29-30 June 2024 Imperial Federaion Election

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The 29-30 June 2024 Imperial Federation is scheduled to take place between June 29th, 7 PM EST to June 1st, 7 PM EST. The election is expected to be one of the closest and largest in Civ history. The four major candidates are matanic1107 of the Western Bay People's Party, s0uthw3st, an Independent, ImmediateDescent of the Progressive Visionary Party, and JoelThaTroll of the Constitutional Progress Party.

Grenada Polling has estimated odds as:

s0uthw3st +180

immediateDescent +200

matanic1107 +400

JoelThaTroll +900

Other Candidates +10000

Party Chancellor Home State Portrait Vice Chancellor Ideology 1st Pref Votes 2nd Pref Votes 3rd Pref Votes 4th Pref Votes
Independent s0uthw3st Pride Isles asgeir9 Center-left platform
  • Encourage growth of the department system
  • Develop federal farming complex and bunkers
  • Expand ice road and rail networks
25 (38%) 27 (42%) 29 (45%) 32 (53%)
Progressive Vision Party immediateDescent Halland Spaceman_Spleef Center-right platform
  • Continue constitutional reform and civil discourse
  • Encourage growth of economy through a currency
  • Inter-state cooperation through national events
12 (18%) 13 (20%) 18 (28%) 28 (47%)
Western Bay People's Party Matanic1107 Groveheart Thanis0077 Left-wing platform
  • Expand XP access through national XP Cooperatives
  • Set up nationalized Mining Cooperatives
  • Abolish the Senate and replace with Regional Councils
14 (22%) 15 (24%) 17 (27%) (eliminated)
Constitutional Progress Party JoelThaTroll Anor Londo X dcruzyx Right-wing platform
  • Promote individual rights in the Constitution
  • Address lack of government transparency
  • Reform the constitution and criminal justice system
9 (14%) 9 (14%) (eliminated) (eliminated)
Independent Other / Write-In N/A N/A Other / Write-In N/A 5 (8%) (eliminated) (eliminated) (eliminated)