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== ItemExchange ==
''Buy and sell goods from chests {[ source], [ config]}''
See [[Item Exchange]].
Chests contain "Exchange Rules" which are stone buttons with lore containing trade information.
=== Browsing shop chests ===
It is customary to put a sign on the chest with the exchanges. However, if you left click the chest there will be text that says what the input and output for the chest are.
'''Note:''' Always check that there is an output! You don't want to put in diamonds only to realize you gave a free donation because they forgot to add an output
==== Buying from shop chests ====
There can be multiple exchanges available from a single shop chest. Make sure to left click and be looking at the exchange you want (For example Exchange 1/2 or Exchange 2/2). Hold the input item in your hand and then right click the chest. The input will be removed from your hand and the output automatically added to your inventory.
=== Creating shop chests ===
'''1) First way to create exchange rules:'''
* Hold the item you want, in the quantity you would like, (For example, 5 diamonds) and type /iec input. An exchange rule (lored stone button) will be created in your inventory.
* Hold the item you are selling, in the quantity you are selling for, (For example, one cow egg) and type /iec output. An exchange rule (lored stone button) will be created in your inventory
* Place the two buttons in a chest (make sure to reinforce it!). If you left click the chest it will now tell you the exchanges available.
'''Note:''' You can place multiple exchanges in a chest. For example, you can have one input rule of 5 diamonds and output rule of 1 cow egg. And also have one input rule for 4 diamonds and one output rule for 1 pig egg in the same chest. Left clicking the chest multiple times will allow you to move through all the available exchanges.
'''Note:''' You can have multiple inputs for one output, or one input for multiple outputs. For example, one input rule of 5 diamonds and output rule of 1 cow egg, and a second output rule of 1 pig egg. Second example, one input rule of 5 diamonds, and a second input rule for 9 iron blocks and one output rule for 1 cow egg.
'''2) Second way to create exchange rules:'''
If you don't have access to the items you're buying/ selling there are other commands you can use.
/iec input [item] [quantity]
For example: /iec input diamond 5
/iec output [item] [quantity]
For example: /iec output sapling 10
'''Note:''' The name of the item has to be the Minecraft data name. For example, dark_oak_sapling.
'''Editing exchange rules'''
While holding an exchange, use the following command to change the quantity it trades:
/ies amount [number]
For example: /ies amount 5. This will change the exchange to trade 5 of whatever item
=== Relays ===
Enderchests search and return contents of nearby shopchests when clicked. [ More information].
== Botting ==


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