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(i am troll_bebek i own this page)
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* {{flag|Kanagawa}}|general_custom_title1=Official Condiment|general_custom_value1=Honey Mustard}}
'''Kallos''' is a nation in CivMC situated in the Southeast (+,+) quadrant of the map around 7400, 4800. It is an oligarchic dictatorship lead by Troll_Bebek. Kallos has characterized itself as a chill nation, and is known for its citizens who like to steal shit.
"Kallos" is a national name inspired by the nation [[Hallow]]. It is pronounced /ˈkeɪ.loʊs/. Despite its similarities, it is not related to the Pokémon region of [https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Kalos#:~:text=Kalos%20(Japanese%3A%20%E3%82%AB%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%E5%9C%B0%E6%96%B9%20Kalos,central%20part%20of%20the%20region. Kalos].
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Following the ban-induced collapse of the [[Rhode Island|USA/Rhode Island]], Kallos, under the leadership of K0mmi, annexed the bulk of former-RI territories with the notable exception of the "random crater" that happened to also contain the former RI vault<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/xi3azw/kallos_claims_update_81922/</ref>.
[[Kallos]] was previously settled in the Northwest (-,-) quadrant of the map, around -750, -3500. The city of Kallopolis was the capital of Kallos, and the vault Centauri was constructed to the north of it. Kallos was an oligarchic dictatorship lead by K0mmi at the time. Due to the Purple War, [[Kallos]] ceased all activity and ended up as a province of [[Kallumbia]]. {{AMIGOS}}{{Sovereign States of the Northwest}}
== Kallos3 ==
After over a year of inactivity following the Purple War, DockerImage and Troll_Bebek, both former core Kallosians, settled on previous Lusitania claims to create the next iteration of Kallos. After a few months of slow development, dredd_kiji, another core Kallosian was freed allowing the nation to prosper once more. Land claims were posted publicly and many former Kallosians were re-invited such as ColdBoy000 and Knot, and even CivClassic Kallosians like kicky_. With the newfound manpower the Kallosians quickly set out to build up their next city. {{AMIGOS}}{{Sovereign States of the Northwest}}
== References ==


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