColton’s Chancellorship.
|The Senate support annexation and reintegration of Imperia, Joseon, and Santiago from Asgard.
|The Senate approves any necessary military action in order to secure our holds
|The Senate support in granting HassDaMahn citizenship of the IF and approve Hass Deal outlined; The IF get full control over Joseon, Santiago, Vanaheim, Kalengrad, and Imperia territories. Santiago shall be part of Slum Town and Imperia shall become a Federal District (Namely Federal Land D3). Joseon shall become a territory of the IF. Vanaheim shall become a territory of the IF. HassDaMahn is barred from any public office in the IF.
|he previous bill is amended to explicitly state that Hass continues to be the leader of Vanaheim, and that public office is defined as a federal government position.
|Beginning with the next chancellor term, the Senate formally requests that at least once every term the chancellor should have an official meeting in the capital along with the government and any citizens who wish to attend to discuss current happening, their goals, and the overall state of the Imperial Federation
|Currently: The Senate will approve decisions of laws by a majority vote of all Senators unless otherwise stated in this document. Change: The Senate will approve decisions of laws by a majority vote of Senators unless otherwise stated in this document.
|The Senate ratifies the Vouxia-Esberg deal, in which the territories of Old Esberg will become part of Vouxia
|The senate approves the appointment of Blu9710 for Chief of Military Staff
|The Senate supports the Imperial Federation’s withdrawal of the membership of BUILD alliance.
|The Senate approves the division of Imperia with new borders and districts: Red border = ALX/Slothistan Blue border = Myra District Green border = Vouxia Orange border = Imperia Purple border = Snowdin District Black border = Military District <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the Treaty of Elyris <nowiki></nowiki>
|Crown Jahlf King of Deluvia
|The Declaration/Candidacy period of the next chancellor election will occur on the 26th and 27th. The voting period will occur on the 28th and 29th.
|The Senate approves annexation of marked land and create newly annexed land as a Federal Land District called "Florida District". This district serves as a connection to the western states by land without fear of being locked out due to another nations' decision such as border being closed. <nowiki></nowiki>
|Dcruzy is granted citizenship (vote is required due to the Asgardian citizenship Act still being in effect
|The Senate approves the new borders of Withervale as outlined on the map below! <nowiki></nowiki>


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