Imperial Federation (CivRealms 2.0)

Revision as of 15:13, 11 July 2020 by Thejmqn (talk | contribs) (reference header)

The Imperial Federation is a disunited federation of south currently located in the southwest of the server that plans on sailing to the expansion islands when they are released. The IF does not have a singular leader, rather, the Imperial Senate rules over all the land. The Senators are elected by the states in whatever way they see fit, making the IF partially a representative democracy. Due to its government type, most affairs excluding diplomacy and wars are left to the states to manage. This leads to the individual states having many different types of governments from monarchism to anarchism. All states and citizens of the IF plan to sail to the expansion islands when they are released and plan to become powerful in the middle of the ocean

Imperial Federation
Federation of many different governments
LocationSouthwest, future expansion islands
TerritoriesGodhaven, Boria, Callisto, Concordia, Threlkeld
GovernmentLoose Federation


Early days with no land

The idea and government of the Imperial Federation was founded on April 6th, 2020[1] when gordona22, matanic, Onederful, and JoessKing heard that a new continent and expansion island would be released to the server at some date. Gordona22 represented the future state of Callisto, matanic and Onederful represented Meridia, and JoessKing represented Threlkeld.Previously all part of different nations on CivClassics, they decided it would be beneficial to work together to settle the new continent. The Interim Senate was founded, a group of leaders who would make decisions for the IF until the expansion islands were released. At this time, the IF had no land to govern as it was believed the expansion islands would be released shortly. The government instead resided into the town of Nro'town in Mt. Augusta. On April 9th, the constitution of the Imperial Federation was written and ratified by the citizens with a majority vote on April 14th.[2] The citizens and Interim Senate of the IF continued collecting resources until the IF faced a major setback when Meridia, a state originally planned to be built as a part of the IF, was given land by ICOR on the main continent. This caused its two senators, Onederful and matanic, to leave the IF;[3] however, they still remained citizens.

Later days with no land

To replace Onederful and matanic, the players cdlinder13, coocooman, Memedealer, and ComradeRick were added to the Interim Senate on April 30th.[4] Cdlinder and Memedealer represented the future state of Callisto, coocooman represented Boria, and ComradeRick represented Columbia. Columbia already had land on the main continent which was just north of Meridia, but wanted to also have land in the expansion islands. Conflict soon arose as the nations of Meridia, Arelat, and The Roman Empire declared war on Columbia[5] to prevent Columbian aggression. This caused a situation when IF citizens were at war with other IF citizens. ComradeRick banned Onederful and matanic from the discord without approval from the Interim Senate, which led to his senator position being stripped. In the first court case of the IF, a majority of the Interim Senate voted to officially condemn the actions of Meridia and to temporarily strip Onederdul and matanic of their citizenship until the war was over.[6] When the war ended and Onederful and matanic regained their citizenship, ComradeRick announced he was no longer interested in the IF and left. After these events, the IF had a period of no major events and instead continuing to collect resources for the expansion islands.

Claiming land in the southwest and founding of Old Godhaven

ill do later i swear
