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Amsterdam is a small town of the Grand Imperium, located in the -,- quadrant southwest of Lusitania and west of Varkonia across the Medi Sea. The town is located in an attractive and strategically-important river valley, surrounded by towering mountains to the east and west.


Amsterdam was the largest settlement and presumed capital of the nation of the Principality of Wallachia, a small nation which laid claim to the lands of the western Medi Sea on 7th September 2018. The exact cause and date of the fall of the city is unclear, but by October 2018 the nation's representatives did not respond to a survey of active nations, suggesting the city had already been abandoned. The city had suffered minor acts of griefing, but inspection of the city's unlocked chests gave no indication of theft, and the town's ambitious street plans remained unfulfilled.

Later nations came and went without leaving their mark on the town. The nation of Highrock, led by Krypticly, Sladerish, and EvasiveOBject, appeared on the December 2019 edition of the claims map. By early 2020, however, the nation appeared inactive and after the nation did not post updated claims during a review of territory claims in January 2020, the city of Amsterdam was once again marked as uninhabited.

In February 2020, territory to the town's west was claimed as an exclave of the rapidly-growing Grand Imperium, and in late February, after surveying the abandoned town, Emperor Attoprak formally extended Grand Imperium claims to cover the town. Grand Imperium citizens set to work immediately, clearing grief blocks and repairing damaged houses. The original Wallachian houses were preserved to keep the memory of this small but beautiful and peaceful nation alive, and new buildings were raised up to complete what the people of Wallachia and Highrock had started.

Visitors to the town today can see ancient Wallachian buildings from the early days of the server alongside modern houses of the Grand Imperium. The city takes inspiration from Dutch cities, with extensive canals, tall gabled'grachtenpand' terraces and scenic bridges. The city today is a proud outpost of the Grand Imperium, with a station, inn, library, shrine, embassy, bank, post office and many houses for workers, all decorated in the black-cyan-white tricolor.