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== Background ==
In the aftermath of the [[Butternut–SEC War]], the nation of [[Cortesia Del Mar (CivMC)|Cortesia Del Mar]] was disbanded following the departure of many of its members from [[CivMC]]. This left the portal to be claimed by [[Mount Augusta]] with [[Mehri|Mehri's]] blessing<ref></ref>. [[Mount Augusta|Mount Augustan]] officials began attempting to share the portal 20% between five nations, [[Ila'Kyavul]], [[Mount Augusta]], [[Rivia]], [[Wayrest]], and [[Doom City]]. During the early stages of MTA's nether portal project, Doom City council member, [[ShadySauce]], discovered several Mount Augustan officials using Doom City's private iceroad between Doom City's fortress, Mt. Doom, and the CDM portal. This prompted immediate discussion between [[ShadySauce]] and then MTA governor, [[ComradeNick]], in which both parties had reached an agreement for Doom City to retain their preexisting private iceroad into the portal, as well as [[Doom City]]'s nether farms to remain private. Months later, upon the return of two inactive Doom City members, [[FRESH candy]] and [[SymSquid]], discovered Doom City's private entrance into the portal to be locked, which sparked arguing and later negotiations to remerge between ShadySauce and ComradeNick. This later fell through due to the trapping of the CDM-owned portal. During the latter half of the [[War of the Icenian Coalition]], [[SymSquid]] began raiding [[Arsenia]], breaking into a lightly defended factory bunker and looting muchmany of the weight lifting equipmentfactories inside, due to allegations that 'he could not lift' and 'there is no good or evil, simply weight and those too weak to lift it'.<ref name=":2" /> This would lead to a series of events that would eventually conclude with [[SymSquid]] being pearled by Arsenian Spotter [[SQOpenSpellBook|SQOpenSpellbook]] and held in the [[Fempire Union]] Vault, the first indication of wider [[BUILD]] alliance involvement.<ref></ref> Reparations for [[SymSquid]] to be released were set at "3 repsstacks of xp, 32dbs, 3 stacks of 400lb and materials to make a bastion factory OR 32 vbs" <ref name=":2" /> for his involvement in stealing these items from [[Arsenia|Arsenia's]] factory room. However, [[SymSquid]] would escape his pearl due to server crashes just prior to the December 19th conflict.
== Course of the Conflict ==
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=== Battle of the Bridge ===
On the morning of December 19th, a border conflict between Doom City & MTA devolved into violence. Both sides contend that the other initiated hostile action, with Doom City arguing that they entered MTA to fortify their own property,<ref name=":4" /> and MTA contending that they had been subject to an unprovoked attack.<ref></ref> As additional BUILD fighters arrived in MTA, Doom City members, who found themselves outnumbered, briefly retreated across the river before fighting continued, eventually resulting in the bridge marking the border being covered with obsidian.<ref name=":1">{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=Nightmarr|sender=Nightmarr|date=12-19-2023|url=|text=Image of Doom City / MTA bridge covered in obsidian|channel=general|server=CivMC|access-date=}}</ref> Various battlefront skirmishes between MTA defenders and Doom City members bolstered by Pavian reinforcements in the form of Jaydon and Cissonius, resulted in Nightmarr, SymSquid, and Defender4488 all pearled in fights near the MTA border, leaving the score at 2-1 in Doom City's favor. Hours later, SQOpenSpellbook was banished to the shadow realmpearled by GGJoe, a well known card dealer, also inside MTA, setting the score at 3-1. After SQOpenSpellbook was pearled, Doom City would release a statement making it clear that they intended to press claims on SQ <ref name=":4" /> for the insiding of the [[Arsenio Pact]] during the [[Butternut–SEC War|Butternut-SEC War]] on behalf of the Arsenio Pact, despite the remaining members declaring no interest in pursuing this agenda.
=== BUILD Surrender ===
As the situation continued on the 19th, [[Lysika Lantariel|Lysika]] (?), [[Gray911]], [[S4NTA]], [[thejkh]], JohnFairfax (?) and [[Walkers]] (?) began an attack on the Fempire Vault {{Efn|The exact participants of the attack are contested, as a reddit comment from Strattmatt claims that Walkers and Lysika were only observing the proceedings.|name=This claim is contested|group=lower-alpha}}, and it was announced that the attack would continue unless Doom City fighter Symsquid was released. <ref name=":0" /> The potential of an extended fight during the Christmas season and the relative disparity in pvp forces convinced BUILD to release symsquid and issue a post formally surrendering, as well as expressing pride in their relatively less pvp oriented alliance for its performance during the war despite it having done nothing and the forces mustered in the battle at MTA. They also expressed dissent towards a long sentence for SQOpenSpellbook, citing the fact that "SQOpenSpellBook, who was 15 at the time, was manipulated by Chosen into insiding. [Chosen] employed every trick, including 'got your nose', to manipulate him into giving Chosen and his friends a block game advantage." <ref name=":0" /> referring to SQ's insiding of the vault Reluctance and the freeing of various pearls during the [[Butternut–SEC War|Butternut-SEC War]].
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=== Vinland Embussy ===
In an attempt to bring hostilities to an end, [ Vinland offered to facilitate negotiations] in their Embussy located in the neutral nation of [[Dirt]] purely so they could use the word 'Embussy' in international lego politics.
=== AP Statement ===
Flags, the last governor of the AP, [ discussed his thoughts on the situation] and his continued irrelevance on the server along with SQ's actions following the surrender of BUILD.
== See also ==
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