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Revision as of 17:30, 15 March 2018 by Jdcorral (talk | contribs)
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Vinetown is a town located along the West Rail that emanates from 0,0. It is located primarily on the beach biome near an Ice Mountain biome on an island in the -+ region of the map. Currently, Vinetown claims the Ice Mountain and other above-sea areas nearby. No other towns border it. Currently the town only has one permanent resident and its existence is mostly unknown to the outside world.

The island that the town was planned on was sign posted by the player ham. A few other signs were posted, and aside from one other sign, they are to be preserved as historic markings. The town's purple station is located around -10000,0.



Before Breaking Ground

Jdcorral founded the town a few days after being released from Lex's Vault. After experiencing months of isolation ingame, Jdcorral decided to attempt to make a city that would be able to promote connections and activity. Looking at several rails maps, it was decided to found the city on the island. A few days worth of planning on paper created the initial plan for the city. After collecting a few resources at Best Western, he set off to the island to found the city.

Breaking Ground

The Island of the Signs was where the supplies initially sat. After lighting up the island and creating the way for roads, Jdcorral moved the supplied to the highest hill on the sand bar.