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== History ==
[[File:Cortwade Port.png|thumb|left|271x271px253x253px|Official portrait of Acadia's founder, first Prime Minister, and High Commissar, Cortwade]]''Main Article: [[History of Acadia]]''
Acadia was founded prior to and for [[CivUniverse]] by [[Cortwade]], who created the nation largely from [[Norlund|Norlundish]] and [[Adina|Adinan]] culture. Acadia was established to be a safe haven from toxicity and shittery, and a welcoming home for newfriends, buildfriends, and casual players. To ensure the nations security despite the lack of civ-experience in most Acadians and the casual playstyle, Acadia became a vassal state of [[Javaya]], who took care of Acadia and protected it in return for delivering goods for Javaya's production of XP and other strategic operations. Due to Acadia's relation to Javaya it eventually become involved in the Coalition War against [[New Vegas]] and its allies, with Acadia increasing war-time production for Javaya's military industry, delivering a few fighters, and enduring raids from New Vegas ally [[Savaguard]].
With CivUniverse losing activity before it eventually died Acadia migrated to [[CivClassic]], where it re-established itself as an independent nation in the [[+,-|+,- quadrant]]. While it never experienced a major conflict as on CivUniverse, it suffered from the long and tiredtiresome TNSC conflicts centered around the controversial player [[RainOfPain125|Rainie]]. While Acadia became increasingly involved in international politics it became an associate member of the [[UDF]] with close relations to especially [[Columbia]] and [[Icenia]]. While still a newfriend- centered and composed, it began to mature as a nation.
Acadian has known five Prime Ministers; the first one being '''Cortwade''' (three (long) terms), who oversaw the formation of Acadia and its culture, and the migration from CivUniverse to CivClassic. Cortwade was succeeded by his close partner '''[[Bloof]]''' (three terms), who oversaw Acadia's increased role on the world stage and kept Acadia together through times of hardship as a unifying leader. Bloof was followed by '''[[Kannon]]''' (one term), who reformed much of Acadia's legal structure and managed to increase activity. Kannon was succeeded by '''[[Owain X|Owain]]''' (one term), who emphasized constitutionalism, transparency, and democratic values. The last Prime Minister of Acadia was '''[[MetalHusband]]''' (1/2 term), who sought to increase newfriend recruitment and retentation and kept the nation together as the server came to an end.
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As many Acadians believed that everyone should have the freedom to build more or less wherever they want, even in the capital, but also supported an enforced Victorian build theme, architecture remained throughout Acadia's history a prominent and sometimes controversial topic of conversation, especially due to the fact that a majority of Acadians considered themselves buildfriends. Traditional Acadian architecture, to a small extent influenced by Norlundish architecture, was most accommodating to these beliefs as it was characterized by simple shapes, small dimensions, a love for the easily obtainable materials stone and brick, and a general 'less is more' approach especially regarding detailing. While this may sound unappealing on paper, it had an undeniable charm, as can be seen in (old) Turing, where this style was born and which was built within it for the most part.
Nevertheless, as this style never managed to get off the ground convincingly in New Turing, Acadians began to lightly experiment with other styles and eventually moved toward larger and more detailed buildings, though a convincing approach was only found when [[TheGreatUniter]] introduced a new style at the end of Acadia's history on CivClassic, far more detailed and favoring wood and terracotta instead of stone and brick. By this time however, New Turing already featured many buildings in different styles with various levels of aesthetics, which led to a generally incohesive and unconvincing skyline and damaged the city's popularity, and perhaps even reduced activity. Inspired by Uniter's new style plans were made to rebuild much of the city, but they were cut short by the end of the server.
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