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The first official tournament to be held was the Pre-release Tournament on October 19th<ref></ref>, it lasted several days and Swiftfizz won first place, with BorderTage in second and ShinjiruMC in third.
== How to play ==
Each CivTCG match is a 1 vs 1 battle between two opponents representing two different nations. Gameplay in CivTCG is turn-based, with players taking turns to play cards from their hand, either to cast a powerful effect or to summon a minion to fight on behalf of their nation. Each nation has 20 Health, and if their health is reduced to zero that nation loses, cursed to be a deserted ruin.
At the start of each turn, the player draws a new card from their deck - a collection of 27 cards selected before battle. During their turn, each player can choose to play any of their cards, activate card abilities or command minions to attack targets, however most actions require the player to spend Materials. Each player starts the game choosing 1 Material out of the 5 base materials, and gains one more of their choice at the start of each turn. All of a players's Materials regenerate at the beginning of their turn (all their Materials become 'replenished').
Drawing your entire deck does not cause the player to lose. However, once a player has no more cards to draw, later attempts to draw an additional card from their empty deck will cause them to suffer 5 damage from Fatigue.
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== References ==
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