RainOfPain125: Difference between revisions

Spelling, objectivity and some facts regarding Norlund.
(Added citation needed, for the amount of accusations and claims, this needs a lot of evidence. Also can someone with time and or patience make this page actually readable? Thanks!)
(Spelling, objectivity and some facts regarding Norlund.)
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|custom_personal_info_label1=Ideology|custom_personal_info_data1=[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-communism Anarcho-Communism]<br/>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-syndicalism Anarcho-Syndicalism]<br/>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platformism Platformism]<br/>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthesis_anarchism SynthesisAnarchism]|custom_personal_info_label2=Known Alts|custom_personal_info_data2=None}}
[[File:IWWTNOadvert.png|left|thumb|500x500px|Advertising propaganda made by Rain in the style of [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2438003901 The New Order: Last Days of Europe]]][[File:ProIWWmeme.jpg|500px|thumb|left|A meme created by Rain and [[UnknownKarnij]] to criticize the nations that came out of the [[Duckapore]]-IWW schism.]]
[[File:NEWO.png|500x500px|thumb|North-East Waterways Organization, which Rain participated in]][[File:ITS REALLLLLY REAL.png|left|thumb|500x500px|Rain's propaganda criticism against the Neo-IWW or "Insurrectionary IWW" using the IWW logo and the three arrows symbol, whichrepresenting usually represent Antianti-Fascismfascism.]]
[[File:DescentOfTheWobblies.png|thumb|500x500px|Rain's propaganda criticism against the Neo-IWW or "Insurrectionary IWW". Original piece is named [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Descent_of_the_Modernists,_E._J._Pace,_Christian_Cartoons,_1922.jpg Descent of the Modernists.]]][[File:AntiNorlundMeme.jpg|500px|thumb|Meme meant to mock the incompetent Norlund regime. |left]]
[[File:RevengeOfParis2.png|thumb|The aftermath of the Paris Uprising.|left|500x500px]][[File:IWWstylizedFLAG.png|thumb|500x500px|A stylized version of the [[Industrial Workers of the World|IWW]] flag. Top is an assembly of [[Industrial Workers of the World|IWW]] fighters [[EmDubleYou]], [[Heyduckhi]], [[OrcishTimmy]], and [[ExcaliburSword]]. Middle is a field of carrots in [[Tolstoy]].
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When Rain was again able to play, he moved to [[Tolstoy]], contributing to mining, and the excavation of a new river that would span the continent and provide easy travel under the newly founded North-East Waterways Organization, or NEWO, a construction group ran by [[Zazorg]]. [[Tolstoy]] started to become the heart of the IWW, the main town that members would stay around and contribute to. Around this time is when a lot of recognizable faces of the IWW appeared such as [[EmDubleYou]], [[EnderWorldDragon]], [[ExcaliburSword]], [[Narhwal_19]], [[fantasyworm]], [[Lowtuff]], [[Lannister]], and [[buystamps]].
After much of the basic organizing had been finished Rain had retrieved his gaming computer. He committed to a recruitment campaign, utilizing his already existing community the [[Anarchist Communist Association]] along with Reddit posts across many large and small anarchist/socialist subreddits that quickly attracted new members to the IWW.<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/anarchocommunism/comments/eji8xd/wanna_help_setup_a_dank_anarchist_commune_in/ Example of one IWW recruitment post]</ref> Due to the massively successful recruitment drive, the IWW rapidly grew to become one of, if not the largest nation on CivRealms. Though thiswhich presented a major problem to Rain, as many new players would leave early, not understanding Civ and finding it confusing or frustrating. Rain would later make a large Google doc containing all the information about mechanics and plugins, updating and changing it around as he switched from Realms to Universe to Classics.
====The Tolstoy Bombing====
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=====MCSPenguin's side=====
#Rain had no business breaking random bastions, and it was his responsibility to ensure that they were unowned bastions (despite trying to ensure it).
#Rain was at the wrong coordinates, and should have checked them first.
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After being democratically defeated, Rain was ousted and banned from the IWW after criticizing the new leadership, arguing they were doing similar actions akin to the NSDAP, going after political opponents and silencing or banning them.
Rain left [[Napistan]] with two of his supporters. Rain went on to write a long Reddit post, essentially detailing If anyone had the most vested interest in the operation running smoothly as intended, it would be the one who founded it. Giving up ownership and hoping that the new ownership will be trustworthy or be a good-actor is a game of complete chance, and the chance of getting a bad-actor as owner is inevitable provided you vote to change owners enough. RainThe was right: Thispost was preciselyhowever onereceived ofnegatively the reasonsby the IWW later collapsed, changing hands of ownership allowed for slip ups and power trips to grip the nation,server as wella as becoming more lenient on allowing non-socialists into the IWW, the group becoming overran by liberalswhole.{{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}
===Citizen of Norlund===
After being ousted from the IWW, Rain retreated to the mainland continent, wandering, following the advice of [[1234fireball]] who suggested that he could move into [[Norlund]] territory, start a new town, and then could petition to join the [[Norlund]] government as a new autonomy (or "municipality"). Rain went ahead and followed this advice, establishing a new life in the far north-west, which was almost the same in climate to [[Napistan]], featuring the same boringsimilar snow and hills. Rain chose the most useless and isolated region of [[Norlund]], believing nobody would care about the land and leave him alone, and began the [[Paris Commune]], being approved intoby the Norlund government shortly thereafter.
Soon Rain founded the [[Black Internationale]], an organization with a heavier emphasis on anarchism and resisting authority. Although he was beginning to get tired of CivRealms, and chose not to mass-advertise the BI as heavily as he did with the IWW. Despite not going as hard on advertising as the IWW, the BI happened to get even more popular traction on Reddit than the IWW did, garnering much more upvotes. The [[Paris Commune]] started to accumulate members, with 10 active members at its peak. It was a mostly underground commune, with a tunnel dug at Y=0 to the factory capital of [[Norlund]], [[Kannin]]. From there, Rain and the members of the [[Paris Commune]] could start to efficiently progress.{{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}
====Norlund Controversy====
Rain was almost instantly faced with opposition when the [[Paris Commune]] was accepted into the government. The king at the time did not know who Rain was, and accepted him. ASome vocal minority, the conservative citizens of Norlund,groups protested this as they were already familiar with Rain due to his prior actions. Rain subsequently posted Anarchist propaganda within the [[Norlund]] community, in an attempt to convince Norlunders of Anarchist ideology and its legitimacy. The opposition in Norlund called it spam inand anpushed effortfor Rain to try and get Rainbe warned or punished, andultimately Rain's position in the Norlish community worsened.[[File:TNAA.png|thumb|500x500px|Original borders of The No State Commune]]
Things escalated for Rain when a member of Norlund posted a bounty against him, which was unheard of in Norlund at the time. Rain along with membersseveral citizens of Norlund protested this, insisting it was out of order to put a bounty on other Norlund citizens. The person was convinced to remove the bounty, but the damage had been done as the situation was escalating setting the stage for the climax of the escalation to come.
AtEventually someKing point,Terry theof Norlund kingdom dissolved as the king could no longer play CivRealms, an event dubbed the "[https://civwiki.org/wiki/Norlund#The_Death_of_King_Terry_and_Constitutional_Crisis Death of King Terry and Constitutional Crisis]". In his absence, a referendum was announced on choosing a new ownerking of Norlund. After the results were tallied, a new leader named [[ShamelessShamus]] becomewas elected as the leadernew king of the [[Norlund]] government. In a few days, a minister of Norlund suddenly and randomly declared in the Discord that the Paris Commune was "nowto be Norlund national territory", because of "prolonged inactivity". By the time Rain got online to protest this decision, the minister was offline.
In reaction to Rain's protesting, the new king Shamus argued that he had no authority over the matter, and that we would all have to wait for the minister to come back online. But only minutes later did the king take it back, claiming something along the lines of "if you give me coords and let me check out the Paris Commune, then I'll personally reinstate your status as a municipality". Rain knew this was extremely suspicious behavior, believing the king was probably going to try and pearl him, he decided to put all of his armor and belongings away into chests, to look as defenseless as possible -
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Rain was both terrible at PvP and lacked any serious armor or weapons to fight back anyways. When Shamus arrived, he pretended to be casual and friendly and was led down into the commune bunker by Rain. As soon as Rain opened a chest to get carrots for feeding pigs in his underground farm, Shamus killed and pearled him.
This was an extremely controversial event for Norlund and ShamelessShamus due to Rain being a Norlish citizen and the pearling being an extrajudicial killing. This event was dubbed "[https://civwiki.org/wiki/Norlund#The_King's_Crime The King's Crime]" and caused major unrest in the nation of Norlund. DespiteThe Rainpearl havingwas hurthanded nobody,over payingto Norlunda taxes,third and following all of the Norlund rules, he was pearledparty and given off to someone else. Apparently the king of Norlund was fulfilling a bounty on one of his own subjectscollected.
Rain fervently opposed this action in the Norlund Discord, arguing it was extremely out of line for a citizen of Norlund to pearl another citizen, especially forwith theShamus kingholding tothe betitle pearlingof his own citizensking. Shamus's defense was that Rain was a threat to Norlund but couldn't provide any evidence to substantiate this claim. Later on CivUniverse he still holds that it was a good decision.<ref>[https://i.imgur.com/pkLmDGo.jpg ShamelessShamus insisting pearling Rain was a good idea]</ref>
The ends result of The King's Crime was that King Shamus attempted to coup Norlund, securing a chunk of territory for himself branding it as a new nation in the process.
Fast forward to the 25th of September, 2020, and the infamous Obsidian Bombing of [[CivCorp]] takes place. In the process, somebody releases Rain from his pearl.
====Involvement in the Paris Uprising====
After Rain was pearled, a new settlement, Kärme, was built directly on top of the Paris Commune by Norlunda infew annorlish actnewfriends, ofangering destructionRain and an attempt to remove the history of Parisseverely. Days later, the members of the Paris Commune came together one final time in an effort to get revenge on Norlund. Rain unknowingly obtained the supplies necessary for the uprising, as the former members of Paris asked Rain to gather a shipment of cargo from the Napistan territories. Rain took an anonymous alt on a trip to Napistan. This user met up with a high rank of the IWW named ADAM, who escorted them through long corridors and rings of vaults until they arrived at a package, which was transferred to Rain. The- packagecontaining wassupplies takenfor back,Rain's and contained all the materials necessary to "fix" what was now "Paris"strike.
Two users logged on, still inside of the Paris Commune since their last time being online. A third arrived to distribute supplies, and they began their work. It turned out that the area was not bastioned, so the uprising was conducted with ease. Huge casts of lava were made, on-top of stacks of cobblestone, which would have made removing all of the uprising's success incredibly difficult with the falling-cobblestone feature on CivRealms. Plenty of other parts of the area were destroyed, looted, and disrespected, - devastating theKärme. fakeOver townthe thatcourse wasof builttwo ondays topthe ofthree destroyed the Paris Communearea.
In theNorlund endthis overaction thewas coursegenerally ofregarded twoas daysterrorism and as the threeaffected destroyedwere thenewfriends, unsnitcheda unbastionedcomplaint was filed to the Parisstaff areateam. Although dueDue to the poorly established rules on CivRealms, their effortsactions to form an uprisingwere in thefact methodbannable. done byThus the Parisstaff comrades was supposedly "banned". Staff abused to ban all players involved in the uprising, and even Rain who claims he did not participate directly. Everyone involved including Rain was tired of CivRealms at this point and gave up - it was their final act on Realms. Some months later CivRealms would suffer its fate and die off as a server.
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[[Ian_X12]] came back many months later to announce that Rain was banned from Universe for "doxxing" despite Universe not existing anymore nor Rain being involved anymore. {{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}Though this was most likely an effort for Ian to try and save some face after the long strew of controversies surrounding him and his server.
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===The supposed Worker's of Acadia Party scandal===
A user named [[FE Flags|FE_FLAGS]] ran a leftist party in Acadia, a fairly small one named Worker's of Acadia Party. Apparently Flags tried to make a deal with ZombieStriker, offering to give her resources and items if in return Rain helped recruit members for Acadia who would join their party. There is no evidence to suggest Rain knew of, or approved of this deal. There is no evidence to suggest Zombie ever agreed to the deal, or evidence of Zombie ever receiving any resources, or evidence of Rain recruiting anyone into Acadia for the party. Overall, it is merely a rumor.{{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}
Despite a total lack of evidence, the Acadian government decided to remove the friendly ZombieStriker and considered her problematic.{{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}
===The "doxxing" of Owain===
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===Transfer of ownership of TNSC===
After getting all of our belongings stolen and destroyed, Rain had given up on CivClassics. He stopped playing for about two months, but decided to transfer ownership of the group to the most active member, Samsung Fridge, after realizing he was still active on the server. In order to do so, Rain had to log on for a brief few minutes to dump everything out of his inventory and transfer the ownership of the in-game group. At the same time, Rain asked his friend Karnij to get on and store his stuff as well, before enemies could get on and hunt them down. Both vowed to never log in again.{{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}
Despite not associating with TNSC for over two months, three members of Acadia decided storm into TNSC territory. They were told over and over to leave the area and refused. The raiders tried to break into some buildings, placed some blocks, and did minor griefing. In the end, they suddenly decided to pearl all of the online TNSC members for no reason, then released them some time later. They argued that because Rain had supposedly doxxed Owain, that they were assisting in keeping him safe by not killing him or telling them where he logged off at. Samsung tried to use Rain's logoff location as a betting chip, but got nothing out of it. In the end, Samsung had no clue where Rain logged and was merely bluffing to try and get Acadia to stop riding their ass.{{Citation needed|date=November 2021}}
