Talk:Battle of Eddie Murphy

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Revision as of 20:05, 22 November 2021 by Zenos11 (talk | contribs)
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Topic - Commanders.

Zenos11: There are seriously too many commanders here, I do not like that user MrJoCrafter‎ undid this without talking about it but it ruins the infobox and makes it far too large. I do not recognize half of these names, it looks like it is just people that were involved to any extent that are listed when it should be a small selection of actual leaders and not people trying to get their name out there, they can be mentioned in the description if needed

MrJoCrafter: I didn't make the long commanders list; I actually made it shorter. Take that up with yodabird.

Zenos - I didn't say you made the big list i said i didnt like you nuking the big list without first talking about it, you got the page locked bozo