Treaty of Serenity

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The Treaty of Serenity was the May 2020 agreement between the Roman Empire, Arelat, Medina and Columbia during the aftermath of the Columbia Conflict. Columbia, along the coast west of Carbon Island, was annexed by the Roman Empire on XX May 2020, following military intervention by Roman, Arelat, Medinan and Savaguardian forces. Columbia and many other countries[1][2] condemned the annexation and consider it to be a violation of server norms due to weak cactus beli.

need help form people who knows what happened (not sure if everything above is correct)


columbia has gained a reputation from previous civ iterations... etc.


ICOR giving land to neighbours

start of crisis

Tensions, perceived likely to invade

Cactus beli, weak? bastions overlapping 100 blocks?

Subreddit pvp stuff

Obby licence?

Could we get an actual timeline plz?

Columbian Response

summary of above here. reactions. responses to this


Links to add: - Columbia response to military intervention. - footage i guess - Penguin's - commentary on response to this vs. response to MtA backing out of MtA/TRE agreement (also we need that conflict in the wiki plz) - convoy's commentary: satirical video - actual treaty