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{{Infobox civilization|image=Flag Empire Highgrove.png|claims_map=CIVMC_Locator_Pavia.png|position_name1=[[paagf|paagf I]]|governing_document=[ The Magna Pavia], [ Pavian Restoration Amendment (2023)], [ Pavia Reform Act (2024)]|foundation_document=[ The Magna Pavia]|foundation_date=29 April 2022|position_name2=[[Cissonius]]|position_title2=Prime Minister|position_title1=Emperor|name=The Empire of Pavia|government_type=Semi-Constitutional Monarchy|caption=Flag of Pavia|motto="''Immutabilis, Aeternalis, Immobilis"''|subreddit=[ r/CivPavia]|discord=[ Paviacord]|demonym=Pavian|national_anthem="''Oh Pavia Parva, the Greatest of All"''|image2=CoA_BraemarCoA Pavia Braemar.png|caption2=Pavian Coat of Arms under the Premiership of the Duke of Braemar|subheader=Pavia|alliance=[[File:LyreanCommonwealth.png|25px]] [[Lyrean Commonwealth]]|preceded_by={{flag|Gabon}}|position_title3=Dukes|position_name3=[[BritishWanderer]]<br/>[[Creepi0n]]<br/>[[Cissonius]]<br/>[[Gobblin]]<br/>[[paagf]]<br/>[[CedarValiant]]<br />[[ArtificialDriver]]}}
'''Pavia''' (/ˈpɑː.vɪ.ə/, officially the '''Empire of Pavia''') is a nation on [[CivMC]] located in the [[Geographical Regions (CivMC)|Lyrean Sea]] region of Vinteria. Many of Pavia's founding citizens were previously citizens of [[Gabon]] on [[CivClassic]]. A founding member of the [[Lyrean Community]], the [[Lyrean Commonwealth]], the [[Elysian Pact]], and the [[Four Continent Concordant]], and a participant in the [[Generic War]], Pavia has been a key player in major military conflicts and political alliances throughout CivMC's history. Pavia is also known for its large-scale builds, including its town hall. As of 2024, Pavia is also a founding member of the [[Lyrean Commonwealth]].
Pavia is a monarchy, with seven Dukes of Pavia making up the Privy Council underneath the Emperor. The Emperor enjoys a wide breadth of powers domestically and abroad when representing the country on the international stage, with the head of state only being answerable to death whether it be natural or by assassination. Additionally to the Privy Council, all nobility and government members from across Pavia make up the Imperial Court to discuss matters of state, diplomacy, and internal affairs. Pavia was previously known wasas the Principality of Pavia until the declaration of the Empire in June 2023.
The Empire's territory is divided into three distinct classes as outlined by the foundational law of the country, the Magna Pavia: Churchland, Crownland, and DukedomsDuchies. These classes administrate their own territories with full authority and can only be superseded by the Prime Minister.
As of February 2nd, 2024, the Emperor of Pavia is His Imperial Majesty, paagf I, who also serves as the sovereign of the larger [[Lyrean Commonwealth]].
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===== Early Island Disputes =====
====== '''Quiet Isle''' ======
Although not originally surveyed in the 'initial claims map of Pavia', the people of Pavia soon discovered two islands directly to the west, just 150m from the mainland's shoreline. The then-Crown Prince, BritishWanderer I, immediately led an expedition to these isles, consisting of himself and [[Hitobashuru]] of the Semiography Bureau, hoping to claim the islands before another party did so. This matter was viewed as of importance as the isles themselves sit in direct line of sight to the town hall and planned city of Pavia, and any construction there was sure to impact the view and nature of the western coastline. Signs claiming the land were quickly erected across both islands, however their fears of another claimant were realised upon the discovery of a small hovel in a cave on the larger isle.
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On the 6th of June, SeniorGryphon communicated that he was abandoning the island and moving to the - , - quadrant. As a result of this information, the Pavian government at the behest of BritishWanderer led another expedition to these islands, to plant three flags and more signage to reinforce Pavia's claim to the islands. Upon their arrival, they found numerous signs stating that the islands are haunted, these signs coupled with the dilapidated state of the lighthouse and surrounding terrain earned the larger island the moniker of 'Quiet Isle' for its eerie feeling.
====== '''Lucassio Islands''' ======
The Lucassio Islands are the largest and closest set of islands to the Pavian mainland, with the island chain itself spanning nearly 500 blocks north to south. These islands are numerous and spread out over a large sea-area, making patrolling and effectively snitching a challenge, with the island chain becoming a security issue almost immediately after their claiming.
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The Principality of Pavia was approached by [[Estalia|Estalian]] officials on the 14th of July regarding a defensive pact and economic treaty with themselves, Pavia, [[Jorvik]] and [[SPQR]]. The Privy Council was consulted that evening, with the Dukes advising then Crown Prince, BritishWanderer II to draft a document to be discussed between all parties. The draft was accepted by the Privy Council via unanimous vote, and was then proposed to the other prospective nations of Estalia, Jorvik and SPQR where it was promptly accepted and signed on the 15th of July, formally creating the Elysian Pact. The naming convention for the Pact was short, and a name suggested by Estalia as 'Elysian Pact' was ultimately chosen via general consensus. On the 18th of August, hitobashuru of Pavia would create a flag for the Pact, which was adopted unofficially and displayed on the Elysian Pact wiki page.
==== First Global Conflict (July - September 2022) ====
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===== Election of BritishWanderer VI =====
===== '''Pavian Transition to Democracy''' =====
On June 5th, 2024, the Dukes of Pavia unanimously approved the Pavia Reform Act (2024) which was in turn presented to the public by Archduke BritishWanderer VI. This act, among other additions and amendments to the Empire's governing documents, replaced the title of Archduke with that of Prime Minister, and opened the voting franchise to all nobility in the Empire through an anonymous, ranked-choice system. With candidates selected from amongst the reigning Dukes of Pavia, the Prime Minister was granted the ability to appoint secretaries and ministers for a variety of competencies including Infrastructure, the Coast Guard, and Semiography, among others.
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===== Interim Premiership of Cissonius =====
Interim Prime Minister Cissonius would begin their premiership with the appointment of multiple cabinet positions. The CissoniusFirst Braemar Cabinet would come to include, in order of appointment:
* GetSkinny, as Minister for Justice
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* Nekroz09, Minster for Infrastructure
* Walkers, Minister for Fishing (removed after approximately 10 minutes due to backlash towards perceived “fun” appointments)
* Owain_X, Minister for Rail Transport
Within 24 hours of taking office, Interim PM Cissonius would usher in a new age of expansion and Pavian influence on the global stage, declaring with immediate effect the creation of protectorates for the nations of [[Moloka]] and the Deepslate Corporation Isles, concurrent with the ennoblement of representatives for these nations as Crownland nobles. Additionally, the [[Dirt|Sovereign Nation of Dirt]] was placed fully under the jurisdiction of the Pavian Crownland, with haakr I of the Dirtgrove Initiative being elevated to landed nobility. The Interim PM would also state publicly their wish to pursue closer relations with the neighboring nation of [[Djani'hweh|Mehri]] in the hope of welcoming them into the [[Lyrean Commonwealth]] in the near future. Additional commitments were made to further relations with the recently-established [[Lambat (CivMC)|Lambat]] protectorate.
As Pavia’s second election campaign began, the Cissonius Cabinet was rocked by accusations leveled by the UPP of permitting open theft and raiding in the Bedford Commons, as well as accusations of impropriety in business and real estate dealings regarding the Interim PM’s personal holdings and their previous two-year administration of the Pavian Coast Guard. This arose out of an alleged horse theft and raiding party in the Commons just meters away from the serving PM, and subsequently the alleged thief successfully fleeing Pavia while hundreds of diamonds were spent on investigative efforts. These accusations were further supported by the Renew Party, whose spokesman articulated a stance that the administration, having just declared the largest state expansion in Pavian history, had failed to properly secure Pavia’s existing holdings.
The Interim PM’s response was to level dueling accusations that the decline in security within the Commons was in fact a result of the “broken windows” effect, and the responsibility of the reigning Duke of Bedford to resolve. The administration promised to hold the DukedomDuchy of Bedford accountable for improving Commons security, and to coordinate revival efforts, with some members of Pavia First even volunteering to conduct additional Coast Guard patrols in the area.
Unsatisfied with the government response, both the UPP and Renew, while firmly disagreeing with each other’s platforms and refusing to openly coordinate, traded barbs with the government. The UPP further alleged that the Interim PM had come into at least one of his residences by illicit means, charging that Cissonius had never properly paid for his Union Hill property, a home in one of Pavia’s most prosperous neighborhoods. This was disputed and the records remain unclear as to which side is correct.
Political dialogue reached a head when the UPP alleged that Cissonius had improperly managed the DukedomDuchy of Braemar’s islands, implying that the Duke had leveled protected natural habitats to build military infrastructure, while also stating that the Braemari populace should ‘return to their islands’. The Interim PM immediately demanded an apology to the DukedomDuchy and its people from the UPP and its leadership, which was not forthcoming.
While Day 2 of the election campaign would prove to be quiet, it did see the slow release of major party platforms from the [ UPP] and [ Renew Pavia] party, joined the next day on June 13th by the release of [ Pavia First's]. Release of final manifestos unleashed another torrent of dueling accusations of inaction and financial impropriety against all parties. Both Renew Pavia and the UPP charged that the Interim PM had done precious little to alleviate the Coast Guard of its diamond debt while serving as First Lord of the Admiralty, while also arguing that the Pavia First manifesto had not been appropriately costed. The Interim PM responded that all parts of its manifesto had been written in line with the goal of generally uplifting Pavia's economy and therefore its financial stability. Both Renew and UPP leaders stated that they had personally engaged in mining efforts for both iron and diamond ore with the goal of supplying direct aid to Pavia's military budget. Questions over whether this portended a Renew-UPP coalition in the election and subsequent denials of such quickly led to conflict between the two parties over the responsibility for the Bedford Commons housing district between the Duchy of Bedford and the Bureau of Architecture. With the UPP labelling the Commons as 'slums', and proposing the imposition of greatly increased dual-citizenship fees, the Renew Party responded with firm support for the Commons' goal of providing newfriend housing, while charging that the UPP's denigration of foreigners leaves them unfit for a government role.
[[File:Pavia - General Election - Opinion Polling 5.png|thumb|Pavian General Election Polling between 07/06/2024 and 15/06/2024.]]
As campaigning continued, the various parties also continued releasing new campaign promises and made a number of press appearances in their bids to sway voters. Both the Renew and UPP candidates embarked on days-long, publicly-lauded mining ventures with the goal of acquiring fresh resources to support the Coast Guard and putting material towards other planned projects. Renew also began releasing a number of other day-one promises to the public, including the creation of a new, citizenry-elected position with a Mayor of Pavia and the passage of an omnibus infrastructure bill that would set up new security programs, create jobs, and overhaul both Pavian and allied infrastructure. The UPP later released a promise, to some pushback, to formalize the Church of t as the established religion of the Empire. Interim PM Cissonius withheld releasing further promises, instead pointing to their record in office since the resignation of PM CedarValiant. Polling indicated a sharp rise in Pavia First support, pushing over 70% approval of the government, and over 60% stating they were likely to vote Pavia First on the first balloting.
As balloting began on June 15, most trends indicated an overwhelming Pavia First victory was on its way. At the same time, it had become increasingly clear that the Renew Party was preparing candidates to retain or assume ministerial roles in a cabinet coalition government alongside PF. Pavians again waited anxiously as the nobility's votes were submitted and tabulated. Finally, State Tabulator Hakr_ released the final totals taken from 24 votes out of 32 eligible, a 75% turnout rate, up from 68% the week before. In the First Round, Cissonius retained the premiership with a supermajority of 14 votes, with BritishWanderer taking 6 for Renew, and Gobblin taking 4 for the UPP. Interim PM Cissonius now possessed a comprehensive, democratic mandate to continue their Pavia First-Renew coalition government.
[[File:Paviamapnew.png|thumb|268x268px|Map of Pavia and her protectorates as of June 19, 2024. Created by Seekinq.]]
===== Second Premiership of Cissonius =====
Now-Prime Minister Cissonius, having been granted the assent of the people and an appointment from the Emperor, set about restructuring their cabinet. The Second Braemar Cabinet maintained the general composition of the First, with several notable changes:
* BritishWanderer, as Secretary of State for Levelling Up and Industrial Affairs (previously Minister for Levelling Up)
* Toaxbis, as Minister of Internal Communications (previously Secretary of State)
* ArtificialDriver, as Chancellor of Pavia
In addition to cabinet restructuring, PM Cissonius' first official act of the term involved the restructuring of the Pavian Coast Guard, beginning with appointment of SirFrenchie as the first Deputy Head of the Coast Guard. This was to be the initial stage in a complete overhaul and reformation of Pavian defense. As the new government took shape, negotiations had formally begun with the Mehri (or Mery) of [[Djani'hweh]] to welcome their people as a protectorate of the Empire. This was finalized on June 19, 2024 with the extension of a protectorate over the Mehri and their lands in the Lyrean Sea region, completing the overland linkage between Pavia proper and the Lambat protectorate to the south.
==Duchies of Pavia==
The Duchies of Pavia represent the land of the highest ranking nobles in Pavia. Duchies are created from a majority vote of the Privy Council, however the Prime Minister controls expansion of the Duchies as the sole arbitrator of the Crownland territories. Dukes retain final-say over their land, with each Duchy acting as a de-facto self governing region of Pavia, with the ability for it'sits own rules, governance and way of life. Splits in the culture and evolution of the typical Pavian architecture is encouraged within Ducal land as a manner of promoting a diverse set of regions across the Empire. DukeDukes also hold the ability to grant portions of their held land to lower nobility, enshrining citizens as 'landed nobility'. These nobles have powers over their own territory much like a Duke possesses, however they lack the same protections, as their title may be stripped, and their lands reabsorbed at any time by the reigning Duke.
All Duchies hold their own flag, title, and coat of arms which are designed by the Bureau of Semiography, these titles, COAs and flags last for as long as the current Duke stays in power, with the emblems shifting as the incumbent house changes. Every Duke of a Pavian Duchy is the original ruler since it's creation via the Magna Pavia or the Privy Council, meaning there are currently no secondary inheritors as of June 2024.
Duchies may be dissolved through a majority plus one vote of the Privy Council, with these voteswhereby the ruling Duke is stripped of their title, and their lands are absorbed back into the Crownland territories. It is generally accepted that Dukes that are removed from power keep any landed or unlanded titles they hold in other Duchies in Pavia.
====Current Duchies & Lower Nobility of Pavia====
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Pavia is ruled by an elected Prime Minister as their Head of Government and an Emperor who acts as the nation's figurehead or Head of State. The Prime Minister is vested with supreme legislative, judicial, and executive powers.<ref name=":2"><nowiki/>from:</ref>
====Monarchial Elections in Pavia====
The serving Head of Government is elected by a majority of the nobility no sooner than every four weeks and no later than every 10 weeks.
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! colspan="2" |Votes
| rowspan="2" |'''<big>B</big><big>ri</big><big>ritishWander</big><big>tishWanderer</big>''' <nowiki/>'''<big>er</big><big>er</big>''' '''<big>I</big>'''
<nowiki/><nowiki/>''<nowiki/>'The''<nowiki/><nowiki/> ''Navigator'''
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| rowspan="2" |'''<big>B</big><big>ri</big><big>ritishWander</big><big>tishWanderer</big>''' <nowiki/>'''<big>er</big><big>er</big>''' '''<big>I</big><big>I</big>'''
''<nowiki/>'Th''<nowiki/><nowiki/>''e'' ''Lawgiver'''
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|'''<big>B</big><big>ritishWandererritishWander</big>'''<nowiki/>'''<big>er</big>'''<nowiki/> '''<big>erI</big>''' <nowiki/>'''<big>I</big><big>II</big>''<br />'''''<nowiki/>''<nowiki/>'The''<nowiki/>''<nowiki/>'' ''VVen''<nowiki/>''er''<nowiki/><nowiki/><nowiki/>''enab''<nowiki/><nowiki/>''erle<nowiki/>ab<nowiki/>le'<nowiki/>''
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|'''<big>B</big><big>ri</big><big>riti</big><big>tishWander</big>'''<nowiki/>'''<big>ershWander</big><big>er</big>''' <nowiki/>'''<big>IV</big>'''
''<nowiki/>'The'' ''Imperial'''
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==== Reform Act Era ====
=== Religion===
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The Bureau of Semiography is responsible for designing and maintaining all heraldic symbols, coats of arms, and flags. The position of the Royal Semiographer is currently inhabited by Hitobashuru, Seigneur of San Selano.
The Heraldry of Pavia is under the purview of the Bureau of Semiography, which is currently led by Hitobashuru. Hitobashuru has been responsible for creating the Coat of Arms for 6 DukedomsDuchies, and 1 Seigneury. The CoAs are made with continual advice from the noble and are made to reflect their traditions, colours, and their attributes.
====Bureau of Architecture====
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===Head of Government===
The Prime Minister, previously the Crown Prince is elected from amongst the reigning Dukes of Pavia by the entirety of Pavia's nobility. The nobility vote anonymously by messaging the State Tabulator their ranked choices for Prime Minister; their choice must be a reigning Duke to be counted as valid. The State tabulatorTabulator then counts the votes and should a candidate receive a simple majority then the election is concluded and they are selected as the head of government for Pavia until their death. If no candidate reaches a majority of votes in the first round, the State Tabulator shall then eliminate the lowest tallied candidate and tabulate second choices. This process repeats until a Duke reaches the majority needed to ascend to the position of Prime Minister.
==Economy ==
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===Recognised Pavian Companies===
====[[ Monument Group]] ====
The [[Monument Group]] is a property management, design and construction company focused on acquiring, designing, constructing and marketing properties in Pavia and surrounding nations, its most important board members are CEO Creepi0n, CFO BritishWanderer and COO Gobblin.
A subsidiary of the larger Monument Group, [[Monument Bank]] (MB) is a multinational financial services company headquartered in Pavia. MB hosts over 300 clients and over 50,000 diamonds in assets as of June 2024. It is the largest bank on CivMC, and the only one to be publicly-traded through its parent company.
'''[[Monument Bank]]'''
A subsidiary of the larger Monument Group, Monument Bank (MB) is a multinational financial services company headquartered in Pavia. MB hosts over 300 clients and over 50,000 diamonds in assets as of June 2024. It is the largest bank on CivMC, and the only one to be publicly-traded through its parent company.
====Artificial Industries====
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{{Eastern Continent}}
[[Category:Four Continent Concordat]]
