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{{Infobox person|caption=The__druid|citizenships=[[IMC]], [[Eon Empire]], [[Sussex]], [[Imperial Truidence]],, Principality of the Catboy Triangle|known_for=Being a PvPer, Being directly responsible for ending CivUniverse. not being a shitter|main_residence=[[Imperial Truidence]]|first_civ_server=[[CivUniverse]]|known_iterations=CivU, CivClassic|image=The druid.png}}The__druid first joined in January 2021 on [[CivUniverse]] and was a citizen of both [[Wyvern]] and Plexia, after the shutdown of [[CivUniverse]] he moved to [[CivClassic|CivClassics]] to join up with [[Acadia]], however when [[Wyvern]] moved to [[CivClassic]] to found the [[Kingdom of Fish|Imperial Kingdom of Fish]] he quickly joined as its Empress, however he was removed from this position after being found alt raiding, he served a months pearl time in the Crucible vault and when released he quickly joined multiple nations including [[IMC]] as a Knight, [[Eon Empire|Eon]] as its Minister of Defence, [[Sussex]] as its Chief of Military, [[Gabon]] as a citizen and [[Imperial Truidence]] as a member of the Royal Army. he has recently founded his own nation caleld The Principality of the Catboy Triangle.
The__druid first joined in January 2021 on [[CivUniverse]] and was a citizen of [[Wyvern]] and Plexia{{Infobox person|caption=The__druid|citizenships={{flag|Acadia}}
*[[Kingdom of Fish]]|known_for=being empress of fish, being directly responsible for ending CivUniverse. not being a shitter|main_residence=[[Kingdom of Fish]]|first_civ_server=Civuniverse|known_iterations=CivU, CivClassic|image=The druid.png}}
== History ==
=== [[CivUniverse|'''''<u>Civuniverse[[CivUniverse]]</u>''''']] ===
He joined the nation of Plexia on the 20th of January after seeing a post in the [[CivUniverse|civuniverse]] discord channel
=== Plexia ===
* shortly after joining Plexia he began working on Plexia's second city called Shurima along with Detectivekibbles , a sandstone city that was not finished
He joined the nation of Plexia on the 20th of January after seeing a post in the [[CivUniverse]] discord channel. Shortly after joining Plexia he began working on Plexia's second city called Shurima along with DetectiveKibbles , a sandstone city that was never finished, he was also the Lead Miner in the Plexian Council and grinded out most of the Prot Sets for the nation. He left Plexia shortly after [[CivUniverse]] Shutdown
on==== the 24th of march he joined the kingdomKingdom of [[Wyvern]] ====
On the 24th of march he also joined The Kingdom of Wyvern, he originally worked Plexia-[[Wyvern]] rail and became taking frequient trips down to shop and hang out with its inhabitants, he decided to become a Citizen and lived in an apartment building, he also joined the [[Wyvern]] Militia and began pursuing GamePhobic, TwigBranch, and JazzJennings, three raiders that had recently raided [[Wyvern]], later on he also pursued RNXslaya_MC, he also stayed in [[Wyvern]] after [[CivUniverse]] shutdown and when discussing moving to CivClassics he was given the rank of Thane to discuss stuff within the Royal Council.
=== '''<u>[[CivClassic|CivClassic]]</u>''' ===
* In Wyvern he joined the militia and helped pursue the raiders Gamephobic, Twigbranch, and Jazzjenings, and later RNXslaya_mc
==== Before the Alt Raiding ====
=== '''<u>[[CivClassic|CivClassic]]</u>''' ===
He founded the [[Kingdom of Fish]] as its empressEmpress along with [[Seekinq]] as its emperorEmperor, Alexmelons[[alexmelons]] - previously known as _monkee, and KimmyKiimmy - previously known as spankmeharderSpankMeHarder and [[JayTeeR]] making up the imperialImperial councilCouncil of Fish. He then joined the nation [[Acadia]] and participated in the [[Acadian Island War]] and pearled [[Pandastical]] after being attacked by him, shortly after this he founded the WAP party, Workers of Acadia Party with this party he attempted to run Minister of Defence but was beaten by Egi in the election.
==== Alt Raiding ====
He then joined the nation Acadia
On the 8th of July Druid and [[JayTeeR]] got on Alts and and attacked the APP party bunker in [[Acadia]], They did two more raids in [[Acadia]] one in the Acadian Farms, in which they managed to sneak past a bit of the snitch grid that was unsnitched making the Acadians think they were stuck in a certain area when in reality they were not, and another raid on a settlement in the Lewis Islands, after raiding Acadia they raided [[Kingdom of Fish|Fish]] and [[Pinegarden Commonwealth|Pinegarden]] before attempting to attack the Prometheus Vault and were both [ pearled by Kayla] and held in the Crucible for 1.5 months, when they admited it was them on the alts they were removed from both [[Kingdom of Fish|Fish]] and [[Acadia]].
==== After the Alt Raiding ====
* He participated in the [[Acadian Island War]] and pearled [[Pandastical]] after being attacked by him.
While still pearled he ventured down to [[IMC]] to join up with them after receiving an invite to the nation a few months before, he quickly rose to the rank of Knight in it and made friends with many of its members. Shortly after joining [[IMC]] he joined up with [[Eon Empire|Eon]] as Druid and [[FE Flags|Fe_Flags]] (Leader of [[Eon Empire|Eon]]) were friends in [[Acadia]] and quickly rose to the rank of Minister of Defence there. On the 20th of August druid petitioned for an early release in [[Acadia]] and was given it due to good behavior, however [[Columbia]], the ones holding his pearl refused to release him until the 23rd. shortly after becoming a free man he joined the Ch1pr Empire, later renamed to [[Sussex]] as its Chief of Military and [[Gabon]] as a citizen. he has also joined [[Imperial Truidence]] as a member of the Royal Army to take part in [[UDF]] activites such as hunting down OKX


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