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<small>''If you're looking for Gabon's successor on CivMC, Please go to [[Pavia]]''</small>{{Infobox civilization|image=Flag of Gabon.svg|position_name3=[[Flushy]]<br/>
[[Ahrimanne]]|ideology=Democracy|religion=Secular|discord=[ QJUdbdQ]|national_anthem=''Hail to Gabon's Peoples''|mascot=Azure Bluet|culture_custom_value1=[[GetSkinny]]<br/>
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[[File:Beginning Settlement.png|left|thumb|371x371px|Pictured: Photo taken of the first few buildings constructed in the settlement of Salisbury, the storehouse can be seen to the right, housing in the middle and the Bakery second from the left. '''Circa June 2018''']]
==='''Early History - June 2018 - August 2018''' ===
The 10th of June 2018 marked the creation of the state of Gabon as a result of the discovery of the uninhabited landmass by [[Tvman999]] and the subsequent claim of the land by [[GetSkinny]] who would become the Queen of Gabon shortly thereafter. Through the issuance of letters patent by The Queen, the Principality of Gabon was formed with the initial sole settlement of Salisbury.<ref></ref>
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Throughout the time period as a Principality, the nation was governed by a small privy council of BritishWanderer, Tvman999 and Gobblin who advised Queen GetSkinny in day to day duties and decisions. The government system was an absolute monarchy without a constitution until late July 2018 when Gabon would formally enter into a political union with Varkonia.[[File:BalmoralFoundations.png|alt=|left|Pictured: An overhead view of foundations of Balmoral, laid out circa July 2018|thumb]]
==== Establishment of Salisbury ====
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Balmoral would require such a vast amount of concrete that new industries would have to be structured from the ground up in order to support the demand. Glass smelters and concrete factories were planned and constructed in Salisbury and Bakerswood to aid in the erection of Balmoral Castle. However the project would eventually run into a brick wall due to budget constraints and a skilled labour shortage, with the construction halting just after the first floor of Balmoral.
The city would expand at a slowed pace for the remainder of 2018 due to the limited resources left over, however development continued on road systems and more housing in the eastern portion of the Capital.
[[File:RegionOfferedToGabonByAlpoko.png|left|thumb|171x171px|This map represents the offer that Alpoko sent to the negotiations, with red representing Alpoko's claim and Pink representing Gabon's.]]
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Initially both Gabon and Alpoko began discussions over finding a solution, each state understandably wanted their claim to surround their settlement and cities. Negotiation would be difficult however as Salisbury and the Alpokoan capital were only separated by 500 blocks, and the entirety of Gabon existed within the old claims of Alpoko. Gabon would offer to un-claim the southern portion of it's territory below the canal, which held the capital of Alpoko.
However Alpoko would counter this offer with its own attempt at redistricting and when those talks fell through, Gabon would reach out to Bloom to become involved in the crisis as a third-party arbitrator. This invitation to Bloom worked out well for the land negotiations and ground began to be made on diplomatic efforts on the idea to create a zone of financial co-operation between the three parties and commitments were made to developing the region together, although a final land claim for both Alpoko and Gabon was yet to be agreed upon. [[File:RegionOfferedToBothPartiesByBloom.png|thumb|243x243px|This map displays the arbitrated offer that Bloom reached with both parties, with purple representing Gabon, red representing Alpoko's new claims and Bloom in the green.]]Alpoko would not compromise on its beliefs that most of Gabon should be returned to Alpoko and that a third of the leftover Gabonese territory in Bakerswood be turned into the zone of financial corporation, mutually administrated by Alpoko, Bloom and Gabon.
Alpoko would not compromise on its beliefs that most of Gabon should be returned to Alpoko and that a third of the leftover Gabonese territory in Bakerswood be turned into the zone of financial corporation, mutually administrated by Alpoko, Bloom and Gabon.
Gabon was apprehensive to give away a majority of its land, especially since the land above the Cottingham canal had been empty prior to the development of Salisbury and now they were expected to part with not only a large portion of their claim but submit a portion to be mutually administrated. Despite this, the Gabonese privy council was heavily considering the offer and was open to the idea of economic cooperation and collective contribution to the region.
Gabon was apprehensive to give away a majority of its land, especially since the land above the Cottingham canal had been empty prior to the development of Salisbury and now they were expected to part with not only a large portion of their claim but submit a portion to be mutually administrated. Despite this, the Gabonese privy council was heavily considering the offer and was open to the idea of economic cooperation and collective contribution to the region.
Bloom agreed with Gabon, heavily emphasising during the negotiations that the economical promises and financial zone was the key to keeping the negotiations going. During the negotiations, Bloom would even offer a portion of their own land, part of a nether island to be given to Alpoko alongside Gabon's offer.
Bloom agreed with Gabon, heavily emphasising during the negotiations that the economical promises and financial zone was the key to keeping the negotiations going. During the negotiations, Bloom would even offer a portion of their own land, part of a nether island to be given to Alpoko alongside Gabon's offer. [[File:RegionOfferedToBothPartiesByBloom.png|thumb|243x243px|This map displays the arbitrated offer that Bloom reached with both parties, with purple representing Gabon, red representing Alpoko's new claims and Bloom in the green.]]Gabon would approach Varkonia on the 14th of July, its western neighbour and sought support to its claim to the region, although Varkonia explicitly expressed no interest in getting involved, the Red Duke of Varkonia commented to the Gabonese delegation that the mutually administered region sounded like a bad idea. Unbeknownst to Gabon, Alpoko had also approached Varkonia looking for support to return to their prior claims over the whole region. The Varkonian Senate would conclude internally that, while Alpoko had a right to come back and exist, Alpoko did not have a right to remove Gabon's settlement, which had been established for months in previously undeveloped land, and that negotiations were needed to draw a new border without shared administration.
Bloom would arbitrate between Gabon and Alpoko further, and would offer a portion of its own territory into the new deal. This proposed claims map was accepted by all parties involved and treaties began to be drafted initialising the land transfer.
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The reaction to the transition of government was met by positive outpouring by the citizenry of both nations who saw it as two sister nations joining together, with many citizens of both countries holding dual residency of both states. This made the relationship between both countries intertwined, Varkonian flags were quickly added to prominent focal points around the Capital with government buildings gladly displaying the Varkonian flag alongside its Gabonese counterpart. [[File:Grand duchy.png|left|367x367px|Pictured: Borders of a unified nation-state between Gabon and Varkonia.
'''Circa Late July 2018'''|thumb]][[File:Updated Gabon Map.png|thumb|Current map of mainland Gabon and it's overseas territories. '''Circa September 2018'''|450x450px]]Neighbouring nations would greet this change positively – The Grand Duchy of Varkonia was quick to assure neighbouring states that Varkonia would gladly take up any responsibilities in all treaties previously signed by Gabon. This action would set out the course for leaders from both Gabon and Varkonia to draft a mutual defence charter which would lead to the foundation of the [[United Northern Congress]] alongside SPQR & Nevrast.
Immediately after the signing of the treaty, the government of Varkonia agreed to aid in the funding of an eastern defensive structure within the Capital of Salisbury. This was in conjunction with citizens of Varkonia funding the construction of an updated rail station in Salisbury, the station went from three one-way lines to eight possible two-way connections to multiple countries in the northwest quadrant. The station is adorned with the Varkonian national flag alongside the Gabonese standard to reflect the contribution that was made towards to the construction.
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=== UNC Political Era - August 2018 - July 2019 ===
With the political union of Varkonia & Gabon, the Grand Duchy of Varkonia was quick to assure neighbouring states that Varkonia would gladly take up any responsibilities in all treaties previously signed by Gabon. This action would set out the course for leaders from both Gabon and Varkonia to draft a mutual defence charter which would lead to the foundation of the [[United Northern Congress]].
==== Formation of The United Northern Congress ====
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|}As the initial vote came to a close, The Grand Prince proclaimed to the Assembly that she felt that with the 40% support that there was reason to call for immediate independence. This declaration sent the opposing councillors into an uproar, calling for an official vote to respect the 50% threshold. The atmosphere inside of the voice chamber quickly became one of fury and chaos. In order to quickly quash the mayhem within the Assembly, the Prince called for a second referendum on independence within the Assembly.
During second vote, the Lord High Chancellor stood from his chairtook to defenddefending the Grand Duchy of Varkonia to the clear disapproval of loyalist government councillors. The majority of the Assembly did however, stand behind the Chancellor and his track record. This bought a perhaps uncomfortable realisation to Her Majesty, that the Assembly itself was slowly splitting between herself and her own Chancellor. In order to retain her support within the house, she backed down and called for the second vote of independence.
The final vote was ruled in favour of the union, manywith a majority of councillors supporting the Chancellor's ideals of closer cooperation and continued union with the Duchy of Varkonia. This blow to the Grand Prince was seen by many as one of the final nails in the coffin for a monarchy unresponsive to their own country's needs.
However the Grand Prince would take the stand before the Assembly and informed them that she would be issuing a royal decree to declare independence herself<ref></ref>, effectively ignoring previous votes and the will of her Assembly. This was an unprecedented move, and whilst permitted by the laws and the government system in place, it had never been undertaken in such a manner before in Gabon's history. The Lord High Chancellor, who was once seen as the most loyal member of Her Majesty's Assembly was the first to speak harshly against this action. In the mist of the anger felt by the Assembly, the Chancellor controversially called for a vote to unseat the ruling monarch and replace the Grand Prince with himself.
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==== InvolvementThe inDisbandment theof Infinitythe WarUNC ====
On July 2nd 2019, news broke that the Lord High Chancellor of Gabon, BritishWanderer as well as numerous other high-ranking Varkonian officials had been involved in the pearling of the Corvus' head of state, a fellow ally and voting member of the UNC. UNC emergency meetings were held internally, in which the Red Duke of Varkonia attempted to explain his reasonings for his government's actions and whilst initally receptive, the congress of 8 other nation states turned to either neutrality or general dissatisfaction with Varkonia's actions.
The Varkonian senate would privately discuss leaving the UNC, realizing that the UNC had rendered itself ineffective with a bad-actor member in the form of Corvus, and members who were unwilling to commit to difficult choices in order to prevent large-scale war from breaking out. The King of Nox proposed the vote to leave the UNC.
The Senate unanimously agreed, and the law passed. On July 3, 2019, Varkonia, and as such, Gabon left the UNC. The resulting drama, chaos, and confusion left the UNC in a crippled state, and it would dissolve fully shortly thereafter on the 13th of July 2019.
=== Infinity War Era - July 2019 - July 2020 ===
==== Involvement in the Infinity War ====
{{Main|Infinity War}}
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===== Aftermath =====
The actions taken by the leadership of Gabon during this period would be controversial amongst some citizens and Gabonese council members, most notably being her ex-majesty, GetSkinny, who would push through the [ Neutrality Act] on the 29th of February 2020. The Neutrality Act's intention was to prevent the leadership of Gabon from being able to take provocative actions without prior approval in any conflict and to prevent any form of lend-lease or sale of goods to any country in a state of conflict.
==== Independence Movement ====
Independence was not foreign to the minds of Gabonese citizens, with the topic being discussed numerous points throughout the union whichbetween onlyVarkonian became heightened duringand electionGabonese periodsleadership. Initial independence discussions between Varkonia and Gabon back in mid 2019 would result in further powers and discretionary abilities being devolved to the provincial government in Gabon by Varkonia, such as being able to engage in light diplomacy, set up embassies and display themselves as a different colour on the world claims map. However as the population of Gabon grew and developed a culture that steadily became distant from that of Varkonia City, the prior concessions would not be enough to stem the growing political thought.
Previous leadership discussions on independence were held throughout the Infinity War, with the Gabonese Chancellors being told that an independent Gabon in the middle of the war would be incredibly damaging to state unity and public perception of Varkonia. The Chancellors of Gabon agreed with this assessment and decided to leave independence off of the table until the war was won.
The Infinity war would be declared won on the 19th of July 2020, with the collapse of the Litterbox Vault. In celebration of the coalition's victory and to ensure political stability, Chancellor BritishWanderer would announce upcoming Council elections in September 2020.
===== Referendum =====
In the run-up to the 2nd Council Election of Gabon in September 2020 immense campaigning took place on the topic of Independence from Varkonia. Gobblin and BritishWanderer had decided not to run for the Varkonian Senate in the Varkonian elections which were occurring at the same time – this decision triggered a treaty crisis due to Article 9 ''Representation on the Senate.'' Whilst underneath the surface and unbeknownst to much of the public, the Gabonese Chancellors had entered talks with Varkonia about invoking Article 10 ''Gabon may Withdraw.''
Both sides amicably agreed to have the populace of Gabon hold a referendum on independence. and asAs such on the 1st October 2020, [ The Red Duke Mickale would address Varkonia concerning Gabon partnership inside of the union] and the [ Lord High Chancellor would address Gabon the next day]. The referendum would be held the following weekend and the turnout would be the second highest of any democratic exercises in Gabonese history.
The GNP and newly founded POG party encouraged voters to choose to leave the union whilst Shadowwyn-backed politicians stood behind Varkonia and insisted reform was the answer to what was seen as an unrepresentative cumbersome system in Varkonia.
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===== Aftermath =====
This result was seen as a surprise the Varkonian government, especially to those who had been kept out of the loop of general leadership discussions. The Speaker of the Senate for Varkonia would go on to call Gabon's actions 'snakey' and would lambast Gabonese individuals for their actions in the independence movement, although the Red Duke would reassure the Gabonese Government that these were not the opinions of the entire government.
Following the vote to leave the union, the Gabonese government sent two documents over to the government of Varkonia to formalise relations and to work co-operatively regarding XP production. These treaties would be ratified on both sides by the end of October 2020.
Following the vote to leave the union, the Gabonese government hoped to maintain an amicable relationship, and to underline the general understanding of there being no ill will between the two states. The Gabonese Government would send two documents over to the Government of Varkonia to formalise relations and to work co-operatively regarding XP production. The Gabonese were appreciative to the leadership of Varkonia who had assisted them in their journey to independence, and were grateful to be allowed continued access to XP infrastructure in Varkonia for a short period, which would stem any instability and economic turmoil.
On the 7th of October, an XP treaty and a friendship treaty would pass both the Gabonese Government and the Varkonian Governments, with official relations turning positive once more.
=== '''Recent History - August 2020 - Present Day''' ===
==== International Realignment ====


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