The Collective

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The Collective
The Icon of The Collective
Activity levelPlanned (as of May 19, 2022)
National Colors
• Premier
• Delegates
Foundation dateApril 28th, 2022
LanguageAmerican English

The Collective is a nation that takes inspiration from the collaborative work, theory, and philosophy of French post-structuralists Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (D&G).



Before settling on the name and national aesthetic, The Collective the was originally the Great People's Republic's until having gone through a rebranding.



The political structure of The Collective follows anarchist principles of organization. Delegates are elected by majority vote through proposed slates. These delegates have individualized tasks assigned during election. The membership has the ability to add and subtract delegationial positions as needed through majority vote.

Head of State Name
Premier Exozz
Delegate #1 N/A
Delegate #2 N/A


Below is listed a few of the nation's core principles as outlined by the nations leader, Exozz.

"We resist the repressive and antiproductive notion of state power - favoring horizontal relations among our members and in our composition.

We vehemently oppose fascism in all its forms; the micro-fascisms practiced in everyday life and the macro-fascisms of totalitarian rule and world police.

On the international scene we advocate for the self-determination and free-association of all peoples and an end to colonial/imperialist conquest.

Exclusion of groups or persons regardless of familial, ethnic, national, religious, sexual, or any minority background on any basis is not tolerate by The Collective.

The Collective hopes to be a bastion of freedom on the server and to embody a renewed confidence in the human capacity for solidarity, cooperation, and collective action.

-Exqzz, founding member of The Collective"

Foreign Relations

The Collective is apart of the COMRADES alliance, along with having formal pacts with aurellia and KOEL.