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=== Raids ===
During the first week of the [[CivMC]] server, players AbbyShapiro and TrustThePlan raided multiple nations across the map, including [[Icarus (Second Republic)|Icarus]]<ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/892860206009188392/985388629398544494/5.png</ref><ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/892860206009188392/985388629654380584/4.png</ref>, [[Western Boundary]], and several homesteaders<ref name=":0">https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/v6htqy/bounty_abbyshapiro/</ref>. Additionally, the player [[Figasaur]], who had announced the new nation of [[Blockchainistan]] along with [[RabbiCroc]], seemed to be loosely associated with said raiders.<ref name=":0" /> This caused some in the raided parties to suspect the two were involved in and/or ordering the raids.
=== Chance Encounter in the Jungle ===
[[File:Fig1.png|thumb|Figasaur contacts MrJoCrafter.]]
[[FuschiaJoCrafter]], the Great Sage of the [[People's Republic of the Western Boundary]], was walking through a newly claimed jungle island west of the so-called Forest of Magic. There, he encountered a strange base that was occupied by TrustThePlan, one of the Icarus raiders. He was accosted by Trust, but very barely managed to escape the jungle on one half-heart. Immediately afterwards, he recieved a direct message from [[Figasaur]], asking him to adjust his claims.
[[MrJoCrafter]] agreed to the retraction in claims (temporarily) but still found the entire thing incredibly suspicious, and so decided to reach out to others.
=== Operation Planning ===
[[File:Jomessage.png|thumb|MrJoCrafter's briefing to Icarus, Sovia, KOEL, and others about Blockchainistan.]]
MrJoCrafter added players from [[Sovia (CivMC)|Sovia]], [[Icarus (Second Republic)|Icarus]], [[KOEL]], and others to a group chat, and explained the situation: TrustThePlan and AbbyShapiro had raided a large number of nations in the -,+ quadrant and beyond, it was likely Figasaur and Croc were involved in said raiding, and that he had found the base of the Blockchainistan group in the jungle.
[[File:Jomessage2.png|thumb|MrJoCrafter outlines the attack plan to the coalition.]]
He set a plan to attack at a specific time, with members from Icarus, KOEL, and Western Boundary agreeing to assist in the attack. Of other nations, Sovia, [[CCTT]]<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/v7b9f0/the_cctt_has_chosen_a_side_in_the_ongoing/</ref>, Hatium<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/v7d6or/hatium_declares_antiblockchainistan_stance_in_the/</ref>, and others in the -,+ quadrant backed the Coalition.
=== VinBing Insides KOEL ===
[[File:Errorl kills traitor.jpg|thumb|KOEL Propaganda on the defeat of the insider, VinBing.]]
A player named [[VinBing]] stole some items from storage in the [[Kingdom of ErrorL]] and also attempted to kill its king and god, [[ErrorL]].<ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/983576062824968203/983587081257361458/unknown.png</ref><ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/983576062824968203/983587171732701194/unknown.png</ref> While this event might have been unrelated, Figasaur himself reported said in local chat "uh oh" immediately after VinBing was killed by ErrorL. Figasaur after the fact maintained he was not associated with VinBing, which some people accepted. VinBing was later banned, presumably for attempting to evade his pearl with alternative accounts.
=== Operation Jungle Scourge ===
[[File:Epicloginfail.png|thumb|Members of the attack force failing to log in due to the server experiencing high levels of restart latency.]]
The operation commenced on Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 at 5:30 PM CDT. KOEL, Icarus, and Western Boundary members made their way to the jungle island and attempted to begin the assault. After the server had a stroke and restarted several times, the attack force got back to work, quickly breaking into the bunker through a weak spot<ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/895786423339347969/983951847985405962/2022-06-07_16.39.24.png?width=916&height=473</ref>, and destroying and looting the chests inside the bunker.<ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/895786423339347969/983951849042370590/2022-06-07_17.56.13.png?width=916&height=473</ref> The other chests were quickly rent asunder<ref>https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/895786423339347969/983951849650532392/2022-06-07_19.04.01.png?width=916&height=473</ref>, while no defense of the land came from the Blockchainistan members. Around this time, [[LIQUIDSTEREO]] posted the official declaration of war post<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/v7aepn/a_declaration_of_war_on_blockchainistan/</ref> as the operation team had basically destroyed anything valuable inside the base. Seeing no resistance arrive, the attack team dispersed, losing only one casualty due to a KOEL member losing connection and logging out inside the bunker.
=== End of the War and Treaty ===
[[File:Peaceterms.png|thumb|Coalition and Blockchainistan members come to a peace settlement.]]
While most welcomed the attack on Blockchainistan, some nations, such as [[Rhode Island]], of which [[Figasaur]] was a citizen, saw the conflict with suspicion. Rhode Island members put pressure on the Coalition nations to end it, and threats were exchanged. Eventually, a peace settlement was reached where both sides demilitarized the river, 6 diamonds were given back to Blockchainistan, and the two raiders, TrustThePlan and AbbyShapiro, were made unwelcome in Blockchainistan.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/v7fih3/end_of_the_war_between_the_coalition_and/</ref>
=== Aftermath ===
Afterwards, Blockchainistan moved to the +,- quadrant, unclaiming its -,+ claims, and Western Boundary reclaimed the island over which the war was fought, declaring it Fire Island National Park.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/vff4wn/updated_peoples_republic_of_western_boundary/</ref>