List of nations on CivMC

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Revision as of 00:25, 22 June 2022 by Aqua Gamer (talk | contribs) (Added Hyperborea)
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The following are a list of confirmed nations that are participating on CivMC.

Criteria for Inclusion

Claims as of June 5, 2022.

The current CivWiki standard for qualification on this list are:

  1. Nations are required to have at least 2 of the following:
    • a claims post,
    • have claims on the latest official claims map, or
    • (eventually) a qualified claims post on the official web map
  2. Claims must generally be non-conflicting and uncontested.
  3. Countries must have leaders that are able to be contacted
  4. Nations must have active participation either in-game or in some other communication platform.

For the first month (until July 2022), the first item is dependent on the latest claims map, their own publicly declared claims maps, or on other people's claims maps.

For the first few months (until September 2022), the last item is waived for qualification.

List of nations

(This is still a work in progress, will be filled over the coming week)
