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=== Overview ===
Kira is a plugin that lets the player create relays on discord.
These relays can display snitch hits, chat messages and player login/logout.
=== Authenticating ===
Authentication is required before using Kira. This will link the discord account to the IG account.
In order to do that `/discordauth` must be performed on the server. This will create a token.
The token must be then transmitted to Kira through discord in order to perform the authentication using `auth [token]`.
=== In Game commands ===
* /deletediscordchannel
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* /linkdiscordchannel
* /syncdiscordchannel
=== Discord commands ===
{| class="wikitable"
|+Kira commands<ref>Kira help command</ref>
|!kira help
|Shows help
| !kira apitoken <SNITCH|CHAT|SKYNET>
| Generates a token for use with Kiras API
| !auth [code]
| Allows linking your discord account to an ingame account. Run '/discordauth' ingame to get a code.
|!kira getchannels
|Shows all relays owned by you
|!kira createrelayconfig [name]
|Creates a new relay configuration
|!kira createrelayhere [group]
|Attempts to create a relay in the channel this message was sent in for the group it was sent by
|!kira setrelayconfig [group] [relay]
|Sets which configuration to use for a specific relay
|!kira info
|Prints basic info on the bot
|!kira ingame [command] / !kira mc [command]
|Allows you to run ingame commands from discord
|!kira invite
|Allows you to add Kira to other discords
|!kira quote
|Gives life advice
|!kira relayconfig [name]
|Configures properties of a relay config
|!kira setrelayconfig [group] [relay]
|Sets which configuration to use for a specific relay
|!kira whoami
|Shows your linked accounts
== Brewery ==


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