Wool Wars

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Wool Wars is a Civ team sport invented by Zelmisburg. An arena was built for the sport in Gensokyo during CivClassic, but saw no use due to a lack of enough Wool. The sport was inspired by the act of block griefing (such as the infamous "obby bombing") during wartime.

The Rules

1. Wool Wars is played between two Teams, each with 12 players. Teams will elect their Team Captain and Lieutenant, who will be Player 1 and 7, respectively.

2. Both teams will be given sets of Iron Chestplates, Leggings, and Boots. Each team will be given differently-dyed Leather Caps in order to mark who is on which team. The Team Leaders and Lieutenants will wear caps of a different color in order to stand out.

3. Players will be inspected one a time at the Checkpoints before they are allowed into the Play Area. Players are to stash items brought with them in designated Stashes. Referees will inventory check the players by dumping dummy items (such as Wooden Shovels) on them to ensure they are not smuggling items into the Play Area. Once a player has been cleared, the Referee assigns them to either the "WoolWarsHomeTeam" or "WoolWarsAwayTeam" NameLayer groups, allowing the player to enter the Play Area and their Team Base.

4. The Team Bases are made of two areas: A Wool Storage Area in the center and two Barracks on the sides. Facing the outer wall, the Team Captain's half (Players 1-6) is on the right side of the Team Base, while the Lieutenant's half (Players 7-12) is on the left side. The Teams will set their assigned Barracks spawnpoints and gather their initial loadouts. When ready, the Team Captains will ring the provided Bell.

5. The following tools are allowed in Wool Wars: Wool, Wooden/Stone Swords, Wooden/Stone Axes, and Shields. In addition, Bows, Crossbows, and Arrows are allowed to be used by the Team Leader and Lieutenant.

7. The match time is twenty (20) minutes. If needed, play can be timed-out for five (5) minutes if a Team Captain informs a Referee a Player requires a pause.

8. The play area is divided into a 9x9 grid of square Zones, with each Zone itself being made of an open cube of 9x9x9 Blocks dimension. The goal of Wool Wars is to control a majority of the Zones by covering more Blocks in the Zones with a Team's colored Wool than the other Team.

9. A location with Wool on it aleady can be contested by covering the enemy Team's Wool with your Team's Wool. The topmost Wool in Block's Stack of Wool is considered the controlling one. However, if a Void (air) is found in a Stack, then the Wool located at the bottom of the Void is instead the controlling block. If the bottom of a Stack is a Void, neither team controls that Block.

10. PvP is allowed and encouraged to slow the enemy Team's efforts down. Dead players respawn in their Team Base and must resupply.

11. At the end of play, the Referees will create an in-game Map, and then visually confirm which team has controlled each Zone. The Referees will then place down the Map for the audience to see and declare the winner. 11. If the losing team raises an objection (Ex: Significant amounts of Voids are present in the Play Area), the Referee will go to the objected Zones in order to inspect them more closely. If the investigation proves the other team has won, the Referees will reverse their judgment and discard the Map.

12. The following activites are prohibited: Exploiting, entering the enemy Team Base, outside interference smuggling in unauthorized items, and egregiously bad sportsmanship. The penalties for violating the rules will range from the offending Player being objected from the ongoing game to the immediate disqualification of the entire Team. These are doled out at the Referee's discretion.