United Northern Congress (created 2018): Difference between revisions

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During September the following nation states of [[Kaltsburg]], [[Tvtopia]] and [[Westmore]] were admitted on the 6th, 11th and 21st respectively, to the growing family of nations.
The winter months of 2018 for the United Northern Congress were quiet, fulfilling it'sits purpose of a defensive alliance comprised of mostly builder-centric countries, infrastructure, embassies and joint projects relating to defense were built between the contracting members. The diplomatic outlook of the UNC was at this time quite separate in contrast to the functions of the current UNC, drama was on the low side and there were no issues internally. Around this time, both Westmore and Kaiserreich became further intertwined with The Grand Duchy Varkonia, becoming a province of the duchy and a protectorate respectively. Westmore relinquished their UNC vote as of becoming a province however Kasierreich kept theirs until the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTiCmpMyAn0jFfCHbkEIyG1g5KQwAPxM6QhGWVOg8BAoRT-5uS5B4FMYmLm4EcK7a5ALqWy6Qd-rtUq/pub reformation of the protectorate] on the 24th of April 2019.
In late december, after a period of inactivity, Kaltsburg granted SPQR the eastern claims of their nation, formally creating the administrative territories of the Kingdom of Kaltsburg within the SPQR. Kaltsburg later had a resurgence of activity in their independent territory of the Principality of Kaltsburg located below the Grand Duchy of Varkonia. Kaltsburg retained their congressional vote until the UNC reform on the 1st of May 2019.
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== Congressional Votes & Treaties ==
=== Membership status of the United Northern Congress ===
{| class="wikitable"
!In Order of Joining the UNC
!Membership Status
|Grand Duchy of Varkonia
|3rd of August 2018
|Security Council
|3rd of August 2018
|Security Council
|3rd of August 2018
|Security Council
|6th of August 2018
|No longer a member as of 24th of April 2019
|Republic of Bloom
|16th of August 2018
|Security Council
|6th of September 2018
|Member State
|11th of September 2018
|Member State
|21st of September 2018
|No longer a member as of 21st of October 2018
|21st of January 2019
|Security Council
|24th of March 2019
|Security Council
|1st of May 2019
|Security Council
|7th of May 2019
|Member State
|Imperial Truidence
|1st of July 2019
|Member State
<br />
=== Votes Proposed by each Member State ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Member State
!Pass Rate
|Grand Duchy of Varkonia
|Republic of Bloom
<br />
=== Alliance Spokesperson ===
The introduction of Alliance Spokesperson is regarded as one of the largest changes in comparison to the UNC's inception. The Spokesperson has the written responsibility to "Post updates, announcements and statements regarding the UNC on public forums and shall be the orator of the concentrated positions of the National Leaders" The spokesperson is implored to not carry their own ideals or biases in their role as it is their responsibility to speak for all contracting parties and to form a robust and cohesive diplomatic outlook on their behalf.