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== History ==
===== Origin on Devoted =====
Laconia can trace their roots to a group on Devoted 2.0, the Revenants. Born out of a shared hatred of the Pirates, it was the fusion of several early-map groups, led by Vapin, TofeeDodger, and FRESH_Candy, and BuckyHD. They were early allies of Agora, who are known on modern CivClassic as Hjaltland (somewhat), and formed the Conglomerate which fought the Pirates and Ascalon (led by Vicccyy and SirCrowley respectively).
[ Album of the early history of Laconia]
Bucky and Fresh began thinking of new names for the group, one of which mentioned was Laconia. This never turned into anything other than Ashnwill using the name, building a vault, and shit stirring to the community resulting in Revenents excommunicating him.
After ashnwill's defection from Ascalon, he designed a (terrible) ring vault for the Revenants, with tankbuster44 of Agora building the skybunker. After the rest of the Revenants went inactive, ashnwill inherited their wealth and infrastructure, using them to become a major shit stirrer, until he shit stirred too hard and his vault was broken.
'''Temp and 3.0'''
The Revenants reformed in the summer of that year as Laconia, still led by ashnwill, but this time with fun new pals like Brocktree and Parkertehpwner. Due to the retardation of their leader, along with BuckyHD feeling that he had stolen the nation, he was coup'd, and out of spite he gave the Laconia vault to the Pirates.
During Temp, the group that formed Revenants and Laconia did not play much, aside from Bucky playing apart of Yoahtl. During this time Bucky further developed the idea of Laconia. After failing to convinve Yoahtl to change with documents and reforms written by Bucky, and with the help of zachtack, they began to write documents for Laconia for the anticipated 3.0, such as a legal document, charter, and plan of Laconia. [[File:Laconia Banner.png|thumb|Laconian Banner]]When 3.0 began, the group of Revents officially became Laconia, and recruited many people, notably JohnFairfax, and few other HCFers. Laconia was located in the same shard as Yoahtl as they were to be allies due to Bucky's friendship with Quahutli_Mia and Yoahtl. The capital city was Lacedaemon and was to become a vault city, but due to people becoming inactive and an alt raider attack on the bunker, Laconia broke apart and became inactive, or moved to other nations.
The Laconian 17-layer 3-ring vault at northern world border was torn down by HiImPosey and Garking, along with the old skybunker, and used to expand the Pirate vault to 23 layers.
===== CivClassic =====
The people who made up the Laconia of old Devoted joined with Yoahtl. They built a fortress on the mesa island north of the old Yoahtlan capitol, Axochitlan, and christened it Mt. Doom.
====== Creation ======
At some point they declared independence from Yoahtl and become independent easily and peacefully. [somebody with better knowledge of this time period expand this]
The people who made up the LaconiaRevenants of old Devoted joined with Yoahtl. They builtbegan construction of a fortress on the mesa island north of the old Yoahtlan capitol, Axochitlan, andto christenedact itas Mtits military base. It later got the meme name Mt Doom with its official name becoming Mt Vesuvius.
Due to the soon to be Laconia members discussing land deals with Hjaltland for a portion of the nearby jungle without Yoahtl leadership which angered St_Leibowitz, who wished to have Tofee_Dodger removed due to being the one dealing with the land deal. As a result, Fresh, Bucky, and Tofee left Yoahtl to become their own private group, notably a Company called Quantum Company, as they had planned on 2.0 when being in Yoahtl.
They became allies with their enemies of old, Lexington; fresh server, fresh connections.
This split resulted in some anger towards the group, notably from Wacki_Aki, and others once people began to join the group. Gdan, owner of Danville, as well as LordEmberScar wished to join the group. This resulted in Bucky enacting his plan for Laconia once again as it could no longer be a company with other regions joining. As a result, Danville, Mt Doom, and a portion of Pumpkintown became property of Laconia, to the resentment of many Yoahtlans.
They got bored and began raiding on alts, messing with the Yoahtlans, culminating in a Yoahtlan attack on Mt. Doom, which was quickly and harshly responded to by Laconia.
Eventually talks began for Laconia to merge back into Yoahtl, but bg, who was acting for Leib, began to talk about forming a coalition between the two nations, or joining Laconia with Pumpkintown. After much time talking about a coalition it was revealed bg was unable to actually decide on this. This angered the Laconia leadership who viewed it as a waste of time.
Yoahtl was forced out of their homeland, Laconia having claimed the lion's share, and moved across the map.
====== First Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
FRESH_Candy and TofeeDodger decided to invite ashnwill to the reborn Laconia around this time, playing on the secret alt TotallyNotHigh so as not to draw suspicion from their Lexingtonian allies who had a (justifiably) very bad view of the lad. He dug a tunnel to the southeast diagonal world border, and built a small 10-layer bastion vault for Laconia, along with a handful of bunkers and a skybunker in the sea.
This all came to a boiling point when Yoahtl attacked Laconia, resulting in the first Laconian Yoahtl war and Laconian victory, resulting in the first treaty. This resulted in many Yoahtlans moving away, viewing they could no longer live beside us.
FRESH_Candy and TofeeDodger decided to reinvite ashnwill to the reborn Laconia around this time, playing on the secret alt TotallyNotHigh. Around this time Laconia began to slowly go inactive again, with Bucky rarely logging on and Fresh and Tofee somewhat working on Mt Doom, while ash began to grind at Mt Doom, building a vault and tunnel to it on world border.
Ashnwill became disenchanted with the Laconia dudes, having recently become less of a shithead himself and able to recognize when people were shitheads, and at the behest of his BFF TwistTheCat left and founded a city near new Yoahtl, Kuo. Over the course of two months, he became willing to leak information to Yoahtl that he had gained during his time in Laconia, leading to a second Yoahtl-Laconia war, a big ol' falling out between ashnwill and Laconia, and without their autism grinder, Laconia fell into inactivity.
Due to threat of alt raiders from Hjaltland, and pearling of Laconia by them, Laconia made agreements with Lexington, such as a defensive agreement.
[sorry if this is too ashnwill-centric, I am writing it from the perspective of me, ashnwill]
[[File:Laconia Banner.png|thumb|Laconian Banner]]
====== Second Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
[[File:Laconia Flag.png|thumb|Laconian Flag]]
Yoahtl enacted a second attack on Mt Doom, resulting in the second Laconian Yoahtl war, where Laconia was able to pearl a majority of those who attacked the Mountain, pearling multiple, including Quahulti_Mia, and transporting them to the Lexington vault due to the agreement. This resulted in the second treaty of Laconia to be made with bg.
Laconia again became inactive, this time fully with little play on the server. Ongoing around this time was the Somber war, and due to Lexington having been aggressive, Laconia did not have to join in with the agreement, and were also told not to due to being so close to Hjaltland, who we made an agreement with not to get involved unless directly provoked.
For months, Laconia remained inactive, until it was brought to our attention people were constantly trespassing on our mountain and breaking stuff in our vault. This, plus recent developments in drama and the beginning of Summer, brought Laconia back in full swing. Yoahtl began to try and reclaim Axo, which resulted in tension between the two groups, but Laconia began discussing selling all the land, excluding Mt Doom, to Yoahtl with bg. [[File:Laconia Flag.png|thumb|Laconian Flag]]
====== Third Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
After the talks kept being stalled, and tensioned increased yet again in Axo, Yoahtl prepare an attack on Mt Doom. Many Yoahtlans attacked Mt Doom, starting the third Laconia Yoahtl war, aiming to pearl the members of Laconia inside, claiming if we gave the land this would stop. Yoahtl greatly damaged Mt Doom, acid blocking, DRO griefing and bastioning the mountain. As a result of the attack, some offered aid and help in cleanup and condemned Yoahtl for the attack. One of those that came to help was SteveBuscemi of Rhodesia. During this, Yoahtl attacked again and began to chase Steve in an attempt to pearl him. Due to this, Capri rushed to the aid of Steve which resulted in the pearling of bg.
The war ended as a result and has lead to the creation of the Laconia-Yoahtl peace agreement, which can hopefully put to rest the hostilities between the two nations.
== Minsters and Cities ==
=== Ministers ===
BuckyHD, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Infrastructure
FRESH_Candy, Minister of Economics and Public Relations
Tofee_Dodger, Minister of Defence and Production
=== Cities ===
Mount Vesuvius, Referred to as Mt Doom, Capital of Laconia
Pompeii, Previously Axochitlan, City of Laconia
Anvil, Previously Danville, Province of Laconia


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