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#REDIRECT [[Mechanics and Plugins]]
This page is a work in progress, for a short overview guide refer to [[Getting Started Guide]].
==Editing Philosophy==
See [[Talk:Comprehensive Guide]] to
Civ needs different guides for different purposes, audiences and mediums. This guide is not the essential 5 minute introductory video or the easy to glance at infographic; Ideally it forms the as-detailed-as-possible guide that other guides can be derived from. Think of this guide as only one step up from the civclassic github configs. That does not mean this page will lack quality standards, such as, but not limited to :
* Clearly demarcated sections
* Consistent tone
* Avoiding superfluity
* Keeping a relatively loose style to make rearranging information easy - particularly for later sorting by how fundamental information is.
Why not use existing guides? There are a lot of useful guides that can be cannibalized from yet they all clearly lack in comprehensiveness or clarity. Other guides also lack the collaborative aspects of a wiki and are thus more prone to become outdated.
==Existing Guides==
Here are existing guides to mine for information. Much has already been taken from these, add more guides and compilations of interest as needed.
* [ Brinton's ''New User's Guide'']
* [ Bgbba's ''New User's Guide'']
* [ Crimeo's ''Security tips for new friends'']
* [ LordofMarzipan's Centre For Children Who Can't Protect Their Stuff Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too]
* [ Civclassic plugins], [ CivClassic configs]
== Humbug ==
Humbug is mostly small on/off tweaks :
Easily visible changes :
* Villager trading is disabled
* Ender chest usage is disabled
* Chorus fruit teleportation is disabled
* Disable XP drops from mobs
* Allow obsidian to be generated from string and lava
Other changes :
* Wither explosions disabled
* Death announcements disabled
* Golden apples disabled
* Buff bows by 1.2
* Chest minecarts disabled
* End portal frames made indestructible
* Strength pots nerfed
* Banners can be equipped as hats
* Books cannot be manually copied
* Cannot open inventories inside vehicles
For all humbug options, including those not configured on CivClassic, see [ the ReadMe]
== Factorymod ==
''More efficient item production''
* Setup : Create a factory by placing a furnace, a crafting table and a single or double chest side by side.
[[File:Stacked Factories.png|thumb|250px|Only a furnace, a crafting table and a chest are required]]
[[File:Vertical Factory configuration.png|thumb|100px|Example of an uncommon alternative valid factory configuration]]
* The chest : Inputs for the factory must be placed in the chest and after running, inputs are consumed and outputs are deposited in the chest. The factory will keep running even if the chest is full, which wastes output [??Some people report he factory runs but output is no longer wasted]. Hitting the chest with a stick gives the factory type and its health.
* The crafting table : Hitting the crafting table with a stick is used to select the factory recipe/upgrade/repair the factory. In the 'select a recipe' GUI, hover over an item to see what recipe it corresponds to and how many times it has been run.
* Three exceptions of items inside 'select a recipe' GUI that are consistent across all factories. The furnace item, or 'repair factory', which fixes broken factories. The redstone block or 'Toggle Auto Select' (Mouse over text) which sets the factory to automatically select any recipe it has materials to run whenever activated. (Be careful for some factories create a block as output in one recipe and take it as input in another recipe meaning the two products cycle until fuel runs out) Finally the painting or 'Open Menu' which shows the setup, recipes and upgrades of the factory. By clicking on one of these three categories one can see input and output amounts and all details required to run and manage the factory. The chat commands /fm and /fm [factory name] can be used to open this informational factory GUI at any time.
[[File:Basic Smelter GUI.png|thumb|250px|Display shown after hitting basic smelter crafting table with stick. Clicking on a block sets the recipe, sans the the two blocks on the bottom row which configure options]]
[[File:Basic Smelter Recipe Example.png|thumb|250px|Finding the smelt stone recipe 1) Hit crafting table with stick and click painting OR type '/fm Basic Smelter' in chat. 2) Click crafting table in centre with hover text of 'recipes' 3) Click the stone block with hover text 'smelt stone' in top left of factory GUI.]]
* The furnace : The furnace requires charcoal. Charcoal can be placed in either the bottom slot, top slot or both slots. Hitting the furnace with a stick activates the factory and runs the selected recipe, which will run until there are no longer enough inputs or enough charcoal.
* Complete the factory setup by placing a dirt block in the chest. Using a stick hit the furnace. This creates the dirt factory, from which all other factories are derived.
* Generic factory : Many factories can be upgraded further. When factory health reaches zero only the repair recipe can be ran in the factory. This normally happens after (x) months.
* Special factories : [ all factory recipes can be seen here] [This is outdated!] . Most factories offer an increase in yield, for example the iron forge 'Make Buckets' takes 96 iron and outputs 64 buckets versus a vanilla cost of 192 iron. Some factories create a rare output through an alternate method, for example the Aesthetics Factory can make mossy stone brick taking stone brick and vines. However some factories offer entirely new outputs
* The basic, intermediate and advanced Cauldrons create emeralds from common crops. These emeralds can be placed in a crafting grid and turned into XP bottles.
* The Compactor : Used to make carrying bulk items easier or in factory recipes of advanced cauldron. Place stacks of items with crates (Made in carpentry factory with iron and chests) Running the factory will turn a stack of items (64 if cobble, 16 if enderpearls, 8 if unstackable items e.t.c) into 1 compacted version of the item. This compacted item has the same stack size that said item normally has. Unstackable items must have the same NBT data, for example When one wishes to uncompact they simply must placed compacted items in compactor and select uncompact.
* Compacted blocks cannot be placed however compacted tools and armour can be used. Be warned this provides no advantage and effectively uses 8 times the durability, for when uncompacted the durability on each of the 8 output object equals the durability on the compacted input object.
[[File:Compacted items.png|thumb|250px|Compacted items look no different, yet their lore text can be found on mouse over]]
* The printing press : Printing plates have unique ids and the basis of the following : 'Print Book' which copies a book without appending 'copy of'. Notes which function as lored paper created from book. Secure notes which use the serial number from printing plates, allowing them to be used as, for example, currency.
* Aesthetic factory : Used to create unobtainable blocks such as Smooth Stone Slab
* Gold Forge : Used to create enchanted gold tools without XP.
* Factories can be run by redstone that activates the furnace. One use of this is automating compacting at farms which run constantly by connecting the compactor to a redstone clock.
[[File:Factory redstone activation.png|thumb|250px|Example of compactor automated by redstone : when cart reaches detector rail a signal is sent to furnace.]]
* If the crafting table, furnace and/or chest is physically broken the blocks can be replaced and the factory recreated for only half the initial factory startup cost.
Building on other plugins and advice:
* The blocks composing a factory can and( for protection) should be reinforced.
* Factories can be dropchested for safety
* Factories require charcoal and cannot run with coal in furnace
* It is possible to create a factory without making a dirt factory first by placing materials needed in the chest instead of the single dirt block.
[[File:FactoryMod infographic.png|thumb|350px| Factorymod single image summary]]
''A Citadel reinforcement group manager. Allows the creation of groups in Minecraft. From buildings to chat messages, one can selectivity restrict or expand which players have access.''
The extensive Namelayer commands can be entirely avoided:
* /nl [group] - Open Namelayer GUI.
The first screen of the Namelayer GUI shows rows of chestplates each corresponding to a Namelayer group, each chestplate type corresponding to a permission level (Leather:Member, Gold:Mod, Iron:Admin, Diamond:Owner. The enchanted chestplate shows the default group : what group reinforcements will be on after typing only '/ctf'). For example the admin owner permission level gives the ability to delete the group while the member does not by default.
A private group means that only members of the group can access it.
Using item exchange to setup shops with discounts from private namelayer groups.
editor : what is the default perm setup
[[File:Namelayer Main GUI Example.png|thumb|250px|Output of typing '/nl'.]]
|+Namelayer Active Commands
!width="30%"| Namelayer command
!width="70%"| Function
|/nlcg <group> [password]
| Creates a group, optionally with password
| /nlsp <group> <password>
| Adds password to an existing group
| /nljg <group> <password>
| Joins a password protected group
| /nlag <group>
| Accepts an invitation to a group
| /nlbl <group> <player>
| Blacklists a player in a group
| /nldg <group>
| Deletes a group
|/nlip <group> <player> (PlayerType- default MEMBERS)
| Invites player to a group with optional rank
| /nlleg <group>
| Leaves a group
| /nllink <super group> <\sub group>
| Links two groups to each other as nested groups. (unsupported)
| /nlmg <The group left> <The group that will be gone>
| Merges two groups together. (Warning : Doing this is not recommended and may eventually cause groups to break)
|/nlmp <group> <add/remove> <PlayerType> <PermissionType>
|Modifies the permissions of a group.
| /nlpp <group> <player> <playertype>
|Promotes/Demotes a Player in a group
| /nlrg <group>
| Rejects an invitation to a group.
| /nlubl <group> <player>
| Removes a player from the blacklist for a group
| /nlrm <group> <member>
| Removes a member from a group.
|/nlri <group> <player>
| Revokes an invite
|/nlsdg <group>
| Sets or changes default group
|Toggles the auto-acceptance of invites
| /nltg <group> <player>
| Transfers a group to another owner
|/nlunlink </super group> </sub group>
|Unlinks two groups from each other. [Unsupported]
| /nlun [CONFIRM]
| Updates account name on the server to the one minecraft account currently has [Unsupported]
|+Namelayer Passive Commands (Get group stats)
!width="30%"| Namelayer command
!width="70%"| Function
| /nllg
| Lists all groups player is in. Formatted "<group> : <permission level>"
| /nlgdg
| Gets default group
|Gets the amount of groups on server
|/nlgs <group>
| Get stats about a group. (Total members and list of members)
| /nlid
| Infodump including list of members for each role level in each group
| /nllci
| Lists players current active invites.
| /nllm <group> (PlayerType)
| List the players with selected role in a group
| /nllp <group> <PlayerType>
| Shows permissions for a PlayerType in a group.
| /nlsbl <group>
|Shows all blacklisted players for a group
|+Namelayer Permissions in order they appear on /nl GUI
!width="30%"| Permission Name
!width="70%"| Function
| Can list the permissions of any PlayerType
| Can open namelayer GUI for group
| Can pearl into bastion fields
| Allows exiles inside bastion range
| Can merge group with another group they have MERGE permissions on [Note: Does Merge group work as intended?]
| Can open and close reinforced doors
| Allow inviting admins and removing existing admins
| Can clear snitchlog with /jaclear
| Can see chat messageswhen players trigger snitches
| Perm level given to members when they join with a password
|Linking to another group as supergroup or subgroup [Unsupported]
| Can invite new owners and remove existing owners
| Can delete group
| Can read chat messages sent in group
| Can invite new owners and remove existing owners
| Can place acidblocks reinforced to group (/ctacid)
| Can place and destroy crops
| Can upgrade factories
| Can withdraw mana
| Will no longer cause snitch alerts when in range of snitches on group.
| Can place in bastion ranges reinforced to group
| Can type messages in group
| Can check snitchlogs with /ja
| Can invite new members and remove existing members
| Can adjust all permissions in group (Dangerous)
| Can use factory reinforced to group
| Can use hoppers to take items out of reinforced containers /ctinsecure
| Can do /jaToggleLevers 1 to allow snitchs triggering redstone
| Can list bastions on group (/bsl)
| Can use /cti and see group block reinforced to
| Can use /ctb and break reinforcement, returning reinforcement item
| Can /ctf, /ctb blocks
| can /jalist to see all snitches on group
| Can blacklist players and remove existing blacklisted players
| Allows viewing this groups password and changing or removing it
| Can check stats on group
| Can /jalookup a snitch giving coords
| Can rename snitches
| Can use chests
| Can setup Kira relays on discord to relay group messages and alerts
=== Updating username ===
Usernames are permanent. Once an account has logged in, it won't be possible to change the username. Changing the username the username using the official Minecraft website will not change it on CivClassic.
Preset group macros [to do]
More on blacklisted
Group Tiers : not blacklisted, Member, Mod, Admin, Owner.
* Editors notes : Which nl commands are redundant?
[ See the github wiki for additional information]
== Combat Changes ==
What finale changes?
(strength pots nerfed and bows buffed by 1.2 from humbug?)
== JukeAlert ==
A relatively extensive Jukealert description can be found on the [ here]
Editors Note :
Copy over, add image of Juke skybunker setup, correct the cull time.
== Citadel ==
!width="25%"| Usage
!width="25%"| Description
| /ctfortify [groupname] or /ctf
| Fortifies blocks you place down.
| /ctreinforce [groupname] or /ctr
| Will reinforce blocks you punch while holding a reinforcement material.
| /ctbypass or /ctb
| Bypasses a reinforcement and gives you the reinforcement back when you break it
| /ctinfo or /cti
| Will give you information about blocks you click on.
| /ctoff or /cto
| Turns off all reinforcement and information modes
| /ctacid
| Activates an acid block
| /ctinsecure or /ctin
| Toggles insecure reinforcment
|/ctmaterials or /ctm
| Lists all possible materials you can reinforce with.
|List all possible materials you can reinforce with, in a GUI.
| /help Citadel
| List all commands
{| class="wikitable"
|+Reinforcable materials :
!Hit points
!Maturation time
!Acid maturation
|5 minutes
|20 minutes
|30 minutes
|6 hours
|4 hours
|2 days
|instantly matures
|1 day, 12 hours
|Not implemented
|1 minute
|102419 days, 4 hours, 46 minutes
|Admin only
====== Acid blocks ======
Acid blocks are reinforced gold blocks that can be used to remove grief by placing them below a reinforced block.
The reinforcement type of the acid block must be the same as the one used for the block above.
After a while (see acid maturation time) the blocks can be removed by looking at the acid block and doing /ctacid. The block on the top will be removed an the gold block will be dropped on the ground.
/ctacid has a range of several dozens blocks. It can remove several blocks at the same as long as they line up with the player's cursor.
====== Insecure reinforcements ======
A reinforcement can be set to insecure using /ctin or /ctinsecure and hitting it.<br />
Need for bypass?
what is easy mode or /cte?
Notes :
* Though they are listed as such in some in-game menus, Emeralds are not able to reinforce things.
* Some blocks cannot be reinforced: Cobweb, Flowers (small ones only ?), Grass (small one only?), Vine, Saplings, Cakes, <... ?>
* It is possible to double reinforce a double chest by placing it while using <code>/ctf</code>
====== Redstone ======
* Reinforced buttons will only emit a signal if someone from the namelayer is nearby (distance?)
* Comparators cannot inspect the content of a reinforced container block (e.g: chests, furnaces, droppers)
* Droppers and hoppers will not transfer items if the destination block is not on the same reinforcement group.
* Blocks can not be attached to a reinforced redstone component (e.g dropper, dispenser, hopper?) if not on the reinforcement groups.
* Reinforced doors, trapdoors and fences gate will only respond to a redstone signal if someone on the reinforcement group is less than 7 blocks away from it.
====== Known bugs ======
* Placing a reinforced button/sign and breaking the block at the base will make it drop but will leave a reinforced air block behind.
== Bastion ==
For an overview of bastions features, see :
Specific to Civclassic :
Bastions are created with FactoryMod using a bastion factory. The factory and its runs take relatively large investment and for small quantities trade is advised.
A bastion 'field' refers to the area in which it prevents block placements. A bastion cap refers to the blocks, normally 1 layer of DRO (Diamond-reinforced obsidian), placed around the bastion block itself to protect it. Without a cap, it may be more efficient for attackers to mine the bastion block itself than to break it via block placements.
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
|+Bastion commands
|list bastions and display their maturity
|toggle bastion info mode
|delete bastion when clicked, the bastion will be lost
|/bsgl <group>
|list allowed groups in bastion groups
What do other bastion commands do? bsd,bsgl e.t.c
====== City Bastion ======
* Appearance: Bone block
* Size: 101 * 101
* Description: Allow block placement but prevents block reinforcements. Prevent exiled players from entering area of effect. Exiled players who come within the bastion range will be teleported a few blocks away from the bastion. (needs confirmation ?)
====== Vault Bastion ======
* Appearance: Sponge block
* Size: 21 * 21 centered around the bastion block. Bastion field extends all the way up to sky limit.
* Description: Prevent block placement. Prevent pearling to the area of effect. (needs confirmation ?)
Editors note :
* Are bastions destroyed by block placements deleted or do they turn to sponges e.t.c ?
* What are the exact CC cooldowns in seconds (e.g. time to break one bastion with block placements
around 80 min?, time to mature)
* Add images of nerd ring layout and skybunker
[[File:Civchat Example.png|thumb|500px|The first line is output caused by typing <code>/g Circleblob</code>. The second and third line display a message that was types as-is. The fourth line, in yellow, is the output of typing <code>/g</code>. The fifth line was typed as-is.]]
!width="30%"| Command
!width="70%"| Function
| /afk
| Toggle. Prevents receiving direct messages.
| /g <group>
| Send following chat to that group.
| /exit or /e or /g
| Send following chat to local chat ("global"), leaving any active group chats.
| /g <group> <message>
| Sends message to that group without entering group chat mode.
| /msg <player>
| Send following chat to that group.
| /msg <player> <message>
| Sends message to that player without entering direct message mode.
| /reply or /r
| Enter direct message mode with the last player that has messaged you.
| /reply <message> or /r <message>
| Send a single message to that player without entering direct message mode. Use with caution, as another player may message you just before you send the message. Instead, prefer <code>/msg <player> <message></code> or enter direct message mode with that player using <code>/r</code> or <code>/msg <player></code>.
| /ignore or /i
| Toggle ignoring a player
| /ignoregroup <group> or /ig <group>
| Toggle ignoring a group
| /ignorelist
| List of ignored groups and players
After using <code>/msg [player]</code>, the commands <code>/g</code>, <code>/g [group]</code> etc. do not make you leave direct message mode. To leave direct message mode, do <code>/msg</code> or wait for the other player to log off.
== CombatTag ==
* <code>/ct</code> or <code>/combattagplus</code> - Check combat tag timer
* <code>/logout</code> - Logs out without spawning combat tagger (10 seconds w/o movement or pvp)
== Exile Pearl ==
Killing a player while having at least one pearl in the inventory hotbar will pearl the victim and bind it to a pearl.
A player can not be pearled twice. Trying to pearl an exiled player will show the coordinates of its pearl.
Exiled players cannot
* Enter bastion fields. An exiled players who enters a bastion field will be teleported outside of it.
* Attack another player
* Break reinforcements
* Be within 1000 blocks of their pearl
* Place TNT
* Light fires
* Damage bastions
* Place snitches
* Equip diamond armor
Players whose pearl has been upgraded to a prison pearl are sent and are not able to escape back to the overworld.
* <code>/suicide</code>
!width="30%"| Permission Name
!width="70%"| Function
| /ep locate
| Locates your exile pearl
| /ep free
| Free an exile pearl
| /ep broadcast <group/player>
| Broadcasts your pearl location to a group or another player
| /ep accept
| Accepts a pearl broadcast request
| /ep silence <player>
| Stops pearl broadcasting from a player
| /ep summon
| Summon a prisoner
| /ep return
| Returns a summoned player
| /ep confirm
| Confirms a summon request
| /ep refill [amount]
| Refill a pearl using mana
| /ep upgrade
| Upgrade a pearl using mana. Cost 64 mana.
* A pearled player that gets stuck can use <code>/suicide</code> to kill himself.
Pearl decay rate: ?
Decay when player is Inactive: ?
== MemeMana ==
See :
!width="30%"| Permission Name
!width="70%"| Function
| /manaclaim or /mnc
| Claim your mana for logging in
| /manafuellog
| See who has been keeping you pearled
| /manamaterialize
| Makes mana into physical object (Warning currently does not have a purpose) Materialized mana cannot be used for pearl fuel
| /manashow [group]
| Show mana amount
| /manatransfer <receiver> <amount>
| Transfers mana to a group
| /manawithdraw <group> [amount]
| Withdraw mana from group (10 mana by default)
* Mana can be claimed once a day. The timer for claiming mana is reset at 00:00 GMT.
* The amount of mana that is received is equal to the number of times the player has done <code>/manaclaim</code> during the last 10 days. As a result, the maximum of mana that can be earned per day is 10.
* Alts share the same pool of mana. It is not possible to claim mana several time on the same day but on different alts.
* In order to withdraw mana from a group, the MEMEMANA_WITHDRAW permission must be enabled on the group for the specified role. (disabled by default)
==ItemExchange ==
* <code>/iecreate</code> or <code>/iec</code> - Creates an exchange in chest in view
* <code>/ieset</code> or <code>/ies</code> - Sets the field of ExchangeRule currently held
== Realistic Biome ==
====== Crop growth rate ======
Realistic biomes alters the growth rate for most crops.
It is possible to check the growth rate by left clicking on the ground with the seed/crop in hand or by right clicking on the ground with a stick.
[ Growth rate spreadsheet]
====== Animal breeding ======
The success rate when breeding animals is biome dependent.
Editor's note: Find link to spreadsheet on animal breeding rate.
== HiddenOre ==
Disable vanilla ore generation.
Ores other than diamond will randomly spawn when mining stone. Diamond will only spawn in large clusters and aren't scattered everywhere.
The chance to get an ore is based on the (number of faces revealed by breaking a block) + (block itself)
=== Mining diamonds ===
Diamonds will spawn at the vanilla height, below layer Y=17.
Diamonds veins are randomly generated using a Perlin noise. The diamond density in a vein seems higher near the center.
A message will be displayed every time a diamond ore spawns.
==== Strategies ====
[ How to mine diamonds]
* Mining a long tunnel is a good way to find veins.
* Marking diamonds will help discern the shape of the vein.
== OreObfuscator ==
OreObfuscator will hide certain type of blocks to stone in order to prevent xray.
* An obfuscated block will be rendered as a stone block if no player is within 8 blocks of it.
* The blocks that are obfuscated are: Dispenser, Chest, Mob Spawner, Crafting Table, Furnace, Enchantment table, Anvil, Trapped Chest, Jukebox, Noteblock, Sponge, < ... ?>
* Because of the range of the OreObfuscator, it is advisable to drop chests at least 8 blocks below the ground.
== RandomSpawn ==
Players who haven't up a bed will respawn in a random location in a 6500 blocks radius around 0,0.
Editor's note: Fastest way to reach a nation
== Kira ==
* /deletediscordchannel
* /discordauth - Creates auth code
* /linkdiscordchannel
* /syncdiscordchannel
== Brewery ==
[[Brewery Guide|(Brewery Guide)]]
== BlockLimits ==
Some blocks are limited per chunk. Exceeding the limit will print the "<code>Limit reached for this chunk, you cannot place more of this type of block."</code>
{| class="wikitable"
|+Limit per chunk<ref></ref>
!Limit per chunk
|Slime block
|Piston base
|Sticky piston base
* It is possible to make a system that exceeds the limit as long as it is spread on several chunks.
Editor's note: Test the limits.
== Other ==
=== Arthropod eggs ===
Killing a mob with a weapon that has the "Bane of the Arthropods" enchantment will sometime make the mob drop a egg of its respective type.
Each level of "Bane of the Arthropods" will increase the drop rate by 3%. The drop rate will also be increased by 2% for every "Looting" enchantment level.
A monster that drops a spawn egg will not drop loot.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Spawn eggs drop rate
! rowspan="2" |Enchantment
! colspan="4" |Drop rate
|Without Looting
|Looting I
|Looting II
|Looting III
|Bane of the Arthropods I
|Bane of the Arthropods II
|Bane of the Arthropods III
|Bane of the Arthropods IV
|Bane of the Arthropods V
It is possible to get the spawn eggs of all passive mobs except for Snow and Iron Golems
=== Fossils ===
Fossils will often drop when mining. They can be cracked using the "Ore Smelter" factory for a chance to get extra loot.
{| class="wikitable "
|+Fossils drop
!Probability (%)
|Player Skull (any)
|Spawn egg (1)
|City bastion
|Prismarine crystals
|Prismarine shards
|Iron horse armor
|Disk (any)
|Lapis/Iron/Redstone Block (any)
|Emerald/Diamond (any)
|Iron pickaxe
|Iron spade/sword/axe (any)
|Spawn eggs (2)
|Diamond block
|Iron ingots
|Piece of diamond armor (any)
|Diamond axe/pickaxe/shovel
|Diamond horse armor
|Silk Touch book
|Enchanted Books (3)
|Imcando Pick (4)
|Apollo's Bow (5)
|Clockback (6)
|Gezo (7)
|Egg of Creation (8)
(1) any of the following: Vindicator, Vex, Silverfish, Endermite, Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse, Donkey, Polar Bear, Parrot, Llamma, Wolf, Squid, Ocelot, Rabbit, Horse, Mooshroom.
(2) any of the following: Zombie Pigman, Enderman, Cave Spider, Villager, Witch, Slime, Magma Cube, Guardian, Ghast, Blaze, Spider, Skeleton, Zombie, Creeper
(3) any of the following: Power V, Infinity, Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Sharpness V, Protection IV
(4) Lored diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III
(5) Lored bow with Power V, Unbreaking III, Flame I and Infinity
(6) Lored watch with Knockback III
(7) Lored paper
(8) Lored dragon egg
=== OldEnchanting ===
''[[Enchanting|(See Enchanting)]]''
* Enchanting does not consume any Lapis Lazuli and works in a similar manner than the pre 1.8 enchanting system.
* The only way to get XP is by crafting bottle o' enchanting by placing an emerald in a crafting grid.
* One bottle o' enchanting will always give 10 XP points. This means that a level 30 enchant will require 140 bottles.
* Items can be infinitely repaired and the repair cost is capped at level 35.
=== Miscellaneous ===
*/present - (opens present) [Donum]
* /helpop - sends message for help [Official discord recommended for fastest help response time]
* /tps
Namecolor gives players who donate $10 or more to the CivClassic Patreon the ability to change the color their name displays in chat and tab menu using the command /namecolor. For $25 the color can be set as rainbow. Note not to confuse the grey colored names with the greyed out spectator names, which unlike namecolor can only be used by admins. [Add image]
== References ==

Latest revision as of 14:13, 13 July 2022